Pidge x keith ~marry me?(smut)~

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Ok before we start I was wondering if you guys want me to do a q&a? And possibly a face revel? I'm open to answer any questions you have! Enjoy guys gals and non-binary pals!

Third person POV

Pidge was currently laying in bed with her boyfriend of three years, keith. She loved him so much and was lucky to have met him. Pidge giggled as Keith pressed a few kisses to her neck.

"Katie~" He said with a sly smirk plastered on his face. She squeaked as she was suddenly pinned under him. "You look so cute when your all cuddly like this~" he purred nibbling at her ear, earning a small giggle from the girl beneath him.

"Your such a dork," Pidge said as she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him against herself. "But your my dork~" she smiled and said leaning up to kiss his nose.

"Ya know I've been meaning to ask you something for a while love," Keith said nervously. "I was wondering if you'd like to marry me?" He asked as he pulled a simple ring, made of copper and silver colored wires that he found on the floor next to his lion. Pidge gasped slightly, eyes wide and bright behind her oversized glasses, the hundreds of small freckles that were spread across her cheeks and nose made her even more beautiful, in Keith's opinion, and her honey colored hair that went down to her jaw perfectly framed her face. She was the most amazing person to him, the nicest and sweetest and most caring person in his life, if he had to use one word to describe her it would be perfect. Pidge pulled Keith into a passionate kiss, full of love, muttering the same word over and over with only a kiss in between every 'yes'. Keith kisses her passionately, only pulling away for air and to latch his lips to her neck. Pidge moaned as he bit and sucked on her neck, leaving as many marks on her as he possibly could. Their shirts were discarded somewhere else in the dimly lit room along with any other articles clothing on their smooth muscular body's. Pidge squeaked as she was suddenly switched from underneath of him to sitting in his chest. Keith smirked and ran his hands down her sides, lightly dragging his nails. Pidge shivered and kissed his neck leaving her mark on him as he did to her. Once she was satisfied with how many she left Keith gently moved her onto the bed and arranged some pillows for her to lay on, despite his aching hard on he would always do this so he wouldn't hurt her, it also kept their faces closer so he could steel a kiss at any point. Pidge was gently pushed into the pillows and kissed fiercely as her legs were pulled around Keith's waist for him to line up.

"Ready kitten?~" Keith purred into her ear, a nod. "You know the safe word?" He checked.

"Cow," she said in affirmation. Keith kissed her and pushed his length into the wet heat of her core, making them both moan. Keith wasted no time pulling his hips back and slamming them back in with great force. He continued I thrust in and out hard and fast enough to make Pidge moan and blabber out curse words. He knew he would be paying tomorrow with serious aftercare, but he didn't care because every twisted expression on Pidge's face and every broken moan that leaves her lips is like a powerful drug to him, making him want more, and more till it kills him.

Pidge's hips would have hand print shaped bruises on them, along with claw marks, but she'd never change that, she loved Keith with all her heart and even when Keith is grumpy or doubtful in himself she loves him. Pidge let out a high pitched moan as she climaxed. Keith came deep in her abdomen soon after, he kissed her softly and pulled out. He smirked to himself looking at the completely wrecked girl beneath him, her hair was a mess, her glasses crooked, a thin layer of sweat covered her skin, she had drool running down her chin and neck, her eyes were barely open, and she had come leaking from abused pussy. He kissed her head and got up to grab a towel and clean her off. He laid back down with her and she curled up against him.

"I love you Keith Kogane~" she cooed softly.

"I love you too Katie Kogane~" he said kissing her head, and the two drifted into a world of dreams.

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