Reprimanded - Negan AU

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Sian had worked her office job for a little over six months. Her boss was a cocky arrogant asshole but god damn he was attractive. The moment he walked into a room with his confident swagger all the woman swooned. Every single one of them flirted with him, everyone except Sian. Why? Simple, she believed he was out of her league. And unlike the rest of the sluts in the office she valued herself and she had dignity. She didn't feel the need to throw herself at him.

It was hard not to flirt with him, the man was practically sex on legs. But she found the fact that he flirted with all the other women pissed her off. Sparking some sort of unreasonable jealousy within her. More so recently than ever, so she tried to distance herself from him. It's not like she had any right to be jealous. He wasn't hers.

But that didn't mean she couldn't admire the man from afar. That smug bastard in his tailored suit complete with a waistcoat, tie and matching pocket square. Why was he so god damn sexy? There really should be a law against it. How was any woman... or man if they were that way inclined, supposed to get a shred of work done.

Sometimes she would let her mind wander, thinking about how his salt and pepper beard would feel against her skin. She had seen his chest hair on days where he'd removed his tie and wondered just how far down that went. Not to mention how well equipped he was. Oh yes. She had thought about that many times. It wasn't hard to imagine, what with the obvious bulge in his tight fitting suit pants. The man was certainly packing. Sometimes she longed to find out, so much so that her panties were soaked by the time the day was through. Having to hurry home to relieve the ache between her thighs.

She stared blankly at her computer screen as thoughts of Negan once again clouded her mind. The deep and sexy growl and the sinful profanities that left his perfect lips with every sentence he spoke. She could just imagine the kind of filthy things he might say during sex. And now she found herself clenching her thighs together again as the heat pooled between her legs.

"Sian!" Came a deep growl snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Negan staring at her, a slightly angry expression on his face.

"Yes Negan?" She said softly, knowing he hated it when anyone used his last name.

"My office, now!" Negan growled.

"Yes Sir" Sian replied as she got up and followed him in to his office, wondering what she might have done wrong. He closed the door behind her and sauntered over to his desk and sat on the edge, his hands braced on the hard mahogany on either side.

"Take a seat" He said, his voice slightly less angry now. "What's going on with you?"

"I- I'm not sure what you mean Sir?"

"You've been really fucking distracted lately. Not to fucking mention you've barely said two fucking words to me every day for the past few weeks" he told her.

"I... I wasn't sure you'd noticed".

"Course I fucking have. I notice everything that goes on around here. Now I'd like a fucking explanation".

"I'm s-sorry. I don't have one for you".

"Well your work must be suffering for a damn reason. Do I have to write you up an official warning for wasting company time?"

"Please don't Sir".

"Then talk Sian. Has something happened here that is bothering you? Is one of those pencil dicked assholes harassing you? Because you know I will shut that shit down".

"No Negan. It's not that. I just, I'm having a hard time focussing".

"Yeah I can see that. Why?"

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Collection Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon