Mafia keith x forced cop pidge

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The mission was simple. Go in get the information get out. The rookie officer Katie Holt was on the job. She was sent to a mafia warehouse to retrieve vital information to stop the drug circulation.

There she was dressed in tight black jeans, a black sweatshirt and black converse. She easily picked the lock and made her way into a dimly lit hallway. As she turned to go down it to find any form of computer to hack into and get information from there was the cock of a gun. She turned slowly to see a large male with a white tuft of hair and a black undercut. She knew him as shiro the undercover in the case.

"Name" he said in a demanding voice.

"P-Pidge" he lowered his gun and pulled her to a room.

"the info is in here; make it quick, if someone enters and asks how you got in say the vents." He said quickly. She nodded and made her way to the computer in the room she quickly downloaded the information and deleted security feeds. Footsteps could be heard from outside the door; she hurriedly put the hardrive in her pocket and hid under the desk.

"Kuro how many times do I have to tell you to keep this locked?" A voice said.

"Sorry Keith" she heard shiro say. "It won't happen again." By this point Pidge was shaking. She hadn't thought this completely through. She got up and quickly moved some boxes to climb into the vent and hide. Before she could though the door opened and a man with longer black hair and a scar on his face stepped inside.

"Looks like I have a visiter~" he said with a smirk. He pulled out his gun and loosely pointed it at her. "off the boxes" he demanded. Pidge climbed down from the boxes; she came into this mission without a weapon, that was a mistake. He grabbed her arm harshly and pulled her closer to the gun. "Who are you and what do you want." At this point Pidge was almost in tears, she had a gun to her head, a bruising grip on her arm and all she wanted was to sit with her dog ,rover, and cat ,green.

"P-Pidge.... I-I was forced here... o-on a job f-for the BOM (blades of malmora, it's another mafia) ...." she choked out, it was halfway a lie.

"What job?" He asked, his grip tightening.

"G-get the locations of the next deals.... a-and intercept them.." keith opened the door and shoved Pidge into shiro.

"Take her to my private quarters," he said as shiro grabbed her shoulders. "It seems I've got myself a new pet~"

*time skip*

Shiro had taken the information from Pidge to get to the GGPD. He took Pidge to Keith's room and tied her wrists behind her back, locking the door from the outside as he left. This is when she let it all fall apart, she was supposed to be home cuddling on the couch in her cat onesie with her pets, but instead she's in a cold dark room and probably about to be raped and murdered. Keith soon went back to his room. He saw the small girl shaking and crying; he took off his gloves and set them on his dresser. He was unarmed and knelt in front of her.

"Hey" he said in a soft voice trying to calm her down. "I won't hurt you I just want to know why your here" he said reaching up and wiping tears from her freckled cheeks.

"L-let me go! I-I didn't do anything! I already told you why I'm here!" Pidge said flinching away from his hand. Keith stood up and grabbed a small bottle from his drawer. He grabbed her jaw forcefully and made her drink what was in the bottle.

"Don't worry it won't hurt you, it's only enough to get you high so I can get the real answers" pidge's shaking turned almost violent, she was so scared she could've died from just that. She started feeling dizzy and everything was getting somewhat fuzzy.

"Who are you?" Keith asked moving her so she wouldn't fall off the bed.

"K-Katie Holt... I'm an undercover for the GGPD..."

"What information were you sent to retrieve?"

"The drug deal locations..."

"Where is the information?"

"Takishi has it..."

"How old are you?"


"Why aren't you still in school then?"

"I graduated at 15..."

"Did you make up the BOM sending you?"

"Yes and no..."


"The BOM have my dad and brother... they forced me to become a cop.... they said if I didn't they would kill them.... I've been working for them to k-keep my family alive.." Pidge returned to crying. Keith felt bad, he knew how awful the BOM could be, he himself was being blackmailed by them.

"Listen I can help you but you need to help me in return" he said tilting her chin to look in her eyes. "I can tell your in a difficult situation, and that you don't want to be here, or in the mess your in. So what your going to do is quit your job as a cop, tell them this job scared you to badly and you weren't cut out for it, you'll come back here and we can save your family from the BOM and I'll keep you safe." He felt bad for her, not like pity, but like 'been there done that I know the struggle in it' kinda felt bad.

"B-but what if they kill them before we can save t-them..." she said as he untied her wrists.

"They won't, I won't let them." Keith had a plan that would soon be flung into action, but he honestly feared for the girl now hugging his chest.

There was a knock at the door.





And one death....

The lead story in the paper that morning read...

Cop Katie Holt killed by fellow police at the age of 17, she was helping mafia leader Keith Kogane escape the scene.

Keith had escaped. He saved Matt and Sam Holt from the BOM. The only problem was he broke his promise to protect that girl he fell in love with in a matter of minutes.....

"Katie wake up."

"Your job isn't finished."

"You think we'd let you die so soon?"

"She's waking up again! Maybe she's coming back to finish her job!"

"Or maybe she's back for him"

"Pidge please....please don't be gone....."

Pidge opened her eyes. She was strapped to a table she looked around to see BOM leaders, IV's sticking out of her arms, and hardly any clothes on her extremity frail body. Her bones could be seen, her shin was pale, she was covered in scars and bruises. How did this happen? Last thing she remembered was... was her fellow officer lotor... he pointed his gun at her and shot her in the shoulder... who was she trying to prote-Keith?! Was he safe?! Was he alive?! Did he continue with the plan?! All of the thoughts in her mind diminished when.... he walked in the room... the one who shot her with a fake bullet... the one that kept her here for months without sufficient amounts of food, or water... it was Lotor....

If you guys want a part 2 just lmk!

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