Bad boy keith x punk pidge ~forest fire~

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Third person POV

Two teens looked up at the dark night sky, the stars sparkling, and their hearts beating together. The night had been eventful. Starting with smoking weed at the skate park at sundown. Second was going to a small restaurant for milkshakes and burgers, and last a motorbike ride to the middle of nowhere.

"Keith?" A small girl asked, her honey colored hair was pulled back into a small ponytail and had green streaks going through it.

"Hm?" The boy responded and pulled her closer.

"I think... I think I'm in love." She said quietly. The boy sat up from their comfy spot in the grass and looked down at her.

"With lance? Shiro? Hunk? Or is it Allura? O-Or Romelle?" He asked nervously. "And why didn't you tell me sooner? We just went on something that could be considered a date and I'm sure that any one of those people would actually murder me if they found out!"

The small girl leaned up and pressed their lips together, a pair of leather fingerless gloves moves to her hips to pull her closer.

"Geez you taste like cigarettes." She mumbled against his lips. "And the person I love, it's you."

"Pidge I-"

"Katie. Call me Katie now." She said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

"Katie." Keith said breathless from the kiss and the beautiful girl that gave it to him. "Those snake bites make you kiss better." He said with a smirk.

"Of course they do." Pidge said with a giggle.

"I think I'm in love too." Keith said laying his forehead against hers.

"With lance? Shiro? Hunk? Or is it Allura? Or Romelle?" Pidge teased. Keith huffed and kissed her once again making Pidge giggle softly. The next day would be hell for the two of them, but right now all that mattered was the person in front of them.

Pidge groaned as she reached over keith to grab her phone, it was Matt telling her to come home, the fun was over for the night.

"I'll race you to the bikes~" Keith purrs. Pidge smirks and gets up, grabbing her bag and running off. Keith fallowed after quickly, and got on his bike. "Katie? Would you be my girlfriend?"

Pidge smirked at him and revved her engine. "Race me and we'll see~"

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