Keith x pidge x lance ~anxitey~

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Third person POV

Lance sat on the floor of his room, he messed up in team training, again. Every time he did Allura had to make some sort of comment  to make him feel even worse with himself, it was bad enough with the constant insecurity's coming to bite him in the ass. He hugged his knees and tried to control his breathing. This was the third time today he's had to retreat to his room, he didn't want the team to worry about him so he always put on a fake smile and joked around. He flirted with Allura in hopes she would like him more as a friend, in all honesty he hated her, but he wanted to feel accepted by the whole team. At this point he was shaking and tears were freely running down his face. There was a small knock on his door that pulled him out of his current state.

"Lance? Are you ok?" Pidge asked through the door. Lance let out a small breath of relief and got up to clean off his face and take a few deep breaths.

"Lance? Are you in there?" Keith asked with clear worry in his voice.

"Y-yeah just hang on a second." He said cursing his voice for failing him. He took another deep breath, plastered on a fake smile and opened his door. "What's going on?"

"We came to check on you, you didn't show up to lunch and we were worried." Pidge said with a hint of an emotion lance couldn't place.

"I'm ok Pidge, don't worry." He said with a small smile. "Now that you mention it I'm a bit hungry so I'm gonna go get some food, thanks for checking on me." Lance said as walked down the hall away from his friends.

Pidge let out a sigh, she'd seen the face of a person suppressing emotions, she often saw her brother doing that with frustration when he messed things up. She also saw that face when she looked in the mirror, for the longest time she'd been suppressing love for her teammates, Keith and lance. Pidge had never thought of herself as straight, lesbian, bi, ace, or gay but one thing was for sure she was polymorse (sorry idk how it's spelled). A small part of her wanted to leave and never talk to either of them again, but she kept quiet and watched both of them struggle through the hardships of war and stayed by their sides waiting for her chance to tell them she loves them.

Keith put his hand on Pidge's shoulder. "Don't worry Pidge, we can check on him later." He said with a small smile. The smile made her heart melt.

"Your right." Pidge said hugging him. Keith was taken aback at first but accepted the hug from the smaller girl. If you had asked his sexuality before space his answer would have easily been gay but now he was a plansexual (sexually attracted to Pidge and lance). He was always scared of his feelings, always scared of love, but with them he wasn't scared he was just in love.

Lance made it to the kitchen his head ached his stomach hurt his heart was pounding, there's that feeling again, the feeling right before panic sets in and everything goes downhill. He got himself some food goo and a water pouch and sat at the table. Lance sat there forever not really eating just poking his food maybe a bite here or there. Lance got up, his plate still full of food, he scraped off his plate and went back to his room surprised to find Pidge and Keith curled up in front of it. He smiled and chuckled to himself, cute. Lance sat next to the two and leaned into Keith and pulled Pidge close to himself. He instantly felt better and fell asleep with the two.

~time skip brought to you by: prince loutishness lotion~

The three teens woke up in a compromising position. Lance was on the bottom, Pidge was in the middle, and Keith on top. Pidge, still being half asleep, snuggled closer to lance making him blush. Keith was fully awake so he got up.

"A little help Keith?" Lance asked quietly.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." Keith replied with a small smile on his face.

" I-I just had a few... panic attacks ..." lance said sadly.

"You should've told us." Pidge says hugging him.

"It's hard to talk about though." Lance muttered.

"Lance we want to help you." Keith sat back next to him and wrapped his arms around Lance's waist. At this point Pidge was straddling Lance's leg and Keith was hugging him from behind. Lance gave a small smile and kissed them both on their cheeks.

"I know you want to help, but you don't need to even try, you help me just by being there for me." He said.

"I love you both."

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