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So ummm for those of you who aren't fallowing me here's an update! I am currently getting a job at McDonolds and I'm also trying to get a new phone because mine broke big time, on another note, I will be taking the last requests (6/5/19) they will be closed on the 10th! (6/10/19) So please give your final requests I'm still working on some and haven't started others. Another question is do any of you want me to post my cosplays on here?

Last thing is happy pride month!!! 5-11-19 for those of you who wanna know XD those are the days and you can just look up what they are on one of the pride month calendars!! 💖💛💙 thank you all for reading!

Pidge x various (one shots) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz