Chapter 12: Alone with a Mad doctor

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Shadow found a corpse of a woman in a wheelchair, next to her an audio diary and behind her a poster stating: ' Dr. Steinman's Cosmetic Enhancement  ' which made Shadow scrunch his muzzle in a disgusting matter. He never understood why anyone would change their appearance physical but didn't care. The ebony one picked up the audio diary and was about to tell Sonic but realized that he was in the vita chamber. He huffs, he was stupid for thinking Sonic willing to become Atlas Shrugged as a friend, after all, Sonic probably thought that Atlas is his friend. He shakes off the thoughts when he heard familiar tapping of heels and the stretching of wings.

He turned around to see his old spider splicer friend, Rouge the bat, a woman who killed her baby and then cries about it. She stops in front of him and examines him with strict eyes that were sharp as any eagles were. The bat makes eye contact with his own Ruby red ones, her face expressionless, not knowing how she should feel about the difference her friend made by being with the blue hedgehog. She scoffs and turns around.

" You truly have changed... when I first heard about this, I was in denial... "

Rouge then looks at Shadow sadly, in return, Shadow only gave her an emotionless face.

" That blue hedgehog really can save us if we try not to kill him... though I doubt anyone would try to befriend him. "

The striped hedgehog pushes the bat out of his way, making the bat growl. He turns around on his heels and glares at the filthy bat.

" Well, when are you going to try to persuade me to kill him. "

Shadow's monotonic and deathly glare made the spider splicer uncomfortable as shivers are sent down her spine. Rouge looks him straight in the eyes. 

" No, but later I'll try to kill him... against my own will. "

Before the ebony one could ask what she meant, she flew off. Shadow shook his head, ignoring that weird conversation with his friend as he takes out the audio diary. It was from Dr. Steinman Prowler and it was called Symmetry. Turning it on, the striped hedgehog listens closely to the diary.

" Today I had lunch with the Goddess. ' Steinman, "she said... "I'm here to free you from the tyranny of the commonplace. I'm here to show-  "

Shadow found another corpse and searched it, all the corpse had was money. He didn't care for such things, but he kept it for Sonic as an apology for him. 

" a new kind of beauty. ' I asked her, ' What do you mean goddess? ' ' Symmetry, dear Steinman. It's time we did something about symmetry... '  "

The audio diary then ended, making the hedgehog make a disgusted look. He went over a picked up a pistol and took the bullets from the gun. Damn, there was a whole lotta corpses here, that was one thing for sure. Once he was done searching the corpse, he went along to his next destination. He never knew how quiet Rapture could be without the groans of a Big Daddy, the giggles of a Little Sister, the mumbling between Splicers, and the soft breaths and patter of shoes from Sonic. ' Sonic... ' Shadow sighed, never feeling this guilty before, but quickly shook it off. He couldn't let his guard down, or else he would end up as a dead man, and he couldn't be a dead body yet.

He gets closer to a metal gate, where he spots Dr. Steinman Prowler with an omochao bot, mumbling something. He takes out his pistol and starts shooting at him, as the Fox splicer runs off, leaving Shadow with the omochao bot, which only made him smirked. He quickly pulls the bot down and starts rewiring it, and hacking it while being shot at. Pain doesn't affect him unlike how it does to sane people or Sonic, it's almost non-existent to him. Once done, the gate opens by itself and he goes through it, just to be shot at another machine of the doctor. He makes his way through the bullets and hacks that one too, seeing the doctor's efforts pointless. 

He goes back to a door that was originally at his right, now being on his left and goes through it to see a camera, making the hedgehog groan as he takes out his Electro bolt and destroys it. He was done with hacking for now, as he searches around the room known as Surgical Savings. There was a safe under the camera he destroyed, and now knowing Shadow and his intention of gaining Sonic's trust back, he starts hacking. He smiles, remembering when Sonic tried to hack a safe by himself, thinking it was nice of Sonic that he tried hacking by himself. Chuckling, the ebony hedgehog opens the door and grabbed the contents of the safe.

He grabs the money from the cash register nearby and then an EVE bottle, quickly stabbing it into his hand so his plasmids would work. He found an audio diary nearby and grabbed to take a quick listen to it, again, it was made by the one and only, Steinman Prowler. It being titled Cosmos walking.

" Cosmos is walking the halls- shimmering, like a scalpel... ' Prowler. ' she calls, ' Prowler! I have what you are looking for! Just open your eyes! ' And when I see her, she cuts me into a thousand beautiful pieces. "

Shadow sighs, he wasn't surprised that the young fox started going insane, most people do when in Rapture for too long. This was the reason why he wants to protect Sonic because is afraid that, he too, will go insane like most of Rapture's residents did. Going back out to the Surgical Foyer, he finds a hole in the wall and grabs its treasures. Keeping the EVE he got from the hole for Sonic, for he needs it when he comes out of the vita chamber. Going towards a sign that says the same thing like it did in the last chapter before they went into the glass tunnel, and goes through the door on his right into Aesthetic Ideals. Grabbing some bullets and searching some storage boxes, he makes his way to glass window where the young, orange fox was doing something to red, female fox.

" What can I do with this one, Cosmos? She WON'T. STAY. STILL! " 

As he says that, he stabs her three times, killing the red fox splicer on the operating table. He then starts sobbing. 

" I want to make them beautiful, but they always turn out wrong! " 

He stabs the corpse again, making Shadow back up. He couldn't believe that he acted like that once. 

" That one... too fat! This one... too tall. This one... too symmetrical! " 

He yells as lights light up on the other three bodies he was referring to.

" And now- What's this, goddess? An intruder! He's ugly! Ugly ugly UGLY! " 

The mad fox quickly grabs out his machine gun and starts shooting the window. Shadow made a quick dodge and starts shooting at the child doctor, using his Electro bolt to shock him than his Telekineses to throw stuff at him. The omochao bot started shooting at him as some bullets did hit him, but the doctor had a messy aim, while Shadow, on the other hand, had a very clean aim and always made a perfect shot. Electrocuting him, he shoots a few more bullets as they constantly move around the surgical room. Finally killing the doctor, he quickly picked up the machine gun. With a smirk on his face, he picks what he and Sonic needed: The Key. 

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