Chapter 5: Medical Pavilion

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It was murky in the room. The door slowly opened up and Sonic walks out. He took a look around for valuables but couldn't find any.

" Now you've met Andrew Ryan: the bloody king of Rapture. Now find your way to Emergency Access. "

Sonic could the venom dripping down Atlas' chin, and it spooked Sonic. He could feel his spine tingling with fear. It looks like Atlas hated Andrew Ryan, down to the very core of Atlas' heart. He went down the small hall into a opening. He saw a vending machine, proped against the wall.

He checked his wallet: $378. Geez, he already had that much money just from searching? He decided to buy some bullets and EVE from The Circus of Value machine. He now was down to $143, oh well.

He checked the other side and saw a ... drone? ... stuck and deactivated in between some sliding doors. It looked like a chao, except of course, it was robotic. Sonic wanted to know if he could hack the chao drone. So, after some time of getting zapped by the machine when making mistakes, Sonic sucessfully hacked the chao drone.

He went into the room that was blocked by the now activated Chao drone, that keeps saying it's a Omochao and made an annoying buzzing noise. He went in, figuring out that it was the emergency access room. Sonic smirked and rubbed his pointer finger under his nose.

He zaps and shoots the splicer infront of him. Then he takes out his wrench and killed the splicer once and for all. The omochao of course helped you. He checked a desk behind him and picked up a audio diary.

The audio diary was by Dr. ' Tails ' Miles Steinman Prowler. Though, it seemed he went professionally by Dr. Steinman. He was a mobian fox.

" Ryan and ADAM, ADAM and Ryan ... all those years of study and I was ever truly a surgeon before I met them? How we plinked with our scalpels and toy morality. Yes, we could lop a boil here, and shave down a beak there, but ... but could we really change anything? No, but ADAM gives us the means to do it. And Ryan frees us from the phony ethics that held us back. Change your look. Change your sex, change your race. It's yours to change, nobody else's. "

It ended as soon Sonic had finished off killing some more splicers with his omochao. He went up the stairs and saw a panel and flipped a switch that was on it. An alarm went off, and it started to blare red lights. Sonic quickly went down the stairs. Shit, what did he do this time?

He swore under his breath as he got out his pistol. Everything here was kill or be killed, survival of the fittest, etc. It made him nervous, but at the same time, annoyed. He back tracked his steps and went back to the foyer, where he was at originally.

" If you want to use the Emergency Access, you'll be needing Dr. Steinman's key. He's the one who runs the place. But I don't expect him to hand it to you out of the milk of mobian kindness. Steinman ain't that kind, and frankly, I'm not even sure he's still mobian. "

" Well, Atlas, that would've been helpfully if you told me earlier. "

Sonic muttered, annoyed he had to go through that. So, he would have to meet the fox in person, and by the sounds of it, he may be a monster in mobian's body. Sonic shuddered at the thought. He search the front desk in the foyer. He found another audio diary on the desk.

This one was made by... Diane McClintock again. He listens to it.

" Dr. Steinman said he'd release me today. Ryan didn't come to see me since the New Year's attack. Not once. But Dr. Steinman was very attentive. He told me that once the scare tissue was gone, he was going to fix me right up ... Make me prettier than any girl I've seen. He's sweet all right ... and interested in my case! "

Sonic had went upstairs. This poor girl ... he wish he could've helped Diane McClintock if was in Rapture before the fall. But he wasn't, and he had to deal with listening to her depressing audio diaries. Forever scattered around Rapture for him to collect and listen to.

He heard voices, damn splicers... He decided to go downstairs and into the Emergency Access room. He went where the control panel was and then through the doors that were there. It looked like he was in some sort of ship, though, he actually wasn't. He went down the narrow hallway.

There was splicer, and Sonic kills her before searching her. He goes over to the control panel that expands out into the foyer. There was a machine gun, and this made Sonic smirk. He picks up the machine gun and goes over to the switch. He switches it amd the entrance that was shut off before opened.

He starts making his way out of the Emergency Access. He shoots the splicers as the omochao helps him.

" Now you rattled the monkey cage. Here they come. "

Sonic smirks. This'll be fun.

* Some minute later *

Sonic panted. This was the most fun he had in years. He looked at his machine gun decided to give it a name. He smiled when one certain name came into mind.

" I'll name you Shadow. "

Shadow ... It was a very nice name ... he was very nice looking too. Sonic just realized what he thought. He shook his head, no, he couldn't think of a splicer like that. He was insane, and Sonic was sane. Beside, splicers couldn't control their emotions, example, when he first met the bat.

Sonic went through the now opened entrance to the Medical Pavilion. He searches around and on the corpse infront of the statue that said Medical Pavilion. He went around the statue as his vision started to grey. Was he going to see another ghost. As he got closer to the doors infront of him, he finally saw a white figure.

" You promised me pretty, Steinman, you promised me pretty ... Now look at me ... LOOK AT ME!!! "

Was this ... Diane McClintock's ghost he was seeing? From all the previous ghost experience and the audio diaries he picked up that belonged to Diane McClintock, it could be. His vision goes back to normal as he sighs sadly.

What had this city came to?

// Oof, I did it. I has updated today. Alright, i'll post 1 chapter Monday-Friday, then 2 chapters on Saturday and Sunday. Alright, alright, I might have a schedule I might actually follow.

Published: September 25, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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