Hunk x pidge x lance

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Requests are still open! Don't be shy to ask for a story! I'll write anything even if im not the best with it!

Third person POV

Pidge has been training nonstop for the past 16 hours trying her hardest to make herself more valuable to the team, in a non-techie way. Hunk had made food with Lance's help, the two were secretly together and thinking of adding Pidge as a third. Lance made his way to the training room to get Pidge so she would hopefully take a break, she would often overwork herself and she didn't sleep unless she was forced to.

"Start... training... level... 33..." Pidge huffed our and two bots fell from the ceiling lunging themselves at her. Pidge dodged one only to be struck in the stomach by the other, causing her to crumble to the ground.

"END TRAINING SEQUENCE!" Lance yelled running over to the small girl. "Pidge?! Pidge are you ok?!" He lifted her up slightly stopping when she winced.

"I'm ok lance; I was I in the middle of training why'd you stop it?" She asked sitting up holding her stomach.

"Because you just took a beating and I think it's about time you stop, and take a rest." He responded helping her to her feet.

"Fine." She huffed crossing her arms and looking at the ground, lance chuckled a bit.

"Stop acting like Keith, ya little emo pidgin." He said picking her up.

"Let me go lance!" She whined.

"Nah you need to eat so I'm gonna make sure yo do." He started walking to the kitchen where  his boyfriend was making something.

"Hey lance, Pidge; what are you two up to?" Hunk questioned.

"Well I was training till loafer boy lance here decided it would be a good idea to pick up chicks and I apparently was the closest one." Pidge said gritting her teeth a bit due to the immense pain of the wound.

"Haha very funny Pidge if only you knew you were talking to my boyfrien- no wait I mea-" lance stammered trying to erase what he said. Pidge looked down a bit and pushed herself out of his arms.

"I'm happy for the two of you, your a great couple," she said before leaving to go to her room. Neither of them stopped her, they were confused on her reaction. After she didn't come to dinner the two feared something was wrong so they went to her room and knocked. No answer. Knocked again. Nothing. They went in and sat on the bed next to the small shaking girl.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, and the boys hugged her, lance from the front wrapping around her and hunk from the back wrapping around both of them.

"You don't need to be sorry about anything Pidge, you didn't do anything wrong." Hunk said soothingly.

"Yes I did, I fell in love with both of you, hoping I'd be with one or the other but n-now your together and I don't want to ruin that." She said and lance pulled her closer.

"Pidge we wanted to ask you something," lance said quietly in her ear. "We wanted to know if you'd maybe wanna be in our relationship?"

"Y-you don't have to pity me I know my feelings aren't returned." Pidge said sadly.

"Actually we've both talked about it for a while," hunk said kissing her head. "So hopefully you'll consider?"

"Y-yeah," she spoke quietly. "I'll consider."

Long story short the three stayed together for a long time, they had a few kids, and lived a long life together in space. They would always be together, no matter what happened the garrison trio would always stay by each other's sides. When lance parents died hunk was his rock and Pidge was the gentle voices in the wind. When Pidge went missing, lance and hunk didn't stop their search for her. When bunk was dealing with awful nightmares Pidge and lance would stay in bed with him and watch Disney movies till he fell back asleep. The three were inseparable, and fully in love.

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