Chapter 29: Atlas' Loss

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More and more splicers started to climb down from what seemingly out of nowhere.

" Splicers! "

Sonic could somewhat hear what Atlas was saying because of his radio as Shadow takes the blue hedgehog's tommy gun making Sonic taking out his shotgun.

" They're everywhere! I can't hold 'em, got to fall back! Get me family out and we'll regroup as soon as we can! "

The door opens, as both hedgehogs make their way out with their guards up and guns, along with their plasmids. There was a Vita chamber to the left and to the right was a hallway in a absolute mess. Both hedgehog's make their way down until a mobian splicer makes her appearance, slashing at Shadow, who starts shooting. Sonic makes his way ahead and down the small steps as he shoots the incoming splicers. Shadow kills the mobian splicer and makes his way over to the blue hedgehog to help him out. Determination filled their faces, as ruby eyes took a quick glance at the face. It was that of a face whose definitely been down here for a bit, down here in Rapture. While shooting at the second splicer, he could remember when Sonic's face was soft, and innocent. It was that of someone who wasn't use to hell, but now that he had been down here long enough, he had a war torn face. The ebony didn't mind, because down in his heart, the blue hedgehog was still the same. Finally, they killed the splicers, and the two started to make their way down.

" Get out if you can! Get out and we'll regroup! "

Yelled Atlas through the radio, as the two kept close to each other. Shooting at a splicer, they make their way down, with both their guns combined they could basically one-shot any splicers. 

Sonic hissed as soon as he got scrapped with a bullet, in which Shadow grabs him and shoots the splicer. After killing it, the ebony hastily grabbed his first aid and got the bandages out and bandage the wound.

" I'll clean it out thoroughly once we get somewhere that is somewhat safe. "

Sonic nods as they make their way out. There was gated little place of the cave, in which Sonic shoots the lock off when spotting some valuable things inside, making the ebony stop and turn around. The blue hedgehog goes inside, the splicer following close behind. Shadow grabbed the important things as Sonic sees an Audio Diary and turns it on. It was called *Kraut Scientist by Frank Fontaine.

" Spent the morning *jawing with that Kraut scientist. She's damaged goods, all right. Just liked those chumps they scrapped out of them prison camps. But she's no- "

The ground shook rapidly, as Sonic held onto Shadow as a source of stability, who put all his weight on the wall.

" The sub! Noooo! "

The two left the small room, turning right and went straight into the room, now filled with fire as scraps of what used to be the sub had scattered around the place. There laid the bodies of Atlas' family, now lifeless bodies on the floor. Andrew Ryan came on.

" You ooze in like an assassin and then you try to sneak out like a thief. You're no CIA spook. Who are you? Why have you come here? There's two ways to deal with a mystery... uncover it, or eliminate it. "

The two look around the mess that, before Sonic jumped at the Audio Diary starts back up, making Shadow give an awkward chuckle.

" ...crackpot... she's gonna make me the kinda scratch that'll have Ryan look like he's runnin' a paper route. She just needs some supplies to get the ball rolling... and a friend to watch her back. "

Sighing, Sonic starts to make his way out, as Shadow looked at the blue hedgehog.

" ...I know it's cruel Sonic, but this is Rapture, that was Andrew Ryan... the cruel man who started all of this mess. "

Sonic looks at him, his emerald eyes almost glowing with the flames around them, as Shadow's cheeks tinted with a green glow as he catches up to the hedgehog. This one was different, he never met someone with so much kindness... yet so much rage, it scared yet excited the splicer. They get somewhere that somewhat looked like a docks, as Sonic grabbed the Audio Diary while his radio turns on.

" Get out... Get out and get to Arcadia... Jesus Christ... "

Shadow makes a soft scoff, as Sonic looks at him.

" You okay? "

" I'm fine, Sonic... "

Shadow shook his head, as he smiles slightly at the blue hedgehog who smiles back. Sonic turns on the Audio Diary called Offered a Deal by Knuckles Wilkins. Geez, this guy really liked to make Audio Diaries, he wished he didn't try to kill him and Shadow.

" The Irish *porkpie offered me a deal. I flip 'em Fontaine, and I walked out of here. That simple. How do I know that fat fuck isn't Fontaine's guy? How do I know they're not all Fontaine's guy? Fontaine's got ADAM and everyone wants it. Ryan got a whole lot of talk and a nice suit. Even down here, any idiot can see which way the wind is blowing. "

Sonic hummed as he and Shadow make their way out to the air pressure room. This was a room to allow a person to change the settings of the air so they could go into the next section of the city without a problem. It took a bit but the hedgehogs didn't mind as they chattered and relaxed, as Shadow thoroughly cleaned the scrapped bullet wound the blue hedgehog encountered earlier.

" There you go, all clean. "

" Thanks Shadow... you really didn't have too, I could've cleaned it myself. "

Shadow made a small tch, and held a playful smile.

" Oh? So you don't appreciate my help? "

Sonic chuckles and rolled his eyes, punching the ebony lightly in the arm in such a playful manner.

" Shut up, I appreciate a lot from you... I don't think I would be alive without your help... "

Shadow stood there in shock, did Sonic... really think that lowly of himself? Of that highly of him? Shadow shakes his head and puts a hand on the blue one's shoulder.

" No Sonic... I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you. "

Emerald eyes met Ruby ones, as the ebony splicer continued to speak.

" I made a promise, to someone I considered my best friend, my sister. I... I almost broke this promise after I began to lose myself to ADAM... but then... you came along- "

Sonic's eyes sparked with bewilderment.

" And you had found my old Audio Diary, and you kept it. I since then realized... you wanted to help me, to make me somewhat normal again... and I bet to get me back to the surface. "

Sonic's hand grabs Shadow's in a instant, it was the one that was on his shoulder. Determination lit up in his emerald eyes.

" But I will get you out of here! I can promise you that, Shadow Robotnik-Doom! "

Ruby eyes stared at the blue one in front of him, before sighing and smiling. But deep down inside, he knew... he knew that there was no way he could start a second chance on the surface again. He had to find Maria... he had to stay down here because of the ADAM that coursed his DNA, he had to stay down here and save the Little Sisters and give them a second chance. The door starts the open as Sonic let's go of his hand, and Shadow pulls his arm away. Who knew how long they've been in there, but with a conversation like that, it definitely made time go by faster. They entered the leaking hallway, Sonic being absolutely drenched in water as Shadow picks up things like first aid kit and another first aid kit. The radio turned on and an all too familiar voice starts speaking.

" Moira... Patrick... Ain't that just like Ryan, waits until we are almost out, and then pulls the string. We'll find the bastard, we'll find him and we'll tear his heart out. "

Sonic takes a look at Shadow, who looks back. If there was something all three of them agreed upon, it was to take Ryan and bury him into the ground... but all for different reasons...

// A/N: 

*Kraut-a German.

*Jawing or to Jaw-talk at length; chatter.

*Porkpie-A hat (that's all I've been getting from as a definition.)

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