Work Of Art - JDM

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Delphi was studying to be a veterinarian at college, she had always loved animals. But her biggest passion was art. She had considered following her dreams to become an artist, but her parents had told her that art was a hobby and not a career. So instead she followed her back up plan, which was just as fulfilling, and she still got to do her art in her down time.

After spending almost eight hours on her latest piece she was finally finished. Del, as her friends called her, could not have been more proud.

For years she had been a huge fan of the actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan. She had procrastinated for a long time about drawing him, worried that she just wouldn't do his handsome face justice. But finally she decided to tackle the task, and boy was she glad she did. The drawing was huge, on an A2 size piece of paper. Every single little detail she had agonized over until she felt like the drawing was perfect.

She couldn't wait to post it on twitter for her friends and followers to see. She was convinced that it was her best work yet. Getting the lighting just right she took some pictures on her phone of the work of art, deciding she would post it later as she had an engagement party to get to and she was already almost late.

After a quick shower Del threw on a  blush pink party dress and did her hair before heading out the door. It was a short drive to her friends house, she didn't plan on drinking so she took her own car. As she drove through an intersection she was startled by a loud horn. There was a flash of light before an almighty noise of crunching metal and everything went black.

When Del woke the lights were blindingly bright. As she tried to move she felt a sharp pain in her ribs.

"Hey Sweetie..." came a familiar voice. "Welcome back. You had us so worried".

As her eyes opened and adjusted to the light she saw her mother's face before her. "Mum?" She choked out.

"I'll go get the doctor" came another voice and she turned to see her Dad.

"What... what happened?"

"You were in a car accident Sweetie. A car ran a stop sign and hit you dead on".

Del closed her eyes and tried to remember. She had been driving to the party, there was a flash of light and then darkness.

"God why does everything hurt" she groaned as she tried to look herself over and that's when she noticed her hands.

"Wh-what happened to my hands?" She cried out.

"They were hurt badly" her Mum said. "The doctor will explain honey just relax".

"I can't relax... look a them!" She said as she inspected her seemingly mutilated hands that were suspended up off the bed on a small table and looked as though they were held together by a bunch of metal rods and screws.

"It's okay Sweetie" her mother whispered as she stroked her cheek.

"No... no it's not okay. My hands..." she sobbed as her mother held her tight.

Her Dad reappeared with the doctor, and he introduced himself as Dr Stein. "I was the surgeon who operated on your hands" he said. "They were in very bad shape, multiple bone breaks as well as torn ligaments and tendons. You will likely have lasting nerve damage" he explained. "Best case scenario you might regain 80-90% of your normal function with rehabilitation".

"And worst case?" Del asked.

"Worst case... you might only gain 50% function. The nerve damage could result in a permanent tremor".

"Fuck" Del sobbed as her parents tried to comfort her.

"I know it's a lot to take in. But try to remain positive. You have a long road of recovery ahead. As well as your hands you suffered three broken ribs and a fractured ankle" the doctor explained. "That cast will need to stay on for at least six weeks. I'll let you rest, I'll be around if you have any questions".

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