Chapter 8: Shadow has join the team!

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// I'll make a drawing soon for this chapter.

Edit: HRRRMMM, okay, so, I will do it but I need to do it after some Request I'm doing for some Instagram followers.

He turned to his left for the doors to open. He saw a desk with two water canisters. He grabbed the two water canisters and started to drink the water like there was no tomorrow. He made a refreshing sound once done with his drink. He looks around his area, it was almost like an old office/home workplace area.

There was a photo of a woman with an auto diary underneath it. Sonic smiled, he hadn't had one of these babies in a long time. He picks it up and decides to listen to the recording. It was Dr. Tails Steinman Prowler!

" When Picasso became bored of painting people, he started representing them as cubes and other abstract forms. The world called him a genius! I've spent my entire surgical career creating the same, tired shapes, over and over again: the upturned nose, the cleft chin, the ample bosom. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could do with a knife what that old Spaniard did with a brush? "

He shivers. Something about a child sounding Mobian that is talking about murder and that weird surgical stuff is creepy and disturbing to one's mind. He walks over to an open door that leads into another area. He takes a look around, seeing the dirty walls and the torn posters that were hung up in 1959. He then comes across an audio diary and picks it up, checking who it was from. It was from Shadow! Looks like his name was Shadow Robotnik-Doom. That's cool that he has two last names. He turns it on.

" Is this thing on? Good. Hello, I am Shadow, Shadow Robotnik-Doom. In the events that are happening, I'll shall record this for the future listener.  What is happening in Rapture right now is ... strange to say. Mostly everyone is going crazy for ADAM and have started to kill each other. Gerald just says that they are addicted and because of this, they have become uncivilized. I have been protecting Maria from them and the ADAM but it has seemed that I have failed, for the psychiatrist has taken her and I have not seen her since. Gerald wants to inject ADAM into me to see what happens, but I might become like them. I do not have much time now, I must leave soon, but if anyone is hearing, please try to save me from the madness that I will soon fall into. Sincerely, Shadow Robotnik-Doom. "

The audio ends, leaving Sonic with tears, that he could not feel, falling down his face. He soon becomes determined to save Shadow, and with that, he puts his audio diary in his quills. Usually, he throws them out since they were useless to him now but this one was important. He makes his way into another area and takes a look around in it. There were stairs, but next to them was a female mobian cat that was cautiously walking around with a pistol. He takes out his pistol and starts shooting at. The mobian screeches in pain as she turns around, yelling nonsense as she shot at him. Sonic hid around the corner while shooting at her, and after a few rounds later, she was dead. 

He hears Andrew Ryan come on but doesn't care as he focuses on the task at hand. He goes to the stairs to see a sign that says ' Dental: services area ' as he goes down the steps to see a passage blocked with ice. Luckily, he had his handy-dandy Incinerate at hand, no puns intended,  as he blasts it, instantly making it melt. He goes over to a small area with some storage crates and searches them before making his way towards the entrance that was next to a vending machine and switches his plasmids so he had out Electro Bolt. The door was jammed so he uses some electricity so the switch that opened the door was now unjammed. 

It was a supply room, as the sign read from over the door. He went inside the small room and searched the desk, at the food and drank the coffee he found. He picked up a machine gun round before looking over at the beer bottles. Sonic felt like he was a raccoon, scavenging through trash, and it made him personally sick to his stomach. Now, Sonic doesn't drink for many reasons, but being down here in the city of Rapture had stressed him out, and didn't care if he got tipsy or even drunk. Sonic chugged down one bottle, then the second one, then lastly, he finished off the last one of the nineth bottle. 

At this point, he was a drunk mobian who couldn't walk properly. He wobbled and clung to the wall for support. He hiccuped and laugh as he tried to make his way out of the room. He came face to face with a female splicer who started to beat him, making him whimper as he held his hands out for protection. There was a loud, piercing sound of a pistol being fired, as the female splicer dropped dead. There, in the doorway, stood an ebony splicer who took off his mask and looked at the pathetic, drunk hedgehog in front of him. 

He growls as he picks him up and carries, grumbling to himself. 

" He better pay me back by giving me- " 

Just then, he heard something fall out with a clank. He turned around and saw an audio diary. Being curious about why this surface person was carrying around an audio diary. He picks up and takes a listen to it. He drops it, realizing it was his audio diary as he looks over his shoulder to the now sleeping hedgehog on his back. This surface person, who now, knew about a bit of his past wanted to save him? How else was he suppose to think on why he was carrying his audio diary. Shadow started to rethink on murdering this hedgehog. Maybe keeping him around for longer wouldn't hurt. He walked over to the entrance that the drunk hedgehog had cleared earlier.

Shadow walked along it until spotting an audio diary. He picks it up and decides to listen to it, even if Sonic wasn't awake. After all, he can give him a summary of all the audio diaries that he couldn't be awake for. He plays it. 

Steinman, I know Medical Pavilion is your manor, but you might want to cogitate on this: ocean water is colder than a witch's tit. You don't heat the pipes, the pipes freeze. Pipes freeze, pipes burst. Then leaks. Now, I realize you're a posh sort of geezer, and, frankly, I don't give a toss if you piss or go fishing. But once Rapture starts leaking, the old girl's never gonna stop. And then I'll be sure to tell Ryan he's got you to thank. "  

Now, this audio diary he found was unnecessary to tell Sonic because it's just a man complaining. The audio diary was made by a man named McDonagh, so, thanks a lot for your useless information, McDonagh, Shadow thought. There was a doctor splicer that was attacking him, so he sets Sonic down and takes out his pistol, firing a few times before noticing that he was dead. Sonic groaned, waking up from the shots of Shadow's pistol and his hangovers as he holds his head in pain. He looks up and sees Shadow and gasped, backing up a bit. 

" It's you! "

" Of course it's me, ya bast- er, Surface person! "

Sonic furrowed his brows. Did he... stop himself from saying ...bastard? And he wasn't trying to kill him right now? Sonic scratched his head in confusion.

" You're not trying to kill me? "

" ... no, not now, at least. I am going to get ye out of 'ere, but get on my nerve, and you get a bullet to the head. "

Sonic shivered, note to self: don't, scratch that, NEVER get on Shadow's nerve. Shadow helps him up and they make their way through the place. They go through doors with signs that said ' Kure All! '. As they go in, Sonic immediately notices a Tonic behind closed doors as Shadow Electrocutes a Turret and goes over to hack it. He smiles, with Shadow on his side, maybe, just maybe he'll get a chance to be with him and they can escape this place hell... together.

Published: November 9, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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