My Little Man - Negan

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A special request for SamTheHealthNut I hope I did it justice for you.

Lucille had been in remission when her and Negan found out they were pregnant. It was a surprise to say the least. The doctors had told them their chances of conceiving naturally were very slim. Negan had always dreamed of being a father and he couldn't wait to meet his child. The love of his life was healthy and pregnant with their first child... life was good!

Only things didn't stay that way. Part way through the pregnancy Lucille's cancer returned with a vengeance. She refused any drugs or treatment for the safety of their unborn son. She was a month away from giving birth when her health took a turn for the worst and their baby had to be delivered via emergency cesarean section. Negan was by her side the entire time and he was the first to cuddle their son.

Tears of joy filled his eyes as he held the small bundle in his arms. Despite being born early, he was healthy as he could be, just a little on the small side.
Negan lowered him down to Lucille so she could give his little head a kiss.

"He's beautiful" she whispered.

"Just like his Mumma" Negan grinned proudly. "What do you want to name him Sweetheart?"

"I really like Aiden" she smiled.

"Whatever you want baby. Can his middle name be John? After my grandfather" Negan asked.

"Of course love... Aiden John Cain... I like it".

"We can call him A.J for short".

"That sound perfect" Lucille smiled.

"Perfect name... for the perfect baby" Negan smiled as he held his son close.

They spent four months together as a family before Lucille's cancer worsened and she slowly slipped away. Negan was heartbroken, but he knew he had to carry on. He had to do it for their son, and he would always make sure that A.J knew what a beautiful person his Mum was.

It took a while for Negan to get the hang of the whole solo father deal, but he was a natural when it came to kids. He loved his son more than he had ever loved anything in his life. Negan would die for Aiden.

Five months later the world went crazy. There were reports all over the news about the dead coming back to life. Negan thought it was all bullshit until he saw what used to be a person rip out the throat of his next door neighbour and chow down on her corpse like it was Sunday supper.

He knew he had to get the fuck out of there so he grabbed up everything he needed for Aiden and loaded up his truck. He even made sure to grab their family photo album so that Aiden would always have pictures of Lucille. Negan took his baseball bat from the garage as well as his handgun and all the ammo he had.

Negan strapped A.J into his car seat and kissed his little head. "Everything is gonna be okay my little man. Daddy is gonna get you through this" he promised.

Getting out of town was probably the safest option but Negan needed supplies first. He drove into town where everything was kicking off. People were looting and it was all chaos. He was worried about taking his son out there, but he had to if they were gonna make it.

Putting the baby carrier on, Negan nestled Aiden against his chest and buckled him in tight. He grabbed up his gun and tucked it into his pants, and swung his baseball bat over his shoulder.

Pushing his way through the chaos of the crowds Negan grabbed a shopping cart and began to fill it with food, water, nappies, formula and tins of baby food. Negan barged back through the swarms of people and headed out towards his truck. He placed Aiden safely back in his car seat before starting to load the supplies into the back of the truck when he heard a gun cock beside his head.

He turned to see a very on edge looking guy pointing a gun at him. "Gimme your shit!" He demanded.

"Hey man... I got a baby to look after". Negan told him.

"So do I... gimme your shit" he repeated as he thrust the gun in his face.

"Look. I'm a reasonable fucking guy so, even though you've pointed a fucking gun in my face I'll give you half and you can be on your fucking way" Negan said.

"No... all of it!" He said.

"No fucking way" Negan growled.

"Now!" The man demanded before turning his gun on Negan's nine month old son in the back of the truck. "I swear to God I will shoot him man. Just give me your stuff!"

Negan saw red and he snapped. In the blink of an eye he gabbed his baseball bat and smashed it into the man's knee sending him dropping to the ground. The gun slid across the concrete and Negan quickly grabbed it up.

"I tried to be fucking reasonable. You should have taken the deal asshole" Negan spat before punching him in the face knocking him out cold. "No one threatens my boy!"

Climbing in the truck Negan adjusted his mirror and looked back at his son. "Don't you worry about a thing kiddo. Daddy has it handled. We're gonna be just fine" Negan smiled. "Daddy loves you to the moon and back Aiden". Starting up the truck he roared out of the carpark and headed out of town. He would do whatever it takes to keep his son safe. Whatever it takes.

Just a little Dad Negan fluff!!
Hope you guys liked this one shot.

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