Pidge x hunk ~late night cuddles~

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Third person POV

It was a normal night in the castle of lions, hunk was doing his nightly rounds to make sure everyone is ok, it was just part of who he was, he needed reassurance that his team was ok. The main reason is because there were times at the Garrison that Pidge would avoid him and lance, and it hurt him to think she still wasn't ok. He's also helped shiro with nightmares, keith with depression and lance with panic attacks. Hunk was definitely the one that they would all go to if they needed to talk, except for Pidge. He noticed that she would bottle it up and keep her head in her tech. There were a few occasions where she would talk to shiro, but nobody else. He made his way to her room and knocked on the door. There was a quiet 'come in' and a bit of shuffling. He went in.

"Hey Pidge, you getting ready to go to sleep?" He asked quietly.

"Nah I'm just starting a new project actually." She said getting up from her bed.

"It's getting late though and we have an attack planned for tomorrow." He said worriedly.

"Yeah but I'll be fine, I work better without the nightmares anyways." She answered without thinking.


"Yeah I have nightmares about my dad and brother, even if I know they're safe." She hugged herself and tried to keep the tears in.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked stepping towards her. She shook her head. Hunk wrapped his arms where small trembling body.

"W-would you stay in here tonight? I-I wanna try and get some sleep but I can't deal with the nightmares on my own." She mumbled and hugged back. "A-and maybe we could cuddle?" She asked a bit louder.

"Of course Pidge." He said and they spent the night cuddling.

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