Submission - Negan

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Over the past few weeks Negan had developed a fascination of sorts with one of the female Saviours. She was small but fierce and she commanded respect. He loved that in a woman. She wasn't overly feminine, and didn't seem to care too much about what people thought of her. She was more like one of the guys, not afraid to get her hands dirty and her casual conversation was littered with curse words, just the way he liked it. She had a wicked sense of humour and she gave as good as she got from him.

Negan made no secret about the fact that he wanted to get her into bed, but of course she was playing hard to get... and that made it even more thrilling. Today was like every other day, he found her out in the yard working on one of the trucks enjoying the way she smiled triumphantly when she turned the key and it started.

"You know Darlin', you can get my motor running anytime" he smirked as he leaned up against the truck, Lucille hung lazily over his shoulder.

"You'd love that wouldn't you?" she countered.

"More than you know" he grinned, not at all ashamed to reveal what he truly felt.

"It's gonna take a bit more than you flashing that smile and those dimples my way to get into my pants" she laughed.

"So what's it gonna take then Darlin'?"

"Oh trust me Negan... you wouldn't be able to handle me" she smiled as she wiped her greasy hands on a rag.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Delilah" he grinned.

"I know how much you like to be in control" she said to her leader. "And I'm betting that trait extends to the bedroom too" she whispered low in his ear.

"Damn right Darlin'" he grinned cockily.

"Well here lies our problem... you could have me... if you could give up that control" she smiled slyly. "Come see me when you're ready for that" she said with a wink before she turned to leave.

"Jesus woman you drive a hard bargain" Negan muttered to himself. He had never been one to give up control. She was right about him, he liked to have control in all aspects of his life, especially when it came to the bedroom. God damn he wanted this woman... but did he want her enough to let go of that control? Could he surrender himself to her?


It had been two weeks since his encounter with Delilah and Negan was going insane with the idea of having her. It didn't help that she knew it too. The way she would strut around the Sanctuary with her tight jeans and white tank top covered in grease and grime and looking sexy as fuck. His own mind was torturing him with thoughts of her, her body naked and covered in sweat as she rode him hard. He knew that he had to have her, whatever it took he needed this woman. His fascination with her was quickly becoming an obsession and he couldn't shake the thought of her from his mind.

He approached her in the workshop as she was tinkering with one of the cars, clearing his throat to announce his presence.

"Are you finally giving in to temptation Negan?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder at him with a cocky smile plastered on her face. Knowing full well that the way she was leaning over to inspect the engine was giving him a perfect view of her ass.

"A man can only endure so much torture" he laughed.

She stood up and turned to face him, cleaning off her hands. "Are you willing to give up control?"

"I'll do whatever I have to if it means I can have you" he said seriously as he approached her, getting right into her space, his lips mere inches from hers.

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