Keith x Pidge x lance ~to broken..~

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S8 spoilers!!!!! If you haven't seen it don't read!!

The voices

Third person POV

After the death of princess allura all the Paladins had fallen into a sort of depression. Lance and Pidge especially, although lance had his chance to tell Allura he loved her Pidge hadn't gotten to. The pain of not telling her, or anyone for that matter, has been the hardest thing on her. While the two people he loved most fall apart in front of his eyes all Keith can do is hope that one day he'll be able to pick up the pieces and kiss them all back together. He was currently on his way to see lance, he knew the smaller boy was struggling and that he would need to talk. Keith knocked on his door and was shocked at what he saw when lance opened the door. Lance's hair was curly and sticking up, his skin that Keith once thought was flawless was covered in adorable constellation like freckles.

"Hey Keith." Lance said sadly, praying to himself that he didn't notice the ugly freckles and his un-straightened hair.

"Hey lance." Keith said pulling the smaller one into a hug. "Need to talk?"

Lance nodded into Keith's shoulder letting a small sob rake through his body. Pidge has been walking to her dorm (right next to Lance's) when she saw them. Why? Why does this hurt? She asked herself. Am I crying? Again? Why? Pidge dropped her laptop and rushed into her room.

Do it.

"No." Pidge said to herself covering her ears and sliding down the door.

Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you.

"Yes they will. I can't do that to t-them!" Pidge yelled.

"Pidge?! Is everything ok in there?!" Lance yelled from the outside of the door.

"No now go away!!" Pidge said moving towards her bed and curling into herself .

"We're coming in!" Keith said opening the door.

They don't want you here.

"Please make it stop..." Pidge whimpered out.

"Pidge!" Lance yelled running over to her and gently cradling her in his arms. Keith also rushed over and cupped her cheeks wiping away the tears.

"Katie what's wrong?" Keith asked gently rubbing his thumbs over her cheeks.

"I miss her Keith... I miss her so much... she's gone and I won't ever get her back! I'll never get another girls day or hear her nagging about me wearing something formal to a coalition meeting... I-I'll never... get a chance to tell her how much I care about her!..." Pidge cried hiccuping between words.

"I know it hurts Pidge but she did that so we could all live." Keith said sadly running his hand through her short honey hair. "She didn't mean to but she broke both of you... I want to be the one to pick up all the pieces and put them back together."

"I'm past fixing Keith..." lance said sadly as tears ran down his face. "My pieces are more than broken... they're missing..."

"Then I'll give you my pieces," keith said wiping his tears. "I promise I'll help both of you." Keith pulled both smaller Paladins into a tight hug. Pidge winced as she felt warm liquid run down her arm.

"Pidge! Your bleeding!" Lance said. He grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve. What the boys saw shattered their already broken hearts. All along her arm were cuts some new some were scars some were a few days old some a few weeks, Pidge looked away ashamed.

"How long have you been doing this katie?.." Keith asked rolling up her other sleeve.

"Since before we went to space... it started because of my brother and dad going missing... and I just kept doing it..." Pidge replied nuzzling her head into keiths chest. "I never meant for it to get this bad... I'm sorry..." Lance kisses her forehead and let Keith pull her into his lap, then he got up and went to go grab gauze and a damp towel to wipe it up.

Pidge x various (one shots) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz