Keith x pidge ~beauty and the beast~

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Third person POV

It was early in the morning and a girl around the age of 17 was in her father and brother's workshop helping them ready themselves for an inventors convention a few planets away. She lived on a small moon of Altia, she was the weird distant girl, always more obsessed with technology and reading then boys and popularity. She was an unspoken kindness that fueled the day for most people on the moon, especially a boy named lotor. He was the most popular, handsome, athletic boy in town and he loved her for her beautiful honey colored hair, freckles and her undying passion for the world around her. The girl walked through town, heading to the market, book store, and the junkyard; grabbing things her family would need for the journey, but of course she wasn't going, her father said it's to dangerous for a girl to go through that part of the Galaxy, even if he and her brother were there with her.

"Hello miss Katie," the male at the junkyard said patting her head in a fatherly way.

"Hey shiro," she giggled at the older man. "So you and Matt, huh?" She teased while grabbing some of the things her dad said they'd need.

"So you and rover, huh?" He teased back. "At least my boyfriend isn't a robot."

"Who said I wanted a boyfriend? Plus rover's a girl." She said setting some of the metallic purple boxes on the table.

"Next you'll be saying that beezer is actually based off a cat haha," Katie froze not knowing what to say, beezer literally had cat ears, what is he thinking?

"Your such a weirdo," she retaliated counting up the money to hand to her, hopefully, future brother-in-law.

"Aww you love me." He said laughing a bit.

"Great now you think I'm Matt. What else will you mistake? A robot for a Pidgin?" She laughed and handed shiro the money she owed. The two said their goodbyes and Katie went home but of course not without a run in with lotor (prince lawn mower). He had slipped his arm around her waist and rested it on her hip.

"Well hello there beautiful~" he purred in her ear. She tried to take a step away but the hand on her waist prevented that.

"Leave me alone lotor I've got things that need done, unlike you my father isn't rich." She spat at him hurrying home.

~time skip brought to you by too many words~

There they were on the tv. Her father and brother were missing. She hurried up to the bathroom grabbing some of her brother's old clothes, glasses and scissors. The first thing she did was her hair cutting it to the length of her brother's, next were her clothes, taking some gauze, she bound her chest making it flat as she could. Last was the glasses she needed them but never put them on in fear of looking too much like a boy with them on. That's when there was a knock at the door, it was shiro. She let him in quickly and told him the plan explaining everything in detail. This was it she was in a shuttle that was programmed to take her to her brother and dad, she pressed the button soon to be shot out of her moons atmosphere. She was there. A huge dark purple castle ship. It looked like a replica of the castle of lions from the main planet of Altia, just purple. She landed and quickly made her way to the prisoners area.

"Matt? Dad?" She whisper yelled. "It's me Katie!" She looked in a cell to see her dad half dead on the floor. She hurriedly unlocked the cell and got him to her shuttle going back for her brother. She yelped loudly as a beast like claw grabbed her wrist making her go face first into the wall.

"Who are you and why are you on my ship?" A low voice growled as the person pressed her harder against the wall.

"M-My names katie! I just care to save my family!" She choked out, winded from the harsh contact to the wall.

"A girl?..." the person pushed her into a cell. "I'll let your family go but you have to stay, if you try to leave I won't hesitate to kill everyone on your moon." He slammed the door and this is when Katie got a good look at him. He was around Matt's size with dark lavender skin and black hair, his eyes were bright yellow. Her heart beat quickened and she moved back against the wall. She could barley her her brother call out her name or the sound of the shuttle leaving.

~time skip of a few days brought by the good shatt~

"Get up" the voice of her captor rang through her cell. She did as he told the best she could just collapsing again after trying to stand up. She was lifted off the ground by the abnormal man and taken to a different room, with a bed and mirror, along with a window showing her constellations she didn't recognize.

"My names Keith," the boy said setting her down on the bed. "I hope you'll forgive me for keeping you here, I get really lonely without anybody else on my ship. I hope you'll understand."

"Can you at least tell me if they got home safely?" He voice was weak from lack of usage, and her hair was sticking up everywhere.

"They did, now get ready for supper there's a bathroom right there and there's some clothes in the closet that should fit you." He said making his way out of her room.

A few weeks passed and the two fell deeply in love with each other. But sadly lotor had other plans to marry Katie. He vowed he would look for her until the day he dies, but it didn't take that long.

Keith and Katie were sitting on the couch in the library looking out the window at the beautiful stars. Well kinda keith was more entranced by the beauty of her freckles and eyes, and most of all the beauty of her heart. When he was young he was cursed by the witch haggar, the curse prevented anyone from falling in love with him, everyone but Katie. She looked up at him with a small smile on her lips soon closing the space between them Keith's heart swelled and it broke the curse, he was once again the altain noble he was years ago. Before Katie opened her eyes she pressed their foreheads together singing quietly-

"Tale as old as time,
Strong to say the least,
Barely even friends,
Then somebody bends,
And the

Katie opened her eyes to be met with a pair of dark purple ones instead of striking yellow. She squeaked and almost fell off the couch and hit the ground but an arm wrapped around her torso and kept her from falling.

"K-Keith?!" She realized what had happened, and while she didn't believe that she would possibly be the one to end the curse, she was. She hugged him tightly kissing all over his face making him laugh a bit and kiss her passionately, he was now hovering over her. The two had a blush stained on their cheeks, but all good things must come to an end. There was an explosion on the west wing of the ship causing both of them to jump.

"Stay here katie, I'll go check it out," Keith said standing up from the couch.

"Wait let me come too! I can help!" She said standing up, she tripped over the end of the long green dress she wore and fell into Keith, he caught her and helped her stand.

"You can come but run if I tell you ok?" Pidge agreed and they walked to the part of the ship, there was very little damage and they easily fixed it. They heard the cock of a gun.

Lotor pressed a gun to the back of Keith's head. Pidge tacked lotor to the ground grabbing the gun and shooting him, without a second thought. She dropped the gun, and Keith hugged her tightly.

Looks like the true beast hid behind the mask of outer beauty.

Words: 1396

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