Chapter 20: Research Camera

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// Fun Fact: The Gameplay I'm using to help me with this book is 7:40:08 long, I am only in 1:31:11 into the Gameplay. That doesn't count original stuff I add into the book so this will be a looooooooonnnnngggg book. //

Sonic turned the audio diary on. It was by Sullivan again.

" Hanging now, it is? That's what we come to? Now look, I don't make the laws here, I just enforce them. But I didn't come to Rapture to string men up for running contraband. If Ryan and his crew their law, then they can have my badge. "

There was a safe by the desk Sonic stood by. He squats down and tries to hack it, and after a while, Sonic threw his hands up in victory as he cheers! The blue hedgehog finally did it, he hacked a safe without the help of Shadow! He pants, tired from him being tense that he would be shocked, a bit before he opens the safe and grabbed the stuff that was inside it. He leaves the room just as Shadow had killed a splicer and along turret that used bombs that helped. Sonic and Shadow just stared at each other and nodded, going towards a locked gate as the ebony hedgehog used his pistol and shoot it opened. 

" You go through here, I got some turrets over there. "

Sonic nods as Shadow runs through a small opening that looks like it had two prison cells, one on the left and the other on the right. Shadow hacked one turret and goes over to where it looks like a wall had collapsed on itself, having a red sign reveal itself. Before the turret that wasn't hacked had a chance to shoot at Shadow, he had already used Electro Bolt to make it stop working for a bit as he goes ahead and hacks it. As Shadow tries to get into the room through another away, the alarms started to go off. He assumed it was Sonic but when he saw the camera on him, he muttered a ' shit  ' under his breath. 

The ebony one squats down and crawls through the hole in the wall. Once he stood up, it stopped, assuming that Sonic had turned the security off as he searches the room. Looking through file cabinets while he also grabbed some ammo that he found laying around the room. He gets done and finds a door that looked like the on that was blocked earlier, deciding to go into the room. He hears a splicer singing and looks into the big window to his right, then, in front of him, was the research camera that he and Sonic were looking for. It was dark and he himself was black, so, the splicer did not, luckily, see him through the window. 

Shadow picks up the research camera and turned himself towards the window. He gets into a comfortable position as he tries to get a perfect picture. Sonic walks into the room, seeing Shadow with the research camera as he sits next to him, watching him. Sonic's radio made it's usual loud buzzing noise, reminding them that both hedgehogs that they are not alone and that they are always being watched through something. Of course, it was Knuckles Wilkins that was contacting them since Shadow did find the research camera.

" Good, you both got the camera. Now get me some snap snaps of those spider splicers! And don't come back down here 'till you got my research. "

Shadow takes a picture of the spider splicer as he fans the picture, looking at it as he got a big fat C on his picture. The ebony one grunts and glares at the photo as Sonic makes a notice.

" So, that's why it's called a research camera. Huh, how interesting. "

Shadow gives a mumbled, yes that almost sounded like a growl but then he turns the picture around to see the weakness of spider splicers.

Spider Splicers are vunerable to antipersonnel rounds.

Sonic smiled as he says sweet in a excited way. Shadow takes another picture of the splicer, getting another C but also up in the the corner, he gotten a penatly for already taking a picture of the subject. Angry grumbles were heard under Shadow's breath as Sonic looks over the ebony one's shoulder. Sonic asked if he could try it out, and Shadow smiled as he gives the blue hedeghog the camera. Before the the blue hedgie could take a picture of the spider splicer, it jumped into the ceiling and crawled away through the hole in it. Sonic frowns as Shadow reassure the blue hedgehog that they'll will find another spider splicer for him to be able to take a picture of it. 

They leave the room, then they heard a loud explosion with someone screaming. Soon, came running out a splicer on fire as Shadow started shooting while Sonic took a picture of him. He fans the picture and saw that he had gotten a B score on it, so he flipped it around to see the description/weakness of this type of splicer. It was a splicer called a ' Leadhead ' splicer and then reads the weakness.

Leadhead Splicers are vunerable to antipersonnel rounds.

" Shadow! It's a Leadhead splicer, and it's weak with antipersonnel rounds! "

Shadow nods as he switches his rounds as he shoots the leadhead splicer with them, seeing the splicer die quickly. Shadow grabbed Sonic's hand and got out there quickly but the blue hedgehog stopped him, saying he had a better way to get out of there. He points at the fallen Gatherer's Garden that broke a window. The ebony hedeghog nodded and jumped on to the platform, while Sonic grabbed a plasmid that looked like it was able to fall off it. It was called Security Bullseye and Sonic looked at Shadow with a smirk. The blue hedgehog reads what this plasmid does.

Are those pesky security cameras getting you down? Simply tag your enemies with our photoelectric // Definition: characterized by or involving the emission of electrons from a surface by the action of light. // insects and those cameras and turrets become your best friend. Splice Security Bullseye today! 

Sonic let's Shadow read the lable as he smiles, of relief, giving him the plasmid.

" This... will save me from a lot hacking. "

" Then you have it, Shadz! "

Shadow was surprised, Sonic was willing to give him a plasmid he just found. Then again, Sonic was a kind soul, so he was grateful to meet someone like him. He injects the plasmid into him as the blue hedgehog gives him a confused look. Shadow made a hmmm fore Sonic to respond to.

" Oh! It's just, you can have more than 2 plasmids? "

Shadow gives him a ' are you serious? ' look as the blue one blushes, realizing his mistake as he coyly looks away and mutters a sorry. They both look down and jump down onto the Lower Wharf. Shadow runs over to the turret and starts hacking it as Sonic shoots a nearby splicer and security camera. The blue hedgehog spots a nearby crate with an audio diary, as he picks it up and checks it out, seeing that it was made by Tenenbaum.

" This little sea slug has come along and glued together all the crazy ideas I've had since the war... It doesn't just heal damaged cells... it resurrects them...I can bend the helix... Black can be reborn white, tall shorts. Weak, strong... but the slugs alone are not enough... I'll need money... and one other thing... "

" That one other thing was little girls... "

Sonic muttered under his breath. Jesus, most of these audio diaries have a very dark undertone to them, no wonder why most of the people went insane. It was because the people who came here were mostly dark, morbid people. He looks at Shadow, as he rethinks his thoughts, maybe the citizens were sane and normal but the higher ups were dark and morbid? Sonic shook his thoughts away and went over to Shadow, who was hacking a vending machine. It put a smile to his face, maybe he was seeing Shadow something a little more than a friend...

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