Alpha hunk x omega pidge ~mine~

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Third person POV

Hunk and Pidge, Pidge and hunk, the inseparable pair in team voltron, they've been soul bound for a few years. They often spent time together but recently Pidge has been hanging out with Keith, who was most likely another alpha. At first hunk didn't mind because they were in the same pack, and he trusted Keith not to do anything stupid with his mate. Hunk was perfectly fine with it until Pidge was staying the night in Keith's room a few times a week, then he was getting jealous. One day he walked into the lounge to find his omega and Keith on the couch cuddling and watching a movie. This made him furious.

"What do you think your doing?" he growled directly at Keith.

"W-Watching a movie?" Pidge stuttered out moving away from Keith.

"Hunk calm down it's not what it looks like," Keith said standing up.

"Then what is it? Because honestly it looks like your trying to take my girlfriend!" He yelled. Pidge laughed at this, like a lot. This puzzled hunk and made Keith blush a bit.

"First of all hunk I love you and I'd never ever ever break up with you to be with someone else, second Keith is an omega-" Pidge started.

"That doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings for you!" Hunk interrupted.

"He's Gay babe," Pidge giggled. "and he's  with lance."

"The reason we spend so much time together is because we don't want to bother you and lance with out omega problems." Keith said.

"But you two could never bother us." Lance said from the doorway, speaking for his fellow alpha friend.

"But we don't want to be to clingy or needy," Pidge said sadly.

"So we go to each other when we wannacuddle or talk." Keith said finishing her thought.

"That makes sense I guess," hunk said.

"Just spend your heats with us and not each other." Lance said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah." Hunk said wrapping his arm around his mate and kissing the top of her head.

Pidge x various (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now