Chapter 22: Spider Splicer Research

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// Hey! Sorry for not uploading this yesterday on the 18th, but a couple weeks ago, I was sick and it threw my sleep schedule off so now I can't fall asleep until 12 or 1 am, and with school made me awfully tired. I'll upload this chapter today and today's chapter tomorrow cuz i'mma bit busy today. Again, I am so sorry for not uploading this chapter yesterday. // 

Sonic and Shadow saw a camera in the tunnel. And while Sonic was looking at the sea life while staying out of sight, Shadow was thinking on how he should hack the camera. He then remember his plasmid, where he could use the camera temporariy make the camera's go on his side. He takes out the plasmid and used it on the camera, making him smirk as Sonic took noticed. Splicers started to come out of seemingly nowhere, making Shadow take out his machine gun as Sonic grabbed an audio diary he spotted on the bench under the camera. Escaping the tunnel as the security alarms go off, Sonic turns on the audio diary by Tenenbaum. 

" As the respectable labs all turned me away, I have turned to Fontaine's amuggler's in Port Neptune for supplies. Fontaine's men are pigs. They spit, they stink, but they deliever and they don't ask questions. They're all terrified of Fontaine... he reminds me a bit of the Germans-so efficient. It wouldn't surprised me if he were soon running things down here. "

Sonic was curious, but Shadow put a hand on his shoulder. The blue hedgehog was confused at the gesture but didn't questioned it since Shadow was very intimidating when mad or even just a bit frustrated. So, once the security alarms turned off, they go back into the tunnel, with Shadow shooting the camera and seeing which door they should go to. There was door on their left and there was a door on their right. Sonic had a strong urge to go right, so, without the ebony hedgehog noticing him, the blue one went  to towards the right door. The door opened for him, the azure hedgehog went in, looking behind him seeing that his partner was going through the left door. 

Sonic shrugged, he could do this once by himself without Shadow's help. He enters into the Jet Postal, looking around as he gets shot in his other shoulder, looking to see two splicers in a doorway that lead to where all the letters that were being kept. He growls as he takes out his signature shotgun, and starts shooting at them. Sonic soon kills both of the splicers, wiping his shoulder with his sweater. He never noticed it, but his sweater has Shadow's smell, which he didn't smell that bad for someone who probably hasn't a bath in a long time. He ignores the smell as he rips another part of his sweater and wraps his new wound, as he realized that the pain of when the bullet hit never came. 

Sonic didn't need to think about how he was becoming numb to pain right now, he needed to get two more picture of different spider splicers. He finds an Andrew Ryan audio diary nearby on a table, which the hedgehog turns it on before going into the letter room. 

" The death penalty in Rapture! Council's in an uproar. Riots in the streets, they say! But this is the time for leadership. Action must be taken against the smugglers. Any contact with the surface exposes Rapture to the very Parasites we fled from. A few stretched necks are a small price to pay for our ideals. "

It sent shivers down Sonic's very spine, it meant that Ryan viewed Sonic as a parasite that needs to be eliminated by death. He shook the thought away, no needing to let his guard down in the hellhole of a place. He goes into it and finds a desk with a typewriter and cash register, and he definiately grabs the pep bars he finds. He starts eating them like a predator that hasn't eaten in weeks, cherishing the flavor of the chocolate that filled his mouth. Once he was done eating, he then checks the cash register and grabs the money in it. If you, the reader, saw Sonic from a distance, you would think that he was some animal with no manners at all. The hedgehog turns to see a camera, as the camera spots him, making him quickly hide as the camera goes back to looking around like it never noticed the hedgehog. 

He reloads his shotgun, and soon goes around the corner, and with one hit, the camera head fell to the ground. He smirks, but soon, a spider splicer started attacking as he dodge. Taking out the research camera and kept dodging the spider splicer as he takes a picture of the spider splicer. He got an A grade, but didn't care for the grade as he fans it, dodging most attacks from the splicer. He switches the camera for his machine gun and makes sure there was distance between him and the splicer as he started shooting at it. When Shadow finally took notice that Sonic wasn't with him, he assumed went to the door on their right. 

The ebony hedgehog rushes out of Fighting McDonagh and towards to, what he assumed, the Jet Postal. He gets to the Jet Postal as Sonic shoots his last bullet at the splicer, killing it. The blue one looked behind him, and smiled at the ebony one as he shows him the picture of the spider splicer he took.

" Look Shadow! I gotten a picture of the spider splicer. Now we need one more picture of a unique spider splicer and we'll be in Fontaine's Fisheries! "

Shadow was surprised that Sonic was able to defeat a splicer without getting hur- Oh, nevermind. The ebony hedgehog goes over the blue hedgehog and gets out the bandages, taking off the ripped piece of sweater. 

" I swear to Rapture, hedgehog, It's like you purposely try to get hurt. "

Sonic blushes in embarrassment and looks away shyly. Once the ebony hedgehog was done, he sighs. What a pain Sonic can be sometimes.

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