Chapter 6: jealousy

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"Sidon? Sidon?!" It was like deja vu. Watching Link take you away from him again made the prince very irritated and practically angry at everything and everyone bar you.
Staring at the two of you laughing and joking made him practically growl, and Zora Royals never growl.
"For Hylias sake Sidon!"
"OW! Did you have to launch a book at me?!"
The anger was raised 3 levels and the whole meeting could practically see steam coming out of his ears.

That did it for Dorephan. The king knew exactly what was going on. He knew about Sidons feelings for you ever since hey lay eyes on you.
"Sidon get out." The king was worried more than angry. Sidon's studies and acts as a prince were going down. Fast. He had to get you to see them feelings for his son too.
But he also knew about Link... Link had knew you longer, and bonus was actually the same race as you! Falling for a Zora will take time.

"Link, here!" You reached the top of the ladder below the domain. Holding out your hand, Link grasps it and pulls himself up to join you back at the main part of Zora's Domain.

"Sunset already. Wow we spent all day together didn't we?" You turn to your friend. His eyes were on you, focused on your mouth then your eyes and back again.
He wanted to kiss you now. Right there with the sun so beautiful and your eyes shining brightly. He was leaning in.

"L..Link?" Closer he got...

"What is it now Sidon?" Bazz asks.
"Look! Look what he's about to do!"
Pointing over to you and Link, Sidon really could punch something like right now. Sure he was ecstatic that Link saved his people. But this was crossing the line. He had never realised the true love he felt for you until he saw you and Link at this very moment.

" You DO love her!" Bazz shouts.
People look from all directions, some girls hoping it was them.
"Great thanks Bazz. And yes...I love the princess. But we have a bigger problem!" He whispered harshly.
"I need you to go and distract them! Be my wingman Bazz. Go! Go!" Sidon pushes his friend in your direction, for some reason Bazz agrees and rushes over, pretending to fall over right next to you.

"Oh! Bazz are you okay?" You kneel beside him, he just grins and holds a thumb up.
"Ah! Your grace. Elegant as always. I uhhh... heard that the Prince would like a word.." rubbing his head, the Zora didn't mean too fall so hard! But it looked quite real.

"Who? Sidon? He does? Right, I'll be over there right away! Thank you Captain Bazz" you say jokingly
"Reporting for duty my lady" he replies with a grin.

Link wasn't amused. He was so close.. waving you goodbye he decided to maybe try buy you a gift or some sort to win you over.

"BFG!" You say hugging the Zora from behind.
"Huh? Oh! Hey ____."
You smile up at him as you both go walk to a bench. "So, Bazz said you wanted to talk. Everything okay?"

'NO!' He thought
"Yes" He said

"What's up..?" Damn Sidon looked good in this light...every time you thought things like that you would have to shake it out of your head. Zora's and Hylians hardly EVER get together. Never mind the only heir! How could he reproduce more heirs?

'Fight back them small feelings ___!' Was all you were thinking. That didn't stop you from leaning your head on him. That's not too bad, right?

Smiling, Sidon watched your head lean against him.
'Need. To. Make. A. Move.' Was all he was thinking.
So, while coming up with some excuse on the damp in your room he wraps his arm around you and gives you squeeze.
'It's cold' would be his excuse.
He seemed to be good at excuses.

'Oh my goodness. Relax, friends do this!' You thought.
"Yeah it's only a tiny bit of d-damp! Nothing to worry about! Heheeee" you were NOT acting normal. Did you like him that much? You never used to...maybe it's because he's older now...100 years older.

"Heh. You okay there?" Sidon chuckles, he is also chuckling at Links face but you hadn't noticed that yet.
"Fine! Why do you ask..?
"You seem stiff...relax! It's only me. I don't bite."

You had to get out of there NOW it was worse than you imagined. His hands wrapped around you and you leaning by his chest. You had to escape.

"I have to go."
It sounded quite cold but your choice may let the Zora's have a better success of heirs and future kings or queens.

You had left so fast everyone questioned if Sidon did something wrong. He was questioning too. Poor poor Sidon, he had no idea on anything anymore.
I messed this chapter up badly I'm sorry haha! Will work hard the next few more times. I accidentally released a chapter without finishing it sooo -.-

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