Lance x pidge ~angst~

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Third person POV

There was blood covering the floor of the green paladins bathroom, a small switch blade pressed to her arm for the 15th time that night, and it wasn't even past dinner.

Lance was sent to retrieve the girl for a final call on the last meal of the day. He knocked. Once. Twice. Five times. He'd been waiting for ten minutes, assuming she'd fallen asleep he opened the door and looked in, but she wasn't there.

He walked in and knocked on the bathroom, hearing clattering, he assumed yet again that she was brushing her teeth. He opened the door and saw Pidge with a blade in her hand and cuts all over her already scarred body. He looked at the girls tear stained face he saw his best friend, in fear and pain trying to actually kill herself. He kneeled down and took the knife from her.

"What the hell pidge?!" He yelled making the small girl flinch away. He sighed wrapping his arms around her tightly. "It'll be ok I promise I'm going to help you." He lifted her off the floor by her thighs and she nuzzles into him, like a kitten. He smiled slightly and laid her in her bed, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"P-please don't go lance" she whined.

"I'll be right back, I'm just gonna clean up and get you some food ok?" She nodded and lance went to clean up her bloodied bathroom and grab gauzes and a plate of green food goo. He gave the plate to Pidge and she ate it. He wrapped her arms and stayed the night in her room, letting her cuddle up to him. They both fell asleep in each other's arms.

It's been a few weeks since that though and lance has been helping Pidge a lot. Lance started to fall in love with Pidge and the feelings were easily returned to the boy. Things wouldn't change, lance would forever help Pidge even if she didn't feel the same, and Pidge would always live for lance even if her feelings weren't returned.

The two were woken up by blaring sirens. The gulra were attacking. They both rushed to their lions flying out of the castle.

"Lance! Watch out!" Pidge yelled to the red paladin, but it was to late. Lance was sucked into the tractor beam of a gulra ship. Allura's voice could be heard in her head, the times she yelled at lance, the times shiro yelled at him. But despite it all he was there for her, Pidge wasn't going to give up on him no matter what.

A few days went by and Pidge wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, all she did was sit in the red lions empty hanger and type away at her computer. The other paladins were worried, really really worried.

"Katie you need sleep and food," shiro said walking into the red lions hanger.

"I've almost got reds location though," she said tiredly, and she sounded almost dead.

"No. Go to sleep now." Shiro used his dad voice but Pidge didn't care all she wanted to do was find lance and bring him back, to fall asleep in his arms once again, and to stop the scars that are yet again growing on her arms.

"Shiro please just a few more minutes, I can't lose him! I love him shiro!" She shouted making the older mans eyes go wide. Shiro sat next to her.

"Pidge I know you want to find him but if you don't sleep you won't be able to go with us to save him." He put his hand on her shoulder. "Get some food get some sleep and tomorrow I can help you out with finding him." Pidge nodded sadly and got up, going to the kitchen. She poked at her food for around 15 minuets only taking a few bites. She took care of her plate and went to Lance's room, putting on one of his t-shirts and laying in his bed. She cried herself to sleep.

The next morning she woke up to Allura voice outside Lance's room.

"We've finally found him shiro!" She yelled cheerfully. "We found lance! Now go! I'll look after Pidge you three can handle getting lance!"

Pidge sat up still tired. It was my fault he was caught... maybe he doesn't want to see me?... he probably hates me... she stood up walking back to her own room, she slumped down on the bathroom floor taking the knife from the drawer. 1...2...3...4...17...23... the cuts kept coming... until the door opened to reveal lance.

Good ending.

Lance hugged her tightly.

"Pidge I missed you so much," he said pressing kisses all over her face. "I wish I had told you sooner, I was so scared I'd never see you again." He kisses her passionately and slow. "I love you Pidge."

"I love you too lance"

Bad ending (angst)

He was furious.

"Your cutting?! I thought you were over that!" He yelled.

"I-I'm sorr-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time! I thought I could trust that you wouldn't do that! Maybe you should die you would probably be happier!" He stormed out of the room.

Pidge was left broken hearted on the floor.

"Goodbye lance." She plunged the knife into her chest. Not even a healing pod could save her broken heart...

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