Shiro x pidge ~angst~

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Third person POV

It was 2Am again and Pidge was still awake, she was working on finding a way to cloak voltron. Shiro hadn't fallen asleep either, he was struggling with really bad ptsd the past few days. He walked around the castle checking the rooms of the other paladins to make sure they were ok. When he got to Pidge's room he just about had a heart attack when she wasn't there, he checked the kitchen, her lab, the training room, and last her lion hanger.

"Pidge." He sighed when he saw her sitting on the ground next to her lions paw.

"Oh hey shiro, why are you up? It's really late." She said looking up from her computer.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said sitting next to her.

"Well I'm trying to finish some programming," she looked back at the screen. "It's just an upgrade for cloaking though."

"But you need rest we have a mission tomorrow," he pulled her hands away from her laptop and closed it.

"What? No! I don't need sleep, all I have to do is take out a few guards and hack the system!" She protested.

"Good then you should have no problem after you wake up tomorrow." Pidge sighed.

"F-fine but I don't want to sleep on my own," she looked down. "I've been having bad nightmares, a-about Matt."

"Ok you can sleep with me then, but I get nightmares too." Shiro said standing up and helping her on her feet as well. She mumbled a small 'thanks' and they walked silently to shiro's room. Shiro ler Pidge wear one of his long sleeve shirts to sleep in because she forgot to grab some pajamas from her room. The two laid there silently a bit far away from each other. Pidge watched as shiro's breaths slowed, she hesitated but she wrapped her small arms around his waist and nuzzles her face into his back.

"I know my feelings aren't returned but I love you shiro, as more than a friend, in a romantic way, I won't be able to tell you this while your awake, but I love you." She kisses his cheek and nuzzles into his neck falling victim to a dreamless sleep, little did she know shiro hadn't fallen asleep and heard it all.

~time skip brought to you by: the struggling author~

Pidge woke up snuggling a pillow, she was still in shiro's room. Pidge smiled to herself and sat up, well at least tried to, there was an abnormal pain in her chest making it nearly impossible to breath. Her vision blurred and refocused to see the eerie sight of a gulra ship. She tried to scream but nothing came out, the snuggly pillow turned to a large piece of the broken ship, she saw a figure with a disappointed look on his face, it was Matt.

"I trusted you Katie, and you failed me. I died alone in space without my family." His voice was harsh and cold. Another voice chimed in as the battle cruiser changed to black and figures appeared, the voice was Lance's.

"I trusted you Pidge! You promised I'd see my family again! You promised all the scars would stop appearing! But they didn't! You said Keith liked me too but now I'll never know because I'm dead! My self-harm got so bad that the healing pods couldn't help me and it's all your fault!" He yelled tears streaming down his face and he faded out as hunk faded in.

"I told you not to! I said don't do the extra step you'll run out of time! But no! You did it and i was the one to die for that! The stupid bomb you made blew up and I protected you! Your worthless Pidge! You can't do anything right!" He spouted out. He was the maddest she'd ever seen. He faded and Keith appeared yelling that his death was entirely her fault, and so it went, Allura, couran, her mom, her dad, everybody she cared about, last was shiro.

"You discussed me," he scowled. "everything about you is discussing, and the fact that you like me? That's pathetic, as if I'd ever care about someone like you. Your worthless to everyone, the scars on your arms and legs are proof that you hate yourself just as much at the rest of us. Katie holt the most worthless" stop, "useless" please, "discussing" I'm sorry, "piece of garbage there is in the universe."

Pidge woke up sobbing uncontrollably and shaking badly. She tried to get up but shiro pulled her back into his chest.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He said sadly.

"N-no... I'll be fine..." she said giving her usual goofy fake smile.

"Pidge I know your lying, please tell me what's wrong." Pidge turned to face him and laid her hand on his cheek.

"I promise I'm ok shiro, it was just a really bad nightmare." Pidge said allowing him to pull her closer.

"I promise I won't let any of that happen katie."  He said pressing a short sweet kiss to her lips. With three simple words shiro changed everything between them, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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