Line Up - Negan

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Evelyn and the group she belonged to found themselves on their knees in the cold hard dirt. Their so called leader had killed a couple of guys and put them on the radar of what sounded like a man you should not fuck with. Negan, they called him.

A man stood before them, a terrible handlebar type moustache on his otherwise not too bad looking face as they waited for his boss to arrive. Others stood by, guns trained to the back of their heads. Ready to shoot if any of them were to make a wrong move. Evelyn looked over at Samantha who was terrified and visibly shaking.

"The man of the hour!" The man who introduced himself as Simon called out in delight as a truck pulled up. "Time to meet the man in charge".

Out of the truck stepped a tall and lean man with black slicked back hair and a leather jacket. He wore grey pants topped off with an ammo belt and combat boots. Around his neck was a red scarf, and a gnarly looking barbed wire wrapped baseball bat slung over his shoulder. He grinned, a devilishly handsome kind of grin as he surveyed the people kneeling in the dirt before him.

"Now! Which one of you assholes killed my men!" He spoke up. And damn if that voice didn't suit the man perfectly. It was deep and gravelly, yet somehow as smooth and sweet as honey.

No one spoke. Their leader hung his head in fear. Negan walked up and down the line up, waving his bat in their faces. He got to Samantha and noticed the look in her eye. "Damn... you look like you wanna die. Like you're just begging me to kill you" he said curiously before he then turned his attention to Evelyn who was bruised and bloodied.

"Jesus! Darlin you look fucking shitty. What the fuck happened to you?" He asked as he raised Evelyn's head with the end of his bat, careful not to catch her skin with the sharp barbs.

"She came across some nasty guys, your guys" their leader spoke. "Right Evelyn?" He growled.

"Evelyn?" Negan repeated as he licked his lips. "Is that the truth?" He asked.

She looked over at her leader who sneered at her. She turned back to Negan, looking him dead in the eye. "No. That's bullshit" she spoke up.

"Shut you fucking mouth Evelyn!" The leader growled.

"One more fucking word from you and Lucille here will fucking destroy you... you hear me?" Negan growled as he waved the vat in the man's face.

"Evelyn? The truth?" Negan asked as he approached her once again.

"These assholes beat me coz I wouldn't put out" she told him bluntly.

"And your friend here?" She said as he gestured to Samantha.

"She wasn't strong enough to fight, so she gave up".

"So you're telling me these assholes are taking advantage of women? And those who fight back get beaten?"

"Yes" she admitted.

"I do not tolerate that kind of shit!" Negan growled at the men before him. "I was going to make you men a deal, you work for me and I don't kill you. But I don't think you assholes deserve to live. What do you think Evelyn?"

"Kill them. Kill them all" she said coldly.

"It would be Lucille's pleasure" he grinned.

"No wait!" The leader yelled. But Negan gave him no chance to speak. Swinging Lucille he connected with the side of the man's face knocking him to the ground. He proceeded to bash the man's skull in until it was nothing but a pulpy mess of blood, brains and bone shards.

"Kill the rest" Negan instructed to his men. Without hesitation they did as they were told, shooting each of the men in the back of the head.

"I can offer you and your friend a safe place. Food and shelter in exchange for work. You won't have to deal with assholes like this again I promise you that. I don't let that kind of shit fly. Not ever. I will shut that shit down no exceptions!" Negan said. "What do you say Evelyn? Would you like to come back to the Sanctuary?"

"Yes please".

"And you?" He asked as he turned to Samantha. "What's your name?"

"S-samantha" she stuttered out.

"Your welcome to come too Samantha. I know you two don't have a whole lot of fucking reason to trust me after I just killed that asshole. But I assure you. I am one of the good guys. I only kill people when I have to. People are a resource" Negan stated.

"I- I want to come too please" she spoke up.

"Good. On your feet" he grinned. Evelyn struggled to her feet, every part of her body bruised and aching. "We have a doctor. He can look you over and make sure you're okay" Negan told her.

"Thank you" she smiled, making him smile right back at her... that sinfully sexy smile. She had a feeling she was going to like being at the Sanctuary.

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