Angel pidge x demon keith

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Third person POV

Pidge was an angel she lived high up in the clouds with her family. She watches over all the fallen angels on earth and tried her best to protect them from demons. There was two humans she had been particularly attached to ones name was Lance, he was targeted by many demons due to his many insecurities, and hunk who was his best friend, and a fallen angel, she used to be really close with him but he fell in love with a demon named shay, and the two turned human just to be with each other. Pidge loved watching them talk and hug and be happy, but she missed talking to him so she gave up her wings for a day to walk the streets with him. She started her day as normal, waking up checking on Lance and Hunk, going to get breakfast and making her way out the door. She soon found herself in a forest on earth, her wings hidden to the human eye, but not other angels and demons. She made her way into the town, stopping at a few places and finally making it to hunk and shays apartment. She knocked to be greeted by her long time friend giving him a big hug.

"Hunk!" She yelled as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Pidge!" He yelled back as she returned his affection.

"I missed you so much!" she started until other people in the room caught her attention.

"Hello Pidge!" A girl said reaching her hand out to be shaken. Pidge carefully shook it, she could tell this girl was a demon, she had white hair and markings on her face. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Im sorry but you are?" Pidge asked.

"Oh please forgive me I'm princess Allura of the altain demons, I'm a friend of shay." She said simply.

"That's a relief, I'm glad your not gulra or we may have a problem." Pidge said wait a small smile. The gulra were awful. They were rewarded for killing people and honored for killing an angel. The altain's on the other hand were peaceful towards most. The four talked and went to a café to eat. While there Pidge noticed another demon walk in. You could see the pure hatred when his eyes landed on Pidge, and the slight smirk as he sat at a nearby table. Pidge shuddered and excused herself, paying for her drink and leaving quickly, she had to leave. She couldn't stay there when there was a gulra. She walked down the sidewalk and down an ally so hopefully turn back to an angel and go home when the demon from the café suddenly had her pinned against the red brick building to the right. Pidge gasped for air as his grip on her neck tightened to deadly. Her vision started to fade black when she was dropped to the ground and younger demon rushed to her side. He was wearing all black with a small purple rune symbol on his shirt. Pidge flinched away from him, he was also gulra.

"Hey, Hey, it's ok, it's ok I won't hurt you." He said softly brushing some hair from her face. He had black hair that was pulled back some shorter pieces falling into his face, a long scar from below his eye down his jaw caught her attention. Pidge hadn't fully comprehend the situation because when the gulran picked her up she didn't struggle against him, she just let him hold her. The demon took her to his apartment nearby, he gently set her on his couch and checked all the places she could've gotten hurt. He was a gulra, a demon known for being ruthless and evil. He hated the awful stereotype of the gulra, not all of them were bad. His brother, shiro, and him were actually against violence of any kind. Yeah he had his moments where he'd accidentally snap at a person but it was pretty rare. He was walking down the street when he had seen a gulra fallow an angel into the ally way. He stopped the gulra from killing the girl, but it would be hard for her to regain her wings after being touched by an evil demon. Pidge soon woke up. She was startled when she saw the boys bright yellow eyes, fluffy ears and light purple skin. Keith noticed this and gently took her hand pressing a kiss to it.

"Sorry I scared you, I was just making sure you were ok, that asshole did quite a bit of damage to ya." He said brushing some hair out of the girls face. "I'm sorry you don't have your wings anymore." He said sadly.

"It's not your fault, and thank you for saving me," Pidge said, unconsciously leaning into the touch of his hand making him smile slightly.

"You can stay here for as long as you need, and don't worry, I'm not a bad guy." He said moving his hand away from her.

"I can tell." The angel said smiling.

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