Chapter 1: Meeting " Atlas "

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Sonic ears twitch, he heard a voice on the ground. Though, the voice sounded like it was coming from a radio of sorts.

" Would you kindly pick up that short-wave radio?  "

Sonic hesitates a bit, but proceeds to pick up the strange looking radio off the ground. It was old, a bit rusty for the most part though, he didn't questioned it though.

" I don't know how you survived that plane crash, but I've never been one to question Providence. I'm Atlas, and I aim to keep you alive. "

Thank god that this " Atlas " person was on his side. Hopefully this " Atlas " guy can lead him around... Rapture, is that what this city was called again?

" Now keep on moving... we're gonna have to get you to higher ground. Take a deep breath and step out of the Bathysphere. I won't leave you twisting in the wind. "

Sonic did what he was asked. He took a deep breath and left the bathysphere. It was quite...dirty and abandon as if it seem as if this city hadn't been touched in years

He walks the pathway, as he searches the suitcases. Sonic wanted to just find something in them, but to be greeted with nothing. He continues to walk down the path.

" We're gonna need to draw her out of hiding. But you're gonna have to trust me. "

Sonic turns the corner slowly. It was dim and almost dark until he spotted some sparks over to his right. Atlas soon came on again as he spotted some light a figure, assuming the.

" Just a bit do you like that, sister? "

There was a light that shone on the horrific looking pink hedgehog. Sonic covered his mouth and clutch over, wanting to puke now being able to see what she looked like up close. It looked liked she was literally rotting, as if she stepped into radiation. It was disgusting to look at this girl.

There was an alarm sound as some... drones ...of sorts started to shoot at the female hedgehog, who tried to get away. Once she was dead, the alarm stopped and Sonic started to walk cautiously towards a small tunnel.

" Now, would you kindly find a crowbar or something? Bloody splicers sealed Charmy bee in before they!...goddam splicers. "

That's what she was called? A " splicer "? There's more of them too?! Why did Sonic have to be in this situation, couldn't he had just die in the plane crash? Sonic picks up the wrench infront of him next to a tool box. He held a firm grip of the once tool, now turned, weapon. He hit the rocks in his way and, surprisingly, they broke.

Sonic then proceeded to break the blocking rock with his wrench. Now, was he strong or was the rock like rubble just weak? He got up and start going up the stairs until he heard a angry yell and... a couch that was now on fire tumbling towards him?! Sonic backed up towards the entrance of the tunnel and let the couch fall until it landed on the foot of the stairs.

He sighed heavily in relief before going around the couch and up the fleet of stairs. Suddenly, a purple chameleon comes out of nowhere with a wrench too.

" Leave me alone! "

He yells before swinging at Sonic. Sonic dodged and hit the chameleon a few times. He finally took one last swing before killing him. Sonic huffs and clutches his chest. He would need to get use to that. He decided to search the body to find a first aid kit, thankfully, and... EVE ...what was this stuff?

He looks at the bottle with a needle at the bottom. The label was worn, but had blue apple on the front of it. Sonic tucks it in his quills, along with the first aid kit for later. Sonic went towards a big door but realized it couldn't open since the button was jammed, sparks flying out from it.

He heard a female voice from upstairs, it must be from a machine. Sonic looks around, he searches the ground, suitcases, and trash cans for any goods. He found some food and aid kits, luckily. He ate a chocolate bar as he went uptairs. He searched more until he was done and went to a pink machine with a creepy little girl statue next to it.

He saw a bottle with red, almost glowing, liquid in it, along with it was like the " EVE " bottle except with the same red liquid in it. He grabs the bottle and shakenly pulls out his left hand. He stabs the bottle into his wrist, his vision going red as he grunted in pain.

He continued to grunt and groan in pain as he taks the bottle out, blue lines pulsing throught his left hand. Both his hands started having the blue pulse, and it sounded and acted like electricity. He started to stumble back as Atlas came on.

" Steady now! Your genetic code is being rewritten-just hold on and everything will be fine! "

Sonic grunted loudly as it continued. His vision blurred and he tumbled towards the balcony. Once there, he proceeds to jump off the balcony, yelling in pain as falls to the floor, knocking him out from his once concious state.

It was all dark from there. He then heard some voices as his vison slowly came back.

" This little fish looks like he just had his cherry POPPED... I wonder if he's still got some ADAM on him. "

It was of a red echdina and a silver hedgehog. His vision darken again. He heard a very loud groan which also had shocked the two splicers.

" You hear that? Let's bug! "

The silver hedgehog ran off, leaving the red echdina angry.

" Weak! You're a weak chopper! "
The silver one remarked:

" This little fish ian't worth toeing with no Big Daddy! "

" Yellow! Always have been! You'll be no better off with the metal daddy, little fish, see you floating in the briney... "

The echdina ran off as his vision darken once more. He hears the moaning and rumbling of the " Big Daddy " as his vision once more comes back. He see a big creature, almost shapped as a crocodile. It stops and pulls out it's drill to his vision. Then, black.

His vision comes back when he sees a small raccoon infront of him.

" Look Mr. Bubbles, it's an angel-I can see light coming from his belly... "

His vision kept going on and off on him. The little raccon steps closer until stepping back a bit.

" Wait a minute, he's still breathing. It's alright, I know he'll be an angel soon. "

The " Big daddy " groans and finally, his vision goes completely black.

Published: September 22, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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