Hacker pidge x cop lance

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Third person POV

Pidge was a hacker for the GGPD, her partner was named Lance, the two were often undercover together, this was the first job she had on her own. She finished without a problem, she was on her way home to her shared apartment with lance. Pidge walked inside locking the door behind her, the smell of alcohol was present, it scared her a bit because it was rare that lance would drink. She walked into the small living room and saw him at the stove making dinner making her smile.

"Welcome home pidgy," he said pressing a kiss to her forehead making her giggle.

"What's all this for?" She asked giving him a hug. Lance smiled and hugged back.

"I just thought we could celebrate your first solo mission." Lance said as he pulled out a chair for her to sit at. "I just hope this doesn't mean it's the end of our partnerships." He sadly said as Pidge sat down.

"Of course not!" She said as lance got them both a plate of food and a glass of wine. "I love working with you lance! I'd never pick solo over you!" This statement made lance smile, tonight was the night he was planning to purpose, of course the two were never dating in the first place but he loved her and would yell it to the world if he had the chance. After dinner and another bottle of wine the two settled down on the couch to cuddle and watch movies. This was his only chance, he didn't want to mess this up.

Pidge sighed and nuzzled into his neck, she was a big lightweight when it came to any alcohol but it's not like lance could have known that.

"I love you lance," she said happily cuddling closer to him. "I wanna be more than just friends or partners though."

"I do too Pidge." He said kissing her cheek. "I love you and I was wondering if you'd maybe want to marry me?" Pidge giggled and tears were freely flowing down her cheeks. The small tears soon turned to sobs as she hugged him tightly. "Hey you don't have to if you don't want to." Lance said sadly.

"O-Of corse I want to you idiot!" She said kissing him for the first time. She never thought that lance would love her, and she thought if he did it would only be enough for a one night stand or a short few months until he realized she wasn't good enough, but never would she have thought he would want to marry her. The kiss wasn't short but it was full of love and passion, no lust or need just a perfect love that would last for years to come.

Pidge x various (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now