Bakery Beauty - Negan AU

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Since Valentina opened her little bakery shop almost a month ago the same tall dark and handsome man had been coming in every day that she was open. He would order a flat white religiously, and to go with it more often than not something sweet over something savoury. He always took his food to go, being on a break from work. It always seemed to disappoint her a little, only because she wanted him to stay so she could check him out while he ate. He had the kind of eyes that pierced into ones soul, and a gorgeous, perfect toothed smile that could damn near make your panties drop. There was no denying that he was beyond attractive.

Needless to say it took her by surprise when he started to flirt with her a little, at least that's what she thought was going on. She was so clueless when it came to that sort of thing, who really knew. Sure she had chatted to him before, just the usual 'how's your day going' kind of nonsense, but this... this was different. She was already on first name basis with this man, he was after all her most regular customer... although the man was anything but regular. He had a certain confidence about him, a swagger that she found undeniably sexy. She always got a little nervous when he talked to her, but she tried her best to keep it in check. It was after all within her job description to be friendly and talk to her customers.

This particular day was just like any other, or so she thought. Negan walked in with his usual swagger, greeting her with that charming smile that made her weak at the knees. If only he knew the kind of fantasies she had about him. The bakery was empty, and for that she was grateful. At least she wouldn't have to worry about making a fool out of herself in front of an audience.

"Hey Beautiful" he grinned as he approached the counter. "How are we doin' today?"

'Beautiful? Did he really just call me Beautiful? What the fuck is going on here, is he blatantly flirting with me... or is he just being friendly? I don't know why I'm asking myself this question, clearly I don't know the fucking answer! I'm pretty sure he was coming onto you. Jesus Christ woman... get a grip. Are you really that hard up?... Good lord!, Valentina scolded herself internally, wishing her damn brain would just shut the hell up.

"Morning" she smiled, a familiar heat creeping up on her cheeks, no doubt she had already turned the shade of a damned beetroot. "I- I'm doing good. You?" she responded.

"I'm great. It's a beautiful damned day" he grinned as he gestured to the sunshine outside.

"The usual?" she asked.

"The coffee... yes, but I think I might try something a little different today"

"What did you have in mind?" she asked, not meaning for it to come out quite as suggestive sounding as it had been in her head. God damn it woman get your shit together! You're going to look desperate as hell if you keep this up.

"I'm kind of in the mood for something savoury today... what do you recommend?"

"Well as the baker, I am a little biased and I think everything is good" she laughed. "But I would say go with the sausage roll. Juicy beef, a few hidden vegetables you would never even know were in there, herbs and spices wrapped in crispy flaky puff pastry. Always a winner in my book" she smiled.

"Sounds great, I'll take that" he grinned.

She made his coffee and placed his food in a small recyclable container. "However will you make it through the day without your usual sweetness?" she teased, knowing from their many previous encounters that he had such a sweet tooth, but surprising herself with her sudden confidence.

"You flash me that pretty smile one more time and that'll be enough sweetness to last me until tomorrow" he said in his deep tone, that frustratingly charming smile plastered all over his handsome face.

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