Chapter 13: Back together

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Sonic felt like he was floating, as his eyes flutter seeing Shadow and... a blonde haired girl. There was another blonde haired lady, but she looked definately older than the younger girl in blue. Sonic tried to yell, but cover his mouth realizing he couldn't say anything, like if he was mute. He floated over to the situation to see what was happening. The older women held a pistol to the teenage girl, Shadow shakey hand points at the older women's head with his pistol

"  Shadow! "

" Shoot me, rodent, and i'll shoot her. "

He could hear the shaky breathes from the ebony one, and with a glare, he slowly put down his gun. 

" Let Maria go, and I'll  do whatever you want, Lamb. "

Maria... he heard name from Shadow's audio diary! So that must be the psychiatrist with Maria, the girl he's suppose to protect. Sonic growls and tries to punch the older women but went through her, making eye contact with Maria. It almost seemed as if she could see him with her eyes suddenly going wide with curiousity. But as soon as that happened, the psychiatrist laughed and walked up to him, putting her pistol on his head. 

" Actually, I want to do something with this girl instead. "

There was a bang, making both the blue hedgehog and teenage girl scream his name. As Maria hit the women's back, she looks at Sonic with tears and mouths,

" Protect him for me, blue hedgehog. "

Sonic goes wide eyed before he hears a voice, calling his name from the distance.

" sonic! "

" Sonic! "


 The blue hedgehog gasps as he is suddenly jolted awake. Panting, he realized he was in someone's arms, he looks up to see Shadow. He smiles in relief as he pulls out a key from his quills, and looks at Sonic.

" I've gotten the key while you were healing in the vita-chamber. "

Sonic smiled and hugs and has tears, shaking hugging him tightly. Shadow was taken aback from the hug and tears from Sonic, but awkwardly hugs him back. Hearing the soft snore from the surfacer, he picks him up as the radio turns on. 

" Is he alright? Anyways, It was time someone took care of that sick bastard. Make sure Sonic gets the key from you and heads back to Emergency Access. I'm working my way to the back side of Port Neptune meself. We'll get there soon enough. "

Before Shadow could say anything, the radio turns off, making him huff in annoyence. He carries Sonic on his back, making sure he doesn't lose the key. When he closes to the glass tunnel, the groans of a Big Daddy were heard as the shaking of the place. It was crumbling, Shadow knowing that this tunnel was collapsing, it wasn't uncommon at all for the tunnels to collapse from the pressure of the water. The radio turns on as soon a groan from a blue hedgehog, who was rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

" Sounds like another tunnel collapse. Welcome to Rapture, the world's fastest growing pile of junk. "

Shadow makes his way quickly through the tunnel, and right when they reach to a door on their left, Sonic has flashbacks to when he was on the plane and a women screaming. The poor hedgie clutches his head as the ebony one looks at him in concern. He turns right and goes through the door, making sure they got out of there as fast as possible. He puts Sonic down and checks him physically before trying to look him in the eyes. 

" Are you okay, Sonic? "

Sonic looks up, surprised to hear that Shadow actually used his name for once, lightly blushing as he smiles. 

" Yeah, I'm fine now Shadow. Now let's get going. "

The ebony one nodded, lending a hand to Sonic who gladly took it. It was time to leave Medical Bay. 

// Hey everybody, I'm sorry this chapter is extremely short. I usually try to make them around 1300 words, but I gotta go to bed cause school :/ But I'll promise to make the next chapter around 1900 to make up for it. Have a Good night/day/morning/etc.

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