Chapter 2: Newly Plasmid

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Sonic soon woke up and got up. His vision was a bit blurry but it soon came back to him. Atlas came back on, so it seemed.

" You alright, boyo? First time plasmid's a real kick from a mule.'s nothing like a fistfull of lightning, now, is there? "

Sonic goes up to the door with busted button. He used his, now covered in electricity, left hand and shot a bolt towards the button. He was shocked, yet amazed at his new power. This was quite overwhelming for the blue hedgehog.

The door opened as he smiled, giving off a confident look and feel. He went through it and into the tunnel. He looked around, seeing the city itself,  all types of fish swimming by, and all other types of sea creatures. He wondered why the city was in the state it was now in. It was quite a beautiful city.

He suddenly felt shaking. He looked towards his left and there was a peice of the plane coming towards the tunnel he was in! It crashed into the tube, causing him to almost lose his balance. It crashed into the tunnel, causing some water to rush in. He made his way to the broken peice of plane and went inside it.

Sonic got out from the plane and made his way through the tunnel. His shoes and pants were soggy from the water as he made his way to the end of the tunnel. Some cracks in the glass cause water to be sprayed into his face. There was a door to his left but he couldn't open it until he saw another door straight ahead.

He went up the few steps of stairs and got out of the water. He sighed and gone through the automatic opening door. He saw another door straight ahead but decided to scavenged the area he was in before leaving. He found a bag of chips and, with a hungry stomach and a drooling mouth, opened it. He quickly shoved the, probably out of date, chips into mouth like if he was some sort of feral animal that hadn't had food in weeks.

Once he was finished, he went and found some EVE and searched a corpse. He then searched the trash can. When he was finished with one peice of the area, he went to go to the other until he saw a splicer quickly run by. Fear took over, but he quickly calm himself and stayed confident.

" Splicer! Give 'em the combo-zap 'em then whack 'em. One-two punch! Remember, the one-two punch! "

Sonic smiled to himself. This Atlas person was quite funny, but he had to keep his guard up. He went to the other area and zapped the incoming splicer, who was green hawk, then hit him with his wrench. He panted and wipped the sweat off his forehead. He searched the, now, corpse and looked around the area.

It was was a strange glowing aqua blue tube that read " Vita tube ". He wondered what it was for... He gone through the automatic door and there was another splicer! He zapped the purple weasel and hit him. He then proceeded to search him, only to find EVE and first aid.

Sonic went up the flight of stairs and into what seemed to be an elevator area. His ears flickered, he heard a voice. Then, an elevator in flames came down and crashed, he still heard a voice. He sighed and rubbed his templetes. The people of Rapture sure do like to set things on fire, don't they?

He was about to go through the door when suddenly, to no surprise, there was a splicer on fire. This time, the splicer was human, but it didn't matter and proceeded to kill, already dying, splicer. This was starting to get annoying and boring by Sonic's standards. He searched the corpse once the flames died down and went to the elevator area.

He went into the functioning elevator and pressed the button. As he went up, he saw the ruins of Rapture and sighed. He saw a female human splicer trying to get inside somewhere on the floor above base floor he was just on. There was buzz of the short wave-radio.

" Listen – I've got a family. I need to get them out of here. But the Splicers have cut me off from them. If you can reach them in Neptune's Bounty, then maybe, just maybe... "

He listened to the heart-wrenching speech that Atlas was giving. He looked down at his feet, poor Atlas and his poor family. He really wanted to help Atlas now... no... he NEEDED to help them.

" I know you must feel like the unluckiest hedgehog in the world right now, but you're the only hope I'll ever see my wife and child again. Go to Neptune's Bounty... Find my family... Please. "

" Alright Atlas, I will. "

Sonic muttered under his breathe as the elevator continued to go up. It was quite rickety, but it wouldn't give in into itself. He stepped off from the elevator.

Sonic needed to help Atlas and his family while escaping this pretty much hell-hole of a city. There was a new part to Sonic's plan to leaving Rapture.

Published: September 23, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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