Chapter 18: Angry Sonic

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// Oof, I'll do the Pic for this Chapter later...

Both hedgehogs left the area that was being barricaded off from the outside of the Lower Wharf. They heard laughing and talking, as Sonic looked at Shadow who had an intense look of murder on his face. Shadow knew what he had to do now, as he jumped down, took out his machine gun and started shooting like a the crazy splicer he was. Sonic was able to sneak by without a care and go to the upper parts of the building. Shadow searched the corpses as he went along the flooded part of the building, seeing a keycode and a closed off part of the place. Instead of normally solving the keycode with the password, he starts hacking at it, like he usually does.

He gets done hacking and the gate finally opens for him, as he explores the place. He collected the normal things that were important like the first aid kit and stuff. Shadow sees an audio diary laying on the floor, proped up against a crate, so he picks it up and turns it on so he could listen to it. It was by a man named Sullivan.

" Mr. Ryan asked me personally to make this clear to you. You give us Fontaine, and this whole filthy ring of his, and you'll be knocking back pints up at the Fighting McDonaghs. Bur if you prefer to play the mule... we'll treat you like a mule... Give him a taste, Patrick... "

There was sudden screaming from the man who was being interagated by Sullivan. It didn't surprised Shadow much though since he heard about this way too many times before Rapture fell into a distopia about the smuggler ring. 

" Oh, what's that? Change of heart Timmy? Timmy? Ready to talk now?  " 

Shadow heard the pained grunts of Timmy as he spoke up.

" Go on, Sullivan... go on and do your dirty!... Whatever Ryan thinks he can do to me, Fontaine can do double!  "

The audio diary ends there as he makes his way to where Sonic was. Shadow knew now he wouldn't get that specific audio diary out of his head now, it would be in his head until he somehow stops thinking about it. Shadow went to a nearby Circus of Value and started hacking it to get cheaper stuff from it. He didn't like how everything was so pricey, so he would make the items as cheap as he wants them to be. He gets some first aid kits and some iron peircing bullets for when they fight a Big Daddy.

He goes up to see Sonic backing up, crowbar in hand, ran out EVE for plasmid, and no bullets as a splicer comes closer and closer to him near the Gatherer's Garden. Shadow took out his pistol and shot at the splicer a few times, killing him.

" Seems like ol' Knuckles knows where to find a research camera. He seems a decent enough sort. No doubt he'll wait until after you've done his errands to stick a siv in your belly. "

Sonic gives a smile and mouths a thank you to Shadow as he stretches, giving the ebony a chance to take off Sonic's bloody sweater he has been wearing and put it on him. Now, this scared the blue hedgehog so much his quills sharpen and stuck up, making it look like he just woke up from bed. Of course, this made Shadow tear up as he tries to surpress his laugh, only making small snickers and snorts. Sonic pouted and crossed his arms, tapping his foot agressively against the ground, giving his partner a death glare. 

" Jesus fuckin' Christ Shadow! You should've warn me before doing something like that! " 

" Your reaction... Is fucking priceless... "

Suddenly, the ebony hedgehog burst into laughter, clutching his stomach as he wheeze, snorted, and overall, sounded like he was dying. // What I am describing is my ugly laugh lol. // Sonic huffed and rolled his eyes at the childish-behaving splicer hedgehog in front of him. His ears perked up as Shadow finally started to calm down, and once he finally did calm down, the ebony one's ears perked up as well. 

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