Chapter 11: Meeting Dr. Miles " Tails " Steinman Prowler

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Sonic left the room to see Shadow still working on the camera, making him search the desk before going to the other room. He went behind it and found some EVE and a pep bar, which he gladly opened and ate it. He took a look at Shadow again, now noticing that he barely wore his rabbit mask anymore. He didn't mind though, he liked Shadow's face, and glad it wasn't mutated or ugly like any other splicer face was. Sonic then turned around and went into the other room, just to see another camera and quickly hid behind the wall. 

The blue hedgehog wasn't going to take any chances as he took out his wrench and hit it before the camera exploded on him. Sonic fell to his butt onto the water covered floor room, groaning as he got up. He was completely fine with soggy socks and wet shoes but now a wet ass? Clearly, luck was not on his side right at this moment. He sees a safe in front of him, and see that Shadow wasn't done, he made it his job to hack the safe.

Oh boy, he did not know the consequences of trying to hack a safe.

Over, and over, and over again, Sonic kept getting shocked from the safe from hacking. His hands shaking from the many failed attempts of trying to unlock the safe. There was a pipe system, and you had to quickly replace the tubes so they lead to a glowing arrow before the strange aqua green liquid gets to a pipe your working on. How in the world Shadow was able to do this with such ease was beyond Sonic's knowledge. He heard footsteps and the splashing of water and turned around to see Shadow.

All he did was an ' I tried to do this but I kept fucking up, sorry ' face. Shadow only shakes his head side to side, chuckling as he gives Sonic some bandages for his hands.

" Don't worry, hacking safes are the hardest ones to hack. "

Sonic than felt stupid, and looked down at his face as Shadow easily hacked it. The ebony one turned around and bandaged Sonic's hand and in response, the azure one just laughs awkwardly. Once Shadow was done bandaging his wounds, Sonic goes around and searches the place as Shadow reloads his trusty pistol. Shadow looks over to Sonic and makes a quiet sigh, for someone who hasn't been born or lived in Rapture, he sure adapted quickly to his surroundings. 

Once done with Chompers dental, both hedgehogs left while holding hands. Shadow saw this as a way to protect Sonic temporarily since when Sonic tried to hold his wrench, it hurt to put any pressure on his hands. Sonic, on the other hand, saw this as a very different action from the way his face looked like a tomato. Heading towards their destination, both hedgies were silent the whole way. Making their way through an icy hallway, Sonic shivered a bit before they went up a flight of stairs before Shadow spoke a word. 

" Get behind me, Faker. "

There were footsteps that definitely wasn't from them. Sonic didn't want to get behind Shadow, he wasn't some type a girl that needed a " strong man " to help him. He was a man, he survived Rapture so far, he didn't drown during the plane crash. He took out his shotgun, and as much as it hurt his hands, he started shooting the splicer. Shadow, who was shooting the splicer originally, turned around and saw Sonic shooting.

" What the hell, Faker! I told you to get behind me! "

" I ain't some lady, Shadz! I can ignore the little bit of pain there is! "

The blue one said as he reloads, the splicer now being dead on the ground. Shadow looks at Sonic with a light tint on his cheek, not expecting someone who has curves on his body to be strong. He smirks, he really was glad that he didn't kill this surfacer off when he had the chance. Sonic searches the body before looking at towards one of the many automatic doors that had signs that said ' SURGERY '. Big, bright neon letters hung above the door, and when up close said ' Dr. Steinman's Aesthetic Talents ' and knew this was the door he had to go through that door to probably meet Dr. Steinman Prowler.

Walking down the long tunnel, he looked around him to see the city bright, yet abandoned and sea life swimming along. It really made him breathless, as beautiful as the city was on the outside, it was hideous on the inside. Ahead of him was a T.V on a pole, but before he could move any forward, Shadow tugged his arm and turned left. 

" Stupid door won't budge. "

Sonic's ears flickered, hearing the growls from Shadow but also heard groans. Looking through the glass, there was another tunnel with glass walls and ceilings. There was a little girl, who looked like a raccoon with glowing yellow eyes, glowing red substance he assumed was ADAM in a bottle connect to a needle. Looking behind her, he saw a big metal thing that looked like it had 6 glowing, yellow eyes and a drill for a right arm. He didn't sense Shadow behind him who looked at them.

" That's a Big Daddy with his Little Sister. They're littered around the place, the Big Daddies protect the Little Sisters from us Splicers who want the ADAM. " 

Shadow looked to his right, away from Sonic. The blue hedgehog looked at Shadow with sympathy and put a hand on his shoulder. He gave a caring, kind smile and looked at Shadow deep into his eyes. 

" I don't think you're like those monsters in this city. At first, you were but you've changed, for the better. " 

The ebony one only smiles at the azure's one kind words. They felt the shaking from the pounding feet of the Big Daddy but didn't care as the two hedgehogs made their way to the end of the hallway. They go through the door and go into Surgical Foyer, seeing two pictures of a woman, on the left she was bald and the right she was pretty. On the right picture were bloody words that said ' Perfect  '. Then, they both heard it, a voice that sounded that belong to a child's. Both Shadow and Sonic peaked around the corner and there was a young fox who wore a red doctor's clothing who's two tails swayed. He was doing something to a corpse that Sonic didn't want to know but Shadow already knew.

" It's Dr. Steinman Prowler! "

Sonic whispered loudly to his ebony counterpart as Shadow took out his pistol and shot at the insane doctor. The fox looked at them before leaving through the sliding doors as Sonic had taken out his shotgun. He and Shadow heard the blue one's radio turn on. 

" You'll have to find some way to get through to surgery... and Steinman. Chin up, now. The Lord hates a quitter. "

Shadow glares at Sonic as Sonic gives a confused look. Shadow pointed his gun at Sonic, making the blue one back up in fear and confusion.

" S-Shadow? Why is that p-pistol pointed at me? "


As Shadow continues to yell at Sonic, green eyes dart towards a noise to see Dr. Steinman Prowler was about to throw something at Shadow. Taking this chance to redeem himself, Sonic pushes Shadow out of the way, in turn, getting caught in the explosion. Shadow's eyes widen as he sees that his friend, dead on the floor. He growls at Steinman as he quickly picks Sonic's body and puts it in a vita chamber, a tube that can bring someone back from the dead. Shadow turns around.

" Sorry Sonic, I gotta go on without for you bit. I'm sorry for yelling at you... my friend. "

And with that, Shadow takes out his telekinesis, catches a bomb from Dr. Steinman Prowler and threw at the debris that was in the way of the other side. Soon, leaving the room with a body left in the vita chamber.

Published: January 7, 2019

Update: August 6, 2019

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