Chapter 26: Fontaine Fisheries

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Shadow picks up Sonic, who made a small yelp, and makes their way back to they were before in the Upper Warf. Upon arriving, there was a Big Daddy who was a Rosie type since they're much more common than Bouncer types in Neptune's Bounty. Unluckily, there was no Little Sister, in which Shadow just wanted to go and complete the mission, but he knew Sonic would want to stay and wait. Sonic growls in pain and clutches his arm as Shadow takes out his pistol and shoots the leatherhead a few time. He goes over to search the corpse as the azure hedgehog gets some bandages out of the first aid. The younger hedgehog bandages his bullet wound using his other hand and his mouth. Tying it tightly, the ebony throws him a pep bar from the corpse.

He catches it and starts eating it, as they go back to following the Rosie. Shadow grabbing Sonic's machine gun and Sonic reaching back to grab his shotgun as he continued to eat loudly. Shadow sighs in disgust as he rolls his eyes, at least he could try to eat a little bit quieter. The Little Sister comes down from the vent and next to the Rosie, as they both get into different positions. They start attacking, dodging the Rosie's bullets as the Little Sister cheers on the Big Daddy. They finally defeated the Rosie, both were sweating and panting from their dodging and stress. Shadow searches the corpse as Sonic goes to save the struggling Little Sister, who was telling him no. In a flash, she was normal and thanking him as she goes back into the vent as the blue hedgehog rubs his nose and looks at the ebony. 

" Let's get going now, before more splicers come, Sonic. "

Sonic nods, before realizing he said his name. He smiles and blushes softly and takes it in just a little as he follows Shadow. They go through some doors before going down some stairs as leaks started to become more apparent. There was rubble here and there as they go into a room with a Gene-Bank across them. Then Sonic heard it, his ears twitched, someone was humming Inkspots If I Didn't Care, as Shadow looked at the azure. They both knew who it was, but she hasn't come down yet as Shadow spots a Tonic on the edge of the ledge of the upper floor. The ebony picks it up, it was a combat Tonic called Wrench Lurker as he reads the description.

' When fighting those who are stronger or faster than yourself, you'll need every advantage possible in a scrum. Wrench Lurker allows you to make the most of your opportunities when your antagonist is caught off-guard. '

He puts it into his quills and turns back to Sonic, who was doing something with the Gene-Bank. The ebony smiles softly but still kept his guard up, knowing Rouge was still around and could kill them at any moment. Sonic leaves the Gene-Bank and goes around to the Gatherer's Garden to purchase something with his ADAM. Shadow stands near him, pistol in hand and guard up as he observes the place knowing Sonic had his guard down. He purchase a new plasmid called Sonic Boom, he smirked as he was being a bit narcissistic, with a description of:

' When just yelling GET BACK isn't working, it's nice to have some repelling force to back up your request. Sonic Boom -- when push comes to shove. '

This could be very useful, especially if he wants to help Shadow out. He also goes and purchases a combat Tonic called Armored Shell. 

' Useful in any hazardous situation, Armored Shell offers fantastic protection against life's bumps and bruises. Don't be a softie -- use Armored Shell now!  ' 

This would definitely would be able to help them out too, luckily. Going on ahead, he went and bought ANOTHER plasmid, as Shadow started to tap his foot impatiently because he was taking quite a bit. Sonic reads the label once more. 

' Don't get caught without this powerful self-defense tool at the ready. Give your foes the cold shoulder with Winter-Blast!  '

Finally, Sonic pulls away and gives Shadow a sheepish smile, Shadow just sigh and face palms. They turned around as Rouge goes to hit them, making Sonic shoots her with Winter Blast, freezing her. Shadow sighs, looking away as he takes the azure hedgehog shotgun and starts shooting at the frozen spider splicer. The ice breaks as the ebony keeps shooting at the bat, as the azure gets out his camera and starts taking pictures. After a few a pictures of Rouge, Sonic gets out his machine gun and helps Shadow. The ebony splicer makes the last shot and kills Rouge, who gives out a cry and falls to the floor. 

Shadow goes over and kneels, as the bat gives him a small smile and voiceless thank you before actually dying. For the first time in a long time, Shadow felt a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes. Sonic comes over and puts a hand on his shoulder and rubs him as the ebony cries silently. A few moments later, the stripped hedgehog splicer gets up wiping away his tears. Sonic gives him a smile sad as Shadow sighs and gives him a signal to get going back to Knuckles Wilkins. As they start going down the stairs, Sonic's radio turns on as the voice of Knuckles Wilkins comes on. 

" They sure go down easy once you research them up right... Come on in and show us those snappy snappies.

Both look at each other, knowing they both had the same question in mind: who calls pictures ' Snappy Snappies? ' They both shook it off and started going down as Shadow decided to go and buy some stuff from the Circus of Values. The ebony made it quick as Sonic waited before going over the boxed fortress. They went into Fontaine Fisheries to the door where Knuckles Wilkins hid behind of. Sonic hit the door with his wrench against the door, getting the attention of the man behind it as they both wait. The echidna opens the slit of the glass, as he starts speaking, hiding his face behind a mask. 

" The wharf rat didn't get himself et. You got something for me and my crew, or are you just looking to get criticized? You set here a spell, I needs to set some coffee, maybe puts on silverware and the like. " 

He closes the slit as the both just stood there, looking at each other before shrugging it off. The radio turns on, and the azure hedgehog knew it was going to be Atlas. Shadow growls and huffs, taking out a pack of cigarettes and starts smoking using incinerate.

" Before you head into the Fisheries, a word to the wise. Ol' Knucky seems about as straight as a dog's hind leg. You both keep your eyes open. "

They both walk into the icy cold room. Guns out, and guard up.

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