Bakery Beauty Part 2 Negan Au

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A special request for daddyjess.

Valentina stood in her kitchen cooking dinner, a glass of red wine in her hand, nervously debating whether she should text Negan. She didn't want to come across as too desperate texting him so soon. But... he had told her to.

'Jesus V... grow some balls. Just text the guy! What is the worst that could happen. Besides texting is so much easier than face to face' she thought to herself.

There was only one thing she could do at a time like this... call Josie, so she picked up her phone and dialed the number hoping her friend was awake.

"Hey Girl" came her happy answer.

"Hey Jos! You will never believe what happened today".

"Ooh what!? Did you flirt with Negan?"

"I tried" Valentina laughed.

"Oh babe... did you crash and burn?"

"Not exactly. But I did embarass myself by telling him he had a gorgeous body".

"Oh my god you didn't?" Josie laughed.

"I did... it just slipped out" V giggled. "Anyway... my flirting can't have been too shit coz he gave me his number!" She practically squealed with excitement.

"Yay! Babe I'm so fucking proud right now! Have you called him? Or text him?"

"I'm too scared".

"C'mon girl. Texting is easy. You got this. If that man is all kinds of sexy like you say he is you gotta grab a hold of him asap!"

"Oh believe me... I would love nothing more than to grab a hold of him" Valentina chuckled.

"That's the V I know and love" Josie laughed. "Go for it V. If he doesn't fall in love with you then he's a fucking moron" she encouraged.

"Alright. I'll give it a shot. Wish me luck that I don't fuck this up" she joked.

"You'll be fine Babe. Trust me. Just be yourself. Coz who you are is amazing"

"Thanks Jo... what would I do without you. Love you to the moon and back bitch!" She giggled.

"Love you too bitch" Josie replied as she ended the call.

'Alright... so just text the man. You can do it. Just say Hi... it's that simple. Don't over think shit.'

"Fuck it" she spoke aloud as she grabbed her phone and typed a simple message.

V: Hey Negan :)

Putting her phone back down she did her best to ignore it and not check it every five seconds, continuing on with cooking her dinner. Serving up a plate she flopped down on the couch with her best bud Domino, her loyal Border Collie, and turned on Netflix. When her phone buzzed with a message every nerve in her body tingled with anticipation and she suddenly became very nervous. Picking it up she smiled as she read it.

N: Well hey there Beautiful. I was hoping to hear from you :) How was the rest of your day?

'There he goes again... calling you Beautiful. God could this man be any more fucking sweet! Play it cool V... calm your shit and try to act like a normal person... flirt a little'

V: Busy, but pretty uneventful unlike my morning ;)

N: Really? What made your morning so damn eventful?

'Oh I see how it is. You wanna act like you don't know that seeing you is the highlight of my fucking day' she laughed to herself.

V: Oh you know not much... just this charming and attractive guy gave me his number ;)

'Fuck V... what are you doing?'

N: Did he now? Have I got some competition? Am I gonna have to fight him for you? ;) I'm pretty good with a baseball bat. I could take out his knee caps.

V: You're assuming I'm a girl worth fighting over.

'For Christ sakes Valentina, don't let your insecurities get the better of you. Stay cool'.

N: Beautiful... you are definitely worth fucking fighting for.

V: Smooth. Very smooth Negan.

N: I try. So, what are you up to Sweetheart?

V: I don't think you have to try very hard. I'm just chilling with Domino.

N: Who's Domino? Should I be jealous?

V: Not unless you think my Border Collie is competition. Why are you a jealous man by nature Negan?

N: I can be when I want a girl all to myself. I don't share. But I could make an exception for your dog.

V: How kind of you. I think he appreciates that.

N: I think Domino might have one over on me. He probably already stole your heart. How the fuck could I compete with that? ;) I bet he's god damn adorable.

V: He's pretty fucking cute. But I think there's room in my life for a handsome man.

N: Well then Beautiful, how about I take you to dinner tomorrow night? Then I can really fucking win you over.

'Is this man... this fucking sex on legs really asking me out to dinner right now? Oh good fucking lord! Well there is no way in hell I am passing up this opportunity. Please for the love of God, don't let me make a complete dick of myself.'

V: I'd like that :)

N: Do you like Italian?

V: Love it.

N: Fucking perfect. I'll pick you up at 6?

V: It's a date.

N: It sure as shit is Beautiful.

V: What should I wear. Casual? Formal? Something in between? I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.

N: You're too fucking adorable. Semi formal Sweetheart. I'm sure you will look beautiful in anything. And good luck not standing out. You are fucking gorgeous, you can't help but stand out.

Seriously!? This dude is too much! How the fuck am I going to make it through this date. He's already making me nervous.

V: You are such a sweet talker Negan.

N: One of my many talents Beautiful.

V: Really? And what are your others?

N: You'll have to wait until at least the second date...

V: I'm intrigued.

N: You'll be much more than intrigued Sweetheart.

V: You do realize that when I'm around you I turn into a fumbling stuttering mess right?

N: Yup! It is fucking adorable. I love the shit out of it.

V: So that's your kink huh? You like making a girl weak at the knees.

N: I have a few kinks Babygirl... and I got a few tricks to make you weak at the knees ;)

V: You're such a tease.

N: You ain't seen fucking nothing yet Sweetheart.

V: Good fucking lord...

N: Language.

V: Don't act like you don't love it. You have a potty mouth too.

N: I do... and I do love it. Sweet dreams Beautiful. I'll talk to you tomorrow xo.

V: Night Negan x.

So that went... surprisingly well! Great job keeping it together V! You even fucking flirted with him. Keep that shit up, don't mess this up now. The man is clearly fucking into you... easier said than done though right?

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