Chapter 28: Ryan's " accident "

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In search of this hidden entrance, our heroes are searching the second storage freezer they found downstairs. With guards up, and Sonic still a bit queasy from his ghost sighing, they find important tools but yet no hidden entrance. Until they found the entrance, as once again Shadow uses his incinerate to melt the ice blocking it. Both hedgehogs go through entrance and walk through the narrow hallway as the radio turns on.

" You both got it! Should be sailing from here. I'll meet you up ahead!  "

As they gone through the leakage, Shadow takes a peak to find Sonic smiling. He knew that he might think he'll be able to escape this place but the ebony had a gut feeling. A bad gut feeling. They search some crates but the more they gone forward, Sonic could see flashing pictures of his family. He clutches his head as Shadow notices, picking up the azure hedgehog and keep going forward. Atlas comes on once more has Sonic groans from the pain he's getting from his head. 

" I'm right outside the submarine bay, but I can't get in. I'll need the both of you for that. My family can't be more than a hundred yards away. "

Shadow continues to carry Sonic on his back, letting him rest for a bit as he searches the smuggler crates before continuing on forward. He never trusted Atlas, and doesn't trust him now but he doesn't dare say that in front of Sonic, at least, for now. He remembers vividly that since the last time they argued on the topic it got the azure hedgehog killed. His shoes and pants were soggy from the water that covered the ground, but he did not care, for he was used to this by now. He goes up the ramp, sets Sonic down once he was rested, and go to stun the turret with electro bolt and than hack it. The blue hedgehog gets up and starts searching 

the crates, smiling as he grabbed the alcohol sitting on top for later. There was an Audio Diary and some EVE, a he picks up the EVE before turning on the Audio Diary. It was called Meeting with Fontaine by Knuckles Wilkins... so that guy, huh.

" We all come down here, figured we'd all be part of Ryan's Great Chain. Turns out Ryan's chain is made of gold, and ours are the sort with the big iron ball around your ankle. He's up in Fort Frolic banging fashion models... we're down in this dump yanking guts out of fish. Fontaine's promising something better. He's like one-a us, you know, like he's worked a day in his life. He says meet him at his fish packing joint at 11. I'll go, bring a couple of guys. Hey, it's not like things could get a lot worse. "

Shadow and Sonic walked down the path, as the blue hedgehog nonchalantly starts to searched the corpse in the cold cave. He practically could see his breath in front of him as he could see Shadow searched the crates. Sonic gets up from the crouching position as he looks at the ebony splicer.

" Shadow, do you ever... flash back to memories... photos of your family you remember seeing? "

The ebony hums softly, taking the question and analyzing it in his head. He really thought about it, did he really think he about his family... he did. But photographs of his family? He never heard of that before, so he shakes his head in a no matter. The blue hedgehog sighs and leans against the wall as the ebony looks at him, he could see that he was getting out a lighter and cigarette. Ruby eyes meet emerald ones.

" You smoke? Never saw you as a person to smoke. "

Sonic smiles softly, a soft pink hue appears on his cheeks as he sighs.

" There's a lot of things I do that people don't expect me to do. Sometimes, I need to take a break from things, you know, right? "

Shadow nods, he understood as he sits on one of the crates as he holds out a hand. Sonic stares at it before getting an idea as he takes out one of the alcoholic beverages he grabbed he took and threw it at the ebony. The splicer caught it, opening it and starts to chug it. This was nice, Sonic never really had a chance in this place to just relax and take a small break, and although they maybe wasting Atlas' time, he really needed this. He pulls the cigarette, blowing out some smoke he inhaled, it was really soothing as he heard the glass of the bottle being shattered. Looking up, he assumed that Shadow was one of those guys to threw the bottle to break it once he was done using it.

" Alright Sonic, we probably should get back to doing our work. "

He was right, as presses the bud of the cigarette against the cold, rocky wall and pulls away. He felt energized for once, and ready to tackle this mission Atlas gave him. There move up a bit until looking upon a small submarine below, as Sonic's radio turns on.

" Hit the switch up there in the control booth, and let me in. I think it's time to shake hands and get acquainted. "

Sonic smiles as he moves towards the booth as Shadow scoffs, he was going to murder that awful man. They had to crouch and duck walk into the next room, seeing crates as Shadow gets the crates and Sonic picks up the alcohol. But Andrew's radio came on, and both hedgehog's put their guards up.

" You've both had your fun, but enough is enough... if you press that button, you'll learn what it truly means to be my enemy. "

They get into the small room through the rubble and pipes as Sonic huffs while Shadow rolls his eyes. Unconsciously, Shadow goes ahead and grabs Sonic's hand in protective manner. They get to a gated door, as Sonic pulls out his tommy gun making Shadow let go whether he liked it or not. A smirk appeared on the blue hedgehog's face as he shoots the lock. God, Sonic was having too much fun with guns. They enter a dark room, which Shadow used his incinerate plasmid to lit up the room as the blue hedgehog as he smiles, seeing the button as he leaves the splicer's side. There it was, as the ebony walks up to him, emerald eyes watched as his somewhat torn gloved hand presses the button. Then, the emerald eyes look out of the glass in front of him, watching the event unravel before him. He too, unconsciously holds Shadow's hand as he watches. The submarine was dropped, alarms were blaring as out of the corner of his eye, he could see that the room beyond this one was flashing red.

There was nothing that happened for a bit before Atlas came in, he was a short man, somewhat bald as he a long nose. He wore a green sweater and his eyes, from what Sonic could catch, were baby blue. He stops, before looking up at the window where both hedgehog's stood.

" You blow a fuse up there? Can't see a damn thing in that booth. Give me a tick, and I'll get the both of you out of there. Moira! Can you hear me in there, darling? "

Sonic watches as the small man tries to look through the submarine. He walks over to a small podium that when he presses the button, which turns on a small light. This... This causes Andrew's radio come on.

" So dark in here... If only your friend could look up and see you... maybe you could warn him... if only you could do something... anything... except just stand there... and watch him die... "

It fogs up, as a giant pipes covers the window, which made Sonic jump back bit in fear. A splicer was spotted crawling away from the pipe and soon disappeared into the fog. Another splicer crawls away, and that was not a good sign because Atlas didn't know what was happening. The blue hedgehogs growls, as Shadow squeezes his hand, trying to soothe him though he was pissed himself. They were trapped in here, like if they were in a god damn prison.

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