Chapter 7: Getting Incinerate

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Sonic went around and spots a corpse on the tray. Below its feet was like a hot, firey oven. He checks the corpse before playfully pushing it on, watching it as it burned. It was surprisingly pleasant and filled Sonic with content as he watches the body crisp into ash. The flames roared as Sonic decides to look around for the passing of time. He sees some pistol rounds and grabs it as he searches a cabinet. He turns around to see the tray come out of the furnace to see a jar with blue liquid in it. He grabs it and checks it out.

It was a Physical Tonic called Hacker's delight. This perks up his curiosity, as he turns the bottle around to read the description on the label.

With Hacker's Delight, your body converts the altered current from a hacked machine into a powerful, healing agent. Hack and heal!

Sonic found this useful, so, he tucks it away into his quills. He walks away from the furnace and into the area where he hacked the camera to a nearby set of stairs. He looks out the window to see the sea life swimming and the rest of the city. Who would've guessed that he would be down here, in an underwater city. It almost seemed impossible, like a wild dream.

He walks up the stairs, taking quite a few turns here and there. Until he heard some giggles of a feminine voice. No doubt it was a splicer but he heard another voice. It was very... masculine ...voice. He noticed that it was the bat splicer he met a while back and that... handsome hedgehog splicer. Sonic shook his head, what the hell was wrong with him?? He couldn't hold feelings for a literal drug addict! But... there was something about Shadow that was different, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

Sonic was curious about the conversation they were having. Certainly, he was surprised that they weren't trying to kill each other over ADAM. Maybe they were good friends before this whole addiction thing? Sonic listened carefully behind the wall, peeking out when it was necessary.

" Shadow, maybe this ... non-splicer has ADAM he has keeping away. If you just pretend to befriend hi- "

Sonic was confused on non-splicer until he realized it was him. He facepalms himself for his stupidity until hearing a deep growl.

" That fuckin' bastard knocked me unconscious! And if the bastard does, but he ain' gonna give it to some splicer, he clearly knows we can kill 'im! "

" What if you ... apologized for yer actions hun? Maybe then he will forgive you since he is a surface person, from what I heard, they are very polite. "

Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were going to trick him so they can kill him off and snatch his ADAM! And he felt something towards one of them! He quietly slid down on to his bottom. How can he be like this! This was a splicer, and they meant bad! But his heart told him otherwise. He liked Shadow, but he had to put his feelings away for someone else because Shadow is goddamn-!

" So you were watching us, weren't you? You dirty BASTARD! "

Shadow threw his wrench at Sonic as he dodged it. He had to attack him with both his guard down and feelings out. He saw Rouge grabbed his arm as they both seem to ... disappeared. Sonic breathed heavily before getting up and walking into the new area. He looked around with his pistol out as he hears a security camera somewhere. He saw a little-cubed room with a door that had gasoline around the door. He went around as there were some bulky doors, one of them holding a machine gun round.

There was a vent, but it was a strange little vent like if someone was supposed to go in it. He walked away from it and decide to check out the small, cubed room. He couldn't go in through the doors, but there was a vent that lost its metal covering. Sonic squatted down and duck waddled inside the room. He heard the oh, so familiar radio come on from an oh, so familiar " friend " he knew by the name of Andrew Ryan.

" A parasite wonders the halls. We rebuild our city, and doubters send a fly to spoil our ointment. One thousand ADAM to the man or woman who pins its wings. "

He listens to as he grabs the bottle of a plasmid. Sonic gulped, shivering at the thought of feeling that kind of pain once more. He looks at the labeling of this new plasmid: Incinerate. Oh boy, this is playing with fire, literally. He reads the description of this new plasmid he will have to inject into his body once more.

Incineration: When it absolutely positively has to erupt in flames, don't wait -- Incinerate!

He did not like the sound of that, With trembling hands, he opens the bottle and takes the syringe. He takes some of the plasmid, and with a shaky hand, stabs it into his wrist. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain. After a minute or so, Sonic was absolutely relieved he didn't have to go through hell again. He saw his left hand in flames as the voices of splicers could be heard in the distance. He looks over the glass to see the splicers trying to smash their way in!

He looks around while mumbling shit a whole bunch of times until his eyes landed on the gasoline. He smirked and used the Incinerate plasmid of his.


Sonic yells, his voice a bit hoarse from not using it down here often. He watches the splicers scream as they burn into a crisp. He went over to the desk and grabs some bandages and an EVE bottle. He searched the file cabinet when a voice he was glad to hear came on, Atlas.

" All roads in Rapture lead to Ryan. The security, the splicers, the Big Daddies, the Little Sisters: he pumps some kind of chemical scent into the air, pheromones they call it, makes them dance to his tune. "

He waits for the fire to calm down before duck walking out the vent again. He checks the corpses, mostly getting money out of it. He sees another pair of stairs nearby and walks merrily down the steps. What had happened almost an hour ago with Shadow and Rouge, was completely forgotten by the blue hedgie. 

Published: November 8, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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