Lance x pidge x keith ~smut~

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This is extremely smutty!!!!!! If you aren't comfortable with it don't read it!

Word count; 703

Third person POV

The smell of alcohol was present in the castle of lions. As a celebration of defeating Sendak the paladins decided to get some alcoholic beverages. Hunk didn't drink, shiro was passed out on the couch, keith and lance were kinda buzzed but not to the point where they couldn't walk, Pidge on the other hand was completely wasted, talking about things that didn't even make sense. Pidge stumbled across the room to where Keith and lance sat.

"I love you guys~" she slurred as she flopped across their laps.

"Love you too little pidgin" Keith said with a small chuckle. Making lance laugh a bit too.

"No no no no no, I mean like love love, like I wanna spend the rest of our lives together love" she said with a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Can you somewhat explain?" Lance confusedly asked. Pidge did the only thing her drunk self knew would get her point across, so she kissed Keith, passionately on the lips, then she kissed lance with the same amount of passion. The two boys were shocked, but both far from disgusted. Pidge had a dark blush on her face.

"I-I love you both in a romantic way, and I have for a long time," she giggled hugging them both, getting hugs back.

"I think you two should take her to her room," hunk said. The two boys nod and take Pidge to Keith's room, letting her lay on the fluffy bed. Keith and lance sat on the bed as well. Pidge giggled and sat in Keith's lap. Keith looked at lance and then to Pidge, he never knew he could love two people the same way, and lance did the same. The two boys both leaned in and closed the distance between themselves, getting a slightly pouty huff from Pidge. The boys laughed and took turns pressing kisses to her lips too.

Pidge was attacked with kisses on her neck and jaw, getting a slight nip here and there making her moan out in pleasure. Lance threw his shirt off fallowed by Keith's, then Pidge's, along with her bra, three pairs of pants, and whatever underwear any of them had on. Pidge was in her hands and knees, a moaning mess as the boys behind her were stretching her out, Lance's fingers pumped at a slower pace while Keith was pumping them fast. Pidge soon came and they pulled their fingers out. Keith licked the juices off Lance's fingers humming in satisfaction.

"You taste so good katie~" he purred in her ear before slowly thrusting his dick into her ass making her wince in pain. Lance lifted her up so he was in front of her pushing his dick past her folds, making tears prick her eyes.

Keith gently kissed the back of her neck waiting for the signal to start moving. Pidge rolled her hips and let out a quiet moan signaling them to go. The two started in unison, but picked up at different paces. Pidge was a moaning mess between them. Not wanting to get Pidge pregnant lance pulled out before he came, Pidge ducking her head down to suck him off swallowing all but a few drops that dribbled down her chin. Keith came inside of her not worried about knocking her up from the backside. Lance grabbed a large cat buttplug that replaced Keith in her whole. The three cuddled under the covers together satisfied with how their night had gone.


Pidge woke up with a pounding headache, naked in Keith's bed laying next to her two crushes naked.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?" She screamed falling out of the bed and landing with a thud.

"Good morning beautiful~" lance cooed picking up the now even more in pain girl, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Looks like our kitten is awake~" Keith purred kissing her other cheek. Pidge was confused up until the point of feeling the cat buttplug in her. Let's just say it was an amazing relationship they had together, up until the point of trying to explain to shiro how Pidge got pregnant a few months later, let's just say it wasn't Lance's fault or Keith's.

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