Chapter 4: Trouble with another hedgehog

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Sonic found a hole in the wall of the male's bathroom. It seem to be connected to a balcony, where you can see the beams. Atlas soon came on as he stepped out of the bathrooms.

" Careful now ... would you kindly lower that weapon for a minute?

Sonic lower's his wrench down. He was crossing the beams, as he was looking down. He saw a little girl, a rabbit, stabbing a corpse with a needle. Atlas continued.

" You think that's a child down there? Don't be fooled. She's a Little Sister now. Somebody went and turned a sweet baby girl into a monster. Whatever you thought about right and wrong on the surface, well, that doesn't count for much down in Rapture. Those Little Sisters, they carry ADAM- the genetic material that keeps the wheel of Rapture turning. Everybody wants it. Everybody needs it. "

Atlas finished as Sonic got off the beams. The " Little Sister " was hummimg the family finger song, except it was eerie sounding. Her voice seemed to echoed. Sonic went down the nearest stairs. He saw a big glass window that seperated the Little Sister and him.

Soon, a splicer came in. He wanted to help the little girl, even though Atlas said that she was a monster now, his pure heart told him to save her. The door was locked, all he could do was watch through the window. The Little Sister suddenly screamed as the splicer got closer, Sonic himself was beginning to sweat profoundly.

The splicer hit the poor girl, making Sonic flinched. There was a sudden roar, and then thunping of feet. He looked to the his left and saw it. A big fat cat-like thing in some diver suit who jumped down from the balcony he was just on. It's eight eyes(?) glowing red with fiercity and anger.

It hit a chair with it's drill and stomps over to splicer, who was shooting at it with his pistol. It hits the splicer against the wall, and as the splicer was getting up, the hulking thing drilled into his chest, blood splattering against the wall. It grabbed the head of the splicer and slammed it against the glass window that seperated them. On it's side, it cracked so much to the point where if you touch it, the glass who break it.

Then, it slammed the splicer over and over again until it breaks, having half of the splicer on Sonic's side. Sonic took a few steps back. That.... that was terrifying. Would he have to fight those things later on? The buzz of the short-wave radio would hopefully answer Sonic's internal questions.

" That's the Big Daddy. She gathers the ADAM, he keeps her safe. "

Sonic shivers as the Big Daddy and the Little Sister leave. Sonic searches the corpse. He got some pistol bullets and took out his wrench. He breaks the lock on the door, and goes outside. He walks over and checks another corpse he found and saw another vita chamber.

He goes straight ahead then turns the corner just to meet the bat splicer once more. The bat stared at him and nods, also making murmurs. Sonic stands there awkwardly until she leaves.

Sonic sighs, why is that certain splicer the only interesting one here? Why does she not attack him? Why does she observe him?

He had so many questions that he will never get the answers to.

He walked around the corner and a trash can was thrown at him. His heart skipped a beat. Standing in front of him was a hedgehog with ebony fur that had a nice blood red stripes. He seemed to have ruby red eyes behind his rabbit mask.

He wore dirtied and bloodied vest. Underneath was a bit torn white dress shirt as he wore a blue tie. There was some of his chest fur sticking out.

Suddenly, a name popped up into his mind. The bat splicer said it before when they first met. It seemed so long ago but really wasn't.

" Shadow.. "

He murmured. He didn't hear a shot of the pistol until he felt something painful in his arm. He hissed in pain and snapped out of his dazed. Sonic realized he was crushing and day dreaming on a splicer...a fucking splicer! Sonic growled as " Shadow " yelled.


He yelled across the hallway. Sonic zaps the hedgehog and then knocks him out with a punch. Sonic sighed, thank god he didn't kill him, or else would've felt awful.

He took a deep breath before going on his merry way. Sonic waddled over to the stairs, stabbing an EVE bottle into his wrist before zapping the water, killing two mobian splicers in the water. He went down the stairs and waited until the water dimmed down on the electricity. He searched the splicers before going down to the ground.

He checked some storage boxes then went into the bathrooms, drunkenly since he drank too much wine in the storage boxes. He searched the men's bathroon. He decided to do some business in there before checking the women's, because there was a hole so you could see the women's side.

He came out of the women's bathroon and carried on foward. That was until, he was trapped. Red lights and alarms started blaring off. Then, an announcer came on.

" Security alert in prgress. "

She monotonically called out. Well, fuck, like this can be any better. Sonic zapped two incoming splicers that were in the water and used his pistol to shoot the splicer behind him. This was now getting intense. He searched the bodies until something went off and maybe exploded? He wasn't quite sure, but he knew that it made the ground under his feet shake.

He zapped more splicers in the water. Atlas came on.

" It's Ryan! Goddamn Andrew Ryan! He found us! Damnit! He's shut off access to Neptune ... there's another to get there ... head to medical! What are you waiting for? Go! "

He yelled. Sonic went through the open gate, this was getting crazier by the second! He went down the leaking, red flashing, crumbling hallway. There was a sign that said " Medical Pavilion ", looks like he was going the right way. He finally got into a room with a bunch of tvs. He was about to enter the room until it closed.

" Ah, Christ! You're trapped ... gonna try to override the exit from here. "

Atlas said, trying to help the trapped blue hedgie. What the hell was going on!? It was all dark, not pitch black, but still dark in the room. Soon, a giant tv from behind a glass wall lights up, with a man on it who had half his face covered by a hat. Sonic assumed this was " Andrew Ryan " that Atlas talked about earlier.

" So tell me, friend ... which one of those bitches sent you? The KGB wolf? Or the CIA jackel? Here's the news: Rapture isn't some sunken ship for you to plunder and Andrew Ryan isn't a giddy socialite who can be slapped around by government muscle. And with that, farewell, or Dasvadinya. Whichever you prefer. "

Soon, Sonic heard giggling, then splicer appeared, trying to break the glass. Sonic took a few steps back, this may be the end for him. It got intense by the minute until the door behind him opened.

" I got it ... get out of there ... Get out now!!! "

Atlas yelled over from the radio. Sonic rushed in the room and closed the door behind him. He turned the wheel to the next door. That was a close one ...

// Wow, I actually updated a chapter on a Monday? How surprising! Maybe I'll try updating a chapter tomorrow. Hoped you enjoyed!


Published: September 24, 2018

Update: August 6, 2019

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