Chapter 19: Too many Cameras

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Sonic had found an audio diary nearby, as Shadow had stated that he found a secret passage underneath the floors. He turns it on to, making a small gasp while reading on who made the audio diary. 

Andrew Ryan. 

" Something must be done about Fontaine. While I was buying buildings and fish futures, he was cornering the market on genotypes // Definition: the genetic constitution of an individual organism. Often contrasted with phenotypes. Definition of phenotypes: the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. // and nucleotide  // Definition: a compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group. Nucleotides form the basic structural unit of nucleic acids such as DNA. // sequences. Rapture is transforming before my eyes. The Great Chain is pulling away from me. Prehaps it's time to give it a tug.

Shadow wipes the blood off his face and walks to where Sonic is, to see him with a shocked face and with raised brow, he goes over to him.

" Hey Faker, are you okay. "

" I just found an audio diary of Andrew Ryan, and he sounds so... menacing. "

Shadow nods, rubbing his shoulders to calm him down. Going up the stairs, both hedgehogs, they turn to their right, going into this machinery like place. There was steam and machines still working after everyone went crazy, it made the blue hedgehog wonder on who was working on the machinery. They make a quick right turn than left to go up another pair of stairs, as Sonic looked around the place with wonder and curiousity. Shadow only smiled at the sparkles in the blue hedgehog, though he thought this wasn't really the place to get all stary-eyed. They make a quick left and go through a door, going into a short tunnel with gernades for the gernade launcher Sonic got.

He picked up the money that he spotted along with some ammunition for the machine gun. Sonic then goes through the door with Shadow, both spotting a Rosie and a splicer that started shooting at them. Shadow starts shooting at the splicer as Sonic prepares for their fight against the Rosie Big Daddy. They were in the Upper Wharf now, and with the splicer being dead, the two could now take on the Rosie type, that was until Shadow pushed Sonic into a safe area.

" I'll fight the Rosie and bring the child to you when I am done, you just go find the camera. "

" Is this because of my wounds!? I am perfectly cable of fighting with you. "

" You got a mission to do, do it, Hedgehog 

Sonic flinched at Shadow's harsh tone, but saw that he was just doing this to protect Sonic, which made him smile. Sonic went off to explore the place, luckily, when they went into the Upper Wharf, Sonic had noticed an audio diary and had picked it up to listen to later on. He turned it on as he went to explore around the place.

I saw one of the smugglers having a game of catching on the docks today. And this surprised me, because his hands were crippled during the war. He was unloading the barge the other day when he was bitten from this Sea Slug. He woke up the next morning and he found he could move his fingers for the first time in years. I asked him if he still had that Sea Slug. As luck would have it, he did... "

This made the blue hedeghog curious, did ADAM come from a certain type of sea slug? Sonic could hear the yells of Shadow as you could hear the shots of a machine gun. There were loud grunts from the Big Daddy as it's Little Sister cheered it on to suceed. Soon, he spotted Shadow running towards him with a struggling Little Sister in his grip. He was panting and his head was bleeding, but he gives the Little Sister to Sonic with a smirk. 

" Told ya I would bring the child to you once I was done. "

Sonic took the child, getting the ADAM out of her, then putting the Little One down as he rushes over to Shadow's side. 

" Shadz! Geez, do you have no self-care?! "

" What's self care? "

Sonic just face palms as he rips a part of sweater to bandaged him. He was not doing this right now, he wants to just find the stupid research camera. Shadow hands him another audio diary, stating that he had found it near the corpse of the Rosie type Big Daddy. It was by a woman name Mariska Lutz.

" Darling Masha- We don't know what has happened to you... Ryan's men has taken you away and said you are needed to save Rapture. Who needs a child to save a city? But I see these little girls crawling out of these vents, "

Shadow was hacking a turret as Sonic listens closely to the audio diary. 

" and I only wonder if you might one day crawl out of this vent and find this note. We look for you, but if you find this, come to us at the Fighting McDonaghs in room #7. The code to our room is 7533. We miss you, our darling child.

Sonic frowns at the audio diary, it was completely saddening to listen to it. He wish he could take care of the woman before she was either killed or became insane. Sonic started to head towards the Wharfmasters' room so he  can find the research camera. He killed a splicer as Shadow got done with hacking the turret that tried to kill them when they entered the room. Both hedgehogs were serious, and held no other emotion other than... well... emotionless as they kill a splicer. There was a camera up on the wall that was up the stairs, Shadow hacking it as usual while Sonic picked up a nearby diary. He turns it on, seeing it was made by Andrew Ryan.

" This Fontaine fellow is somebody to watch. Once, he was just a menace, to be convicted and hung. But he always manages to be where the evidence isn't. He's the most dangerous type of hoodlum... the kind with vision.

The blue hedgehog goes up the stairs and to the right up more stairs when he notices Shadow working on another camera.

" Jesus, there are TWO cameras?! "

" Yep, just a- "

The ebony grunts.

" pain in my fuckin' ass. " 

He finishes hacking, wiping his forehead from sweat. They go up a few more stairs into the Wharfmasters' Office, where Sonic's radio goes off, signaling the two hedgehogs that Atlas was coming on. 

" The research camera looks just like one you'd see topside. According to this magazine article i scrounged // Definition: seek to obtain (something, typically food or money) at the expense or through the generosity of others or by stealth. // up, it can also ' analyze genetic information, parse biological structures ' and lots of other five dollar words. "

They nodded as Shadow shoots off a lock from a gate so they can go through. There was a turret down the hall and the ebony hedgehog had enough hacking for now so he shoots at it while Sonic looks around for the research camera that looks like the ones on the surface. There was a small vent, so, Sonic squats down and breaks it open with his crowbar and waddles inside as Shadow shoots another turret that was hitting him. There was a camera in the room so of course Sonic had to use Incinerate to destroy it, he was not in the mood for god damn hacking, he had to find the research camera.

He grabs some bullets to grab and finds another audio diary. He then looks out the window to see the city of Rapture and the sea life that were swimming around, making Sonic sigh. This was going to be one hell of a journey to leave Rapture, the city of the over-dosed insane and dictators. 

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