Would You Go With Me - JDM

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"I'm really glad you guys talked me into coming out tonight" Quinn told her girlfriends.

"It's not so easy" Rosie laughed.

"I'll say... you are such a hermit sometimes Q!" Natasha added.

"I know... I know..." Quinn chuckled.

Quinn had always been a shy girl. In high school she was the kind of girl that would have been really popular if she had have been more outgoing. She preferred singing in the school choir over being picked for the cheerleading squad. She'd much rather stay at home with a good book or movie than go out to parties. She liked to keep a few close friends rather than a whole group of acquaintances. That's just how she was, and she liked it that way. Although a little confidence wouldn't have been such a bad thing, but she was always about staying true to who you are.

"So you guys have been here before?" she asked her friends.

"Rosie came here for a hens party one night" Natasha told her.

"Oh man that was such a good night!" Rosie smiled as she reminisced. "The cocktails were fabulous, which in a little country bar like this you wouldn't think so. And the open mic was a hoot!"

"That is soooo not happening!" Quinn laughed, knowing her friends would love to get her up on the stage.

"Oh c'mon Q! Your voice is amazing... you really should let people hear it" Natasha almost whined.

"I do let people hear it"

"Who... the choir back in high school, And... Us?"

"Exactly!" she defended.

"Quinn we graduated 4 years ago... How about I order you a cocktail and then we'll see how you feel?" Rosie asked.

"Alright... go on then" she smiled at her friend, simply humouring her, she had no real intention of actually going through with it.

The girls were halfway through their cocktails when one of the bartenders got up on the small stage and put a call out for anyone wanting to go up and sing with the small band. Immediately the girls looked at Quinn and she shook her head furiously. "No I'm not ready yet" she hissed quietly.

"Over here!!" They heard a deep voice call out and a man got up and made his way over to the stage as his friends whistled and cheered in encouragement.

"How're yall doing tonight?" the man asked the crowd as he took the mic in his hand.

"Oh my fucking god!!" Natasha whispered. "Guys look!! That's Jensen fucking Ackles!! Holy shit" she swooned.

"Where the hell did he come from?" Quinn asked.

"That table over there" Rosie said as they all looked over to see his Supernatural cast mate Jared Padalecki, a couple of other guys and none other than Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

"Oh fuck!" Quinn said in shock. She was a huge fan of JDM. "There is no way you guys are getting me up on stage now!" she laughed as she quickly drank the last of her cocktail. "I'm gonna need another drink".

"I can't believe these guys are here" Natasha said, unable to wipe the huge grin off her face as Jensen began to sing Tennessee Whiskey in his deep and smooth tone.

The girls all sat and listened as they sipped at another round of drinks. As Jensen finished up the whole room applauded and he made his way back to the table where all his friends cheered.

"I'm just gonna run to the ladies room, back in a minute" Rosie said as she dashed off.

"You ok there Nat?" Quinn asked as her friend still seemed to be in a daze over getting to witness Jensen Ackles sing.

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