Chapter 32: Revival of an Angel

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" Happy Birthday, Sonic! "

Sonic wagged his tail happily and looked down at the candles below him. He blew on them as everyone cheered. Manic, a green hedgehog with wild bangs and Sonia, a magenta hedgehog who was a perfectionist with calm hair rushed to his side.

" Would you kindly tell us what you wish for!? "

They begged the blue hedgehog. Sonic only smiled.

" I wished for... "


" Sonic! Your quills are a goddamn mess! Would you kindly brush your quills every day? "

Sonic only gives a cheeky smile at his mother.

" Yeah, sorry for that sis. "


" Sonic... "

The blue hedgehog stood by the bedside of his dying father. Emerald green eyes stared sadly at the dying mobian in front of him.

" Yes, Father? "

Weakly, the pale blue hedgehog whose brown tuft of hair had fallen out a long time ago. With his brown eyes clinging on to the last bit of life they could.

" Would you kindly... travel the world for me? "

Sonic sighs, holding back tears.

" Of course... "


" Sonny boy! "

Sonic runs over happily, a big goofy smile on his face.

" Yes, Uncle Chuck? "

" Would you kindly go grab my wrench? "

Sonic nods as he goes to grab his wrench.


" Aunty Bernadette? "

" Yes, dear? "

The blue hedgehog looked at his feet before looking at his kind aunt.

" Why do you guys say ' Would you kindly ' whenever you need me to do something? "

" ... You don't need to know... "


Why did Sonic feel like he was falling before it stopped? He opened his eyes, and he was only greeted with darkness. Was he dead? Was his life really taken away? Before he could see his family again? Before he could at least confess his feelings to Shadow so he didn't have to have an emotional crisis anymore? He... he couldn't see Shadow anymore. He didn't feel sad but he raised a hand to his face and pulled away to feel wetness. He was crying, he was crying about Shadow. The ebony hedgehog started to make him cry instead of his own family.

" Heh... feelings are so bloody weird. "

Sonic looks up to see a mirror, as he decides to go through it. It was Shadow, his guard down as he sat in front of the Vita chamber. While in the Vita chamber, it was his body healing. It felt like a flood was coming out of his eyes as he furiously rubbed them.

" Why? Why do you make me feel like this!? I know it won't end well, I know you won't come along. ... But... Why do I love you? "

The blue hedgehog knows that the ebony one can't hear him. He knew he was being really cheesy but it was all true. For the first time, Sonic felt like someone really cared for him...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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