Kitchen Mishap - Negan

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Kelly had only been at the Sanctuary for about three months. Although the leader was quite intimidating, she found she liked it there. It was much better than being out on the road with the constant threat of death looming over her. There she felt safe, which was not an easy thing to come by in this messed up world. As long as she kept her head down and did her job, she knew she would be fine.

As usual Kelly was in the kitchen finishing the clean up after dinner and getting a headstart on the breakfast prep for tomorrow. Just like other nights José was still hanging around being a pain in her ass. The man would just not take no for an answer. He had been at the Sanctuary longer than her, and she didn't like to cause waves but she was getting a bit sick of his shit.

"Wanna come back to my room later?" José grinned.

"For the last time no! It's not happening José. Just leave, you've done your work, let me get on with mine".

"Come on Kelly... lighten up! We could have some fun".

"I said no".

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything" she replied sternly. "I'm just not into you. Get it through your head".

Slinking up beside her he grabbed at her ass cheek, something he did quite often. "C'mon baby... you know you wanna give me that sweet ass".

"José I swear to fucking god! If you touch me again I will cut your fucking hands off!" Kelly threatened.

"You wouldn't" he laughed tauntingly.

Kelly grabbed a nearby knife and turned on him, wielding it in his direction. "Fuck off! Get the fuck out of here.... now!" She growled.

"Or what?"

"Or... I'll go to Negan. You know how he feels about a man touching a woman without her consent. He'll iron your god damned face. Now....Get.... Out!" Kelly practically screamed and José put his hands up in surrender as he began to back out of the room.

She waited until she heard his heavy steps through the hallway and out the door, breathing a sigh of relief as she placed the knife back down on the bench.

Kelly finished drying the last of the dishes when suddenly she heard heavy boots behind her, immediately she was on high alert. "I thought I told you to fuck off you filthy sack of sh-" she began as she spun around on her heel, her eyes burning with anger, knife in hand only to come face to face with their leader, Negan. In a matter of milliseconds, shock, confusion and anger flashed across his face.

"Excuse the fuck outta me?" His deep voice boomed.

Kelly let go of the knife and it clattered to the floor. Dropping to her knees faster than a prostitute looking to make a buck she bowed her head to Negan. "I-I'm s-so sorry sir. I-I didn't kn-know it was you" she stuttered out nervously.

"Who in the fuck did you think it was?" He growled.

"José" she murmured quietly.

"Speak the fuck up Darlin"

"José sir" she repeated a little louder.

"That slimy little kitchen hand?" He asked, and she nodded in reply, still not looking at him.

"He fucking hurt you?"

"No" she said with a quick shake of her head, her eyes fixated on the floor, afraid to look up.

"Look at me Darlin" he growled, and slowly she raised her head to meet his eyes, his tall frame towering over her as she remained kneeled on the floor before him.

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