Chapter 3: Meeting Rouge the splicer

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Sonic grabbed the first aid from a small memorial in the cornor of the balcony he was on. His ears flicker, there was women, she must be a splicer. She was talking about her.... baby .... He slowly crept over to where the voice was, revealing shadows of a bat women and a baby carriage.

Sonic's heart broke into tiny peices. Chaos, does everything here had to be so sad? He continued to listen to broken hearted splicer mother. Sonic couldn't kill this women, he had to find some way out of this situation. He didn't realize this, but tears were starting to flow out of his eyes, making a pitter patter on the ground.

His ears perked up, flickering. He wanted to know what the sad Mobian woman was saying. Sonic listen closely, he made sure he was hidden from her eyesight. He watched her movement from the shadows and felt very sad.

" When your daddy's is in the ground, mommy's gonna sell you by the pound. When your mommy's up and gone, you're gonna be the lonely one~. "

Sonic suddenly didn't feel so sad anymore. He felt...angry? Shocked? Disgusted? She was singing a lullaby saying that she was going to sell her child if the father dies. He continued to listen to her soft moaning of a lullaby.

" When you are the lonely one, no one will be there to sing this song. Hush now... Mommy's...~ "

Sonic came out of hiding, he had to deal with this... woman ...No, Sonic had to remember: this was no longer a sane Mobian. This was an insane Splicer of Rapture. He shakenly held his crowbar, he got his plasmid ready but he only stared at the splicer, and vice versa.

" Shadow? "

Her eerie voice echoed, as Sonic arched his brow. Who was Shadow? Is he a Splicer too? He probably was one. The bat came closer, examining him before backing up. She mumbles something to herself that he couldn't hear and runs off. Sonic was utterly confused, what the fuck just happened right now?

Sonic shrugged it off and went over to the baby carriage. It was a pistol! He took the actual weapon out of the carriage and just continued on his way. Again, the buzz of the short-wave radio comes into hearing, this time, it spooked him.

" Plasmids changed everthing. They destroyed our bodies, our minds. We couldn't handle it. Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs. The whole city went to hell. "

So, did that women...? It made Sonic advert his eyes to the ground, that's horrible, but how come that splicer... He wasn't going to question it. Nothing in this place made any sense, literal super powers in bottles, drugs that can make your mind bend backwards, an actual fucking underwater city! Sonic sighed, how did this happen again?

Sonic searched a fancy looking restaurant area, scavenging for neceassries. Sonic searched the bathrooms, how the fuck do bathrooms work in underwater city? He didn't know, he personally didn't want to know...

He went downstairs, but stopped seeing a splicer. He instintly zapped him and hit him with his wrench, since he had no bullets for his pistol. He heard another voice, he rolled his eyes. Chaos, this was getting on Sonic's nerve. He went into the kitchen and zapped her and hit her until she died. He made sure to search the corpses.

He searched the kitchen. He searched a corpse in the kitchen and heard more voices. Ugh, he didn't find this fun, maybe the splicers will make him insane instead of the plasmids. He growled softly. He decided to leave the kitchen.

There was a foot deep of water at a foot of a small flight of stairs where the two other splicers were at.

" If you spot a splicer in the water, hit 'em with the Electro bolt. "

Sonic smirked at Atlas' tip, he zapped at the water and let the splicers die there. This would help him out a lot when he didn't want to waste bullets or anything. He waited until the electricity died down in the water before searching the bodies.

He searched around until finding a audio diary. He decided to listen to what it had to offer. It was by a person named Diane McClintock, and it was called Another New Year's eve alone. How depressing.

" Another New Year's, another night alone. I'm out and you're stuck in Hephaestus, working. Imagine my surprise. I guess i'll have another's a toast to Diane McClintock, silliest girl in Rapture. Silly enough to fall in love with Andrew Ryan, silly enough to- What...what happened... I'm bleeding...oh god...what's happening... "

It finished as he searched around. Geez, that was quite depressing. Poor Diane back in December 31st, 1959. He wondered what happened? Why was she bleeding? What exactly was going on? Even though it wasn't that long ago, he still pondered on it. Oh well, that was the past now. He had to keep moving foward. He searched to corpses by the door and went back uptairs.

He delt with, yet another, splicer. He searched the dead splicer and found money, then walked over to the bathrooms yet again. This time, in the girl's bathroom, he saw what he believe was a ghost.

She was looking in the mirror, talking to herself.

" I'm too spliced up, too spliced nobody's gonna want me... "

It slowly disappeared. Sonic blinked his eyes. Did that really just happened? He rubbed his templetes, maybe the claustrophobic condition this city was in the plasmid was finally getting to him. Maybe he was slowly going insane too.

He went over to the female's bathroom and used sink water to rub his face with it. He saw yet another audio diary at the pile rubble all away towards the last stall. Sonic walked over and picked up the audio diary. This time, it was by a man named Steve Baker, and it was called Hole in the bathroom wall.

" Hey Brenda- You care to tell me why you've had a hole in the wall the size of Plymouth Rock coming out of your crapper going on three weeks now? Now, I ain't saying I'm Shakesphere, but I'm trying to run a respectable theater. I got working folk coming in from Port Neptune trying to catch a little diversion...and all they can think about is the stink coming out of your shitter. Get it fixed. "

As it ended, Sonic had just killed a splicer. He giggled. Jesus, no wonder why Steve Baker had to make this, it's hillarious fucking shit! Puns aside, Sonic needed to continue his mission. He left the woman's bathroom and went into the male's bathroom to see what kind of cool, but yet, kind of boring adventure he'll have next.

Published: September 23, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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