Playing Nurse - Denny Duquette

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Charlie had been Denny Duquette's nurse for the last month since he had been admitted to hospital again. This time things weren't looking good for him and Dr Burke was desperate to find him a new heart. Charlie had hoped like hell one would come up soon. She liked Denny, he was smart, charming and funny. He didn't deserve the crap that life was putting him through.

One thing she always liked about Denny was how positive he was. Always making jokes and having a laugh. Not to mention the flirting. Denny was such a flirt! Of course Charlie didn't mind, he was very attractive, and when he flashed her that charming smile with those dimples... she was a goner.

Today was like any other day, she wandered in to Denny's room to check on him.

"Hey Denny, how are we doing today?" She asked cheerfully as he looked up from his crossword puzzle.

"Better now that my favourite nurse is here" he grinned, making her smile. "What's new Charlie?"

"Nothing to report I'm afraid... my life is just as sad and boring as ever" she joked.

"So that doctor... the one that's been trying to get into your pants? That's not a thing?"

"Alex? No! God no. It is not, nor will it ever be a thing".

"Good" he smiled.


"Yeah... means I won't have to fight him for ya" he chuckled.

"Well we wouldn't want that now would we?"

"I could take him" Denny stated confidently.

"I'm sure you could" Charlie smiled.

"So since you're not with Dr Douchebag... does that mean I can ask you out on a date?"

"What?" Charlie said a little shocked as she looked up from his charts.

"A date. You know... a meal, a movie? That kinda thing. Don't tell me you haven't been on a date before" he teased.

"Of course I've been on a date" she countered.



"How long?"

"I'm not answering that" she laughed.

"Oh c'mon. Humour me!"

"It's been a couple of years" Charlie confessed.

"Years?" Denny said, failing to hide a grin, knowing that probably also meant she was sex deprived.

"Shut up! I've just been busy okay".

"Hey... I'm not judging. At least we are on an even playing field. You're just as out of practice as I am" he teased. "So... what do you say about that date?"

"I... I don't think it's a good idea".

"Why? Coz you don't want to date a guy who's practically dead?" He sighed.

"What!? No! Of course not. I'm your nurse... it's kinda wrong. But... I like you Denny. I do".

"Well you won't be my nurse forever" he smiled cockily. "Then will you go out with me?"

"I will" Charlie smiled.

"I'll hold you to that" he told her as she finished checked his vitals. "Can you stay for a while?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure, I can stay for a bit" she smiled as she pulled the chair closer and sat by his bedside. "What is the first thing you want to do when you get out of here?"

"Besides take you on a date?" He grinned. "Get a cheeseburger. A real good cheeseburger" he chuckled. "The food here is okay, but God I would kill for a cheeseburger".

"I don't blame you. I love a good burger myself". Just then Charlie was called to the ER over the intercom. "Sorry Denny. I gotta go" she smiled sadly.

"What time does your shift finish today?"


"Come see me before you leave?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure Denny. I'll see you later".

"Cya Charlie".


It was nearing seven and Denny was beginning to wonder if Charlie had forgotten about him. Maybe she had just been held up. As he read his book he kept glancing at the clock, hoping she might turn up soon.

He was distracted from his book by a quiet knock on the door. Looking up he saw Charlie. Instead of her usual scrubs she wore a pair of tight black jeans and a turquoise jumper. Her blonde hair hung in loose curls around her face, and he couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked.

"Charlie" he smiled.

"Hey Denny. Sorry I'm late".

"No problem. I'm just glad you came" he smiled.

"I have a surprise for you" she grinned.

"You do?"

"Yup" she smiled proudly as she lifted a brown paper bag.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"If you think its the best damn cheeseburger you ever had, then yes".

"I could kiss you right now Charlie" he smiled charmingly making her blush.

"I'd be more than okay with that" she confessed.

"Come here" Denny beckoned. Ignoring the fact that she was his nurse, Charlie moved closer to his bedside. Denny reached out and took her hand in his. "Closer" he whispered. And Charlie leaned closer to him, her lips mere inches from his. He reached his hand around her neck and pulled her lips to his, kissing her deeply before pulling away to guage her reaction. Charlie blushed and smiled at him. Denny leaned in again and kissed her once more, smiling against her lips before letting her go.

"How about that cheeseburger?" She said, her cheeks still flushed.

"Yes please" Denny grinned. 

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