Honey and Oreo - JDM

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Mackenzie was busy spending her last moments with her favourite animals before their new owner arrived to collect them. Honey was the first animal she had bought when she came to stay on the farm with her Great Aunt who had fallen ill and could no longer manage on her own. She was a beautiful, friendly donkey with fur the colour of Honey, hence the name. Kenzie had fallen in love with her the moment she saw her. Honey was pregnant when she had bought her and she gave birth to a gorgeous wee boy who took after his father with darker fur and Kenzie had named him Oreo.

It broke her heart to have to sell them, but after her Great Aunt had passed she had struggled to keep the farm running as well as hold down a job and keep up with the mortgage payments. One thing led to another and the bank had taken the house. She had spent the last few weeks clearing everything out and rehoming the animals. Honey and Oreo were the last to go because she just couldn't bear to say goodbye.

As she was wandering around the paddock with them a truck pulled up with a horse float on the back and a tall man with dark hair and a beard got out.

Jogging over to the fence she climbed over and went to greet him. As she got closer she recognised him instantly. She knew the man coming to see her babies was named Jeffrey... what she didn't know was that he was Jeffrey Dean Morgan!

"Fuck" she gasped.

"Everything okay?" He asked looking a little concerned.

"Oh yes fine... I'm so sorry... I just got a bit of a shock is all. I wasn't expecting it to be you" she laughed. "I'm a big fan" she smiled.

"Well it's nice to meet you, you must be Mackenzie?"

"That's me" she smiled as she shook his hand. "Thank you for coming to look at my babies. It breaks my heart to say goodbye, but I'm happy they will be going to a great home with someone who loves animals as much as I do" she smiled.

"My pleasure" he grinned. "I don't mean to pry but... I noticed the foreclosure sign out the front...?"

"This was my Great Aunts farm" she explained. "I came to help her here when she got sick, and then she passed. It's been a struggle to keep up with everything. Then I lost my job for punching my handsy fucking pervert of a boss in the face. I couldn't make the mortgage payments and the bank took the farm" she sighed.

"I'm so sorry about your Aunt, and your douchebag of a boss. Is there anything you can do to keep the farm?"

"That ship has sailed I'm afraid. I tried to find work elsewhere but had no luck. It's done now. The farm is the banks. It's okay though, as long as my babies are happy" she smiled. "Come meet them" she said excitedly as she took him over to the gate and let him in.

"Honey... come here beautiful girl!" She called out and the donkey came wandering happily towards her, rubbing up against her wanting to be pet.

"She is adorable" Jeffrey gushed. "Hello there Sweetheart..." he cooed to the donkey. "Aren't you a beautiful girl" he smiled as he stroked her fur and she nuzzled up to him happily.

"Aww she likes you" Mackenzie grinned happily.

"The feeling is mutual" he chuckled.

Just then little Oreo came wandering over and rubbed up against her and she wrapped her arms around him. "Hey there my baby" she greeted. "You're so handsome aren't you" she smiled as she ruffled his fur. "Come and meet Jeffrey" she said as she led him closer to Jeffrey.

"This is Oreo" she grinned.

"He's a real cutie" Jeffrey grinned as he pet the smaller donkey. "My Paxton will just love playing with you" he said excitedly.

"So you think they will be a good fit for your farm?" She asked hopefully.

"Oh I'm sure they will" he grinned making her smile, but her eyes glistened with tears at the thought of saying goodbye to her babies. "But I can't buy them from you".

"Please, they need a good home. I can't keep them" she sighed.

"I want you to keep them. I can see how much you love them and I can't separate you from your fur babies. That would just break my heart. I have another offer for you instead" he smiled. "As you can probably guess I am away from the farm a lot with filming. I could really use a farm hand" he said hopefully. "I just let the last guy go coz he was as useless as tits on a bull" Jeffrey chuckled.

"You're offering me a job?"

"I am... and a place to live. And somewhere for Honey and Oreo" he smiled. "I have a guest house on the property so you don't have to worry about privacy. You, Honey and Oreo can live rent free, and I will pay you to work on the farm" he told her. "I need someone looking after my fur babies while I'm away... and who better than you. I can see how much you love animals Mackenzie. You're perfect for the job... what do you say?"

"I'm in" she grinned. "Thank you so much Jeffrey".

"Don't mention it. We are both doing eachother a favour" he grinned happily. Who knew that meeting a young woman to adopt a couple of donkeys would not only solve her dilemma, but his too.

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