Lance x pidge x keith ~now that your home~ ||part 3||

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Third person POV

After meeting her kids and eating something decent for the first time in years, the boys took Pidge back to their room, the boys laughed a bit as Pidge flopped down face first into the fluffy blankets and nuzzles into them. It had been years since she had slept for a full night, it was difficult to do in a gulra cell. Keith and lance sat on either side of her until she fell asleep. The boys reluctantly got up and stood in the hallway discussing something important. After a while they started getting angry about it and yelled at each other. By now it had been almost an hour discussing this matter, while they were arguing Pidge had a nightmare and had woken up from the dream only to have a panic attack because she was alone.

"Ya know what I'm done talking about this Keith!" Lance said going back into the room, but when he did he saw Pidge, she was shaking, hyperventilating, sobbing, he rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. "Babe take a deep breath," lance said as Keith walked in. He ran to the bed fear in his eyes he wrapped his arms around the two of them, even if he was mad at lance he would always be there for the two of them. Pidge sobbed louder hugging them tightly. Once she had finally calmed down the boys pulled away.

"What's wrong kitten?" Keith said cupping Pidge's cheeks and wiping away a few tears.

"B-bad dream." She said simply leaning into his touch.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Lance asked and she shook her head.

"You sure? Maybe we coul-" Keith started

"Keith stop if she doesn't want to talk about it we won't make her," lance snapped.

"Ya know what lance? I don't care I want her to tell me what's wrong so I can actually help her!" Pidge flinched at the sudden noise.

"Ya know what Keith?" Lance mocked "I'm done!" Keith's eyes widened and Pidge looked shocked.

"L-lance calm down we can talk through this," Pidge tried to reason.

"No, I'm done! I can't handle this anymore! And you don't have any room to talk! You left us with two kids to take care of! And every time I saw them it reminded me that you weren't here! So just shut up!" Lance yelled. "And Keith I've been with you this entire time! I've given you everything you asked for and I just wanted to do this one thing but no! I don't get the one thing I ask for!" The three were all crying, unable to look at one another, they sat that way for what seemed like hours.

"I'm sorry lance... I just thought maybe we could do it together... not just one of us but both." Keith said through sniffles.

"P-please don't let this be the end lance... I just got back I can't lose the two of you again..." Pidge whimpered.

"I don't want to lose you two either..." lance said pulling the two into a hug. "I'm sorry for overreacting..."

"It's ok love, I'm sorry I started yelling at you, you can do it on your own if you want," Keith whispered kissing his temple. "I love you."

"I love you too keith, and I love you little pidgin," lance said kissing them both on the head. Pidge sniffled.

"You guys are such jerks!" Pidge said hitting them both on the arms.

"Sorry kitten," keith said laughing a bit.

"I promise I won't do it again babe's, not ever," lance said.

"Good because I'm not scared to kick you out of the cuddle pile," Pidge jokes trying to lighten the mood. Lance faked being hurt.

"You wouldn't dare!" Lance gasped.

"Oh she would and so would I." Keith said pulling Pidge onto his lap and nuzzling her neck.

"Aww let me in on the love!" Lance said tackling them into the blankets making them laugh. Pidge kisses both of them on the heads and smiled.

"Let's go to sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow," keith said giving lance a knowing wink that was returned with a slight smirk. The three fell asleep tangled up with each other.

~time skip brought to you by: Lance's beautiful self <3~

When the morning came Pidge woke up in bed alone, she panicked looking around the room. The door opened to show her kids running in and hopping on the bed, and cuddling into her.

"Good morning mama!" Jason said nuzzling into her waist.

"Good morning," she smiled running her hands through her children's hair.

"Papa and daddy had a surprise for you!" Katie  said happily.

"Surprise?" Pidge tilted her head.

"Yeah they sent us to come get you!" Jason chirped.

"Well let's not keep them waiting," Pidge said getting up and helping them off the bed. It was amazing to her how excepting they were of her. She fallowed the twins to the common room and watched as they ran down the hall to play. Pidge walked in and hugged her boyfriend from behind.

"Good morning kitten~"he smiled. "Sleep well?"

"Yep," she said nuzzling his back. "So what's this surprise the kids were talking about mr. Kogane?" Keith stiffened a bit and turned around picking the girl up so her legs were wrapped around her waist.

"Well first of pidgey my last name is McKogane," he said kissing her nose.

"And second your surprise is we wanted to ask you if you'd like to because a McKogane too?" Lance said from the doorway, Keith turned so she could see. He was dressed in his usual clothes holding beautiful blue and red roses with lots of leaves, and had two little kids hanging on his legs. Pidge felt her heart swell and smiled brightly, she didn't even feel the tears running down her face as lance made his way over to them.

"B-babe?" Lance said wiping away some of her tears. "Are you going to give us an answ-" he was cut off with Pidge slamming her lips to his.

"Of course I'll marry you two," she said pressing another kiss to Lance's lips, then Keith's.

"Ewwww!" The twins said in unison, making the three laugh.

This is just the beginning of an amazing life.

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