Coffee, Black. - Jason Crouse

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Every week day for the past month a somewhat scruffy, but very handsome man had been coming in to the diner and ordering the exact same thing. He came religiously, like clockwork. 8am, every single morning. He would sit in the same spot and order a black coffee.

Breanna had the pleasure of being his waitress each day. And it truly was a pleasure. The man was handsome as hell and always so polite and charming. And every time he spoke in that deep and sexy tone... damn it did things to her. Not only that, but it made her wish that he would do things to her. Naughty things. Unspeakable things. The man was the stuff of dreams... filthy dreams.

As usual, the man she now knew as Jason Crouse sauntered in to the diner and took a seat at his usual table. She had actually taken to making sure it was always clear for him. Smoothing out her apron and quickly checking herself in the small mirror behind the counter she wandered over to take his order. Of course she could have saved time by just bringing it straight to him, it was always the same thing. But, she enjoyed the conversation.

"Morning Mr Crouse" she smiled sweetly as she approached.

"Morning Breanna" he smiled. "Please call me Jason. Mr Crouse makes me feel old. And we're friends now" he said with a charming grin.

"How are you doing today Jason?" She asked, loving the way his name just rolled off her tongue.

"I'm great. You?"

"Pretty good" she smiled. "The usual today?"

"Yes please" he said, flashing her another devastatingly handsome smile.

"I'll be right back" she said as she disappeared to make his coffee.

Returning a couple of minutes later she placed it down on the table in front of him. "Here you go".

"Thank you Darlin" he grinned.

"You're welcome" Breanna smiled. She began to clear a near by table as he continued to chat to her.

"So what do you do Jason? You know, for a job. You've been coming in all this time and I still don't know what you do"

"Looking at me, what is it that you think I would do?" He asked curiously.

"Hmm well... you kind of have that undercover cop look about you" she giggled. "But you're also very intelligent, and when you put your glasses on you look like you should be a college professor or something" she said making him chuckle. "How'd I do?" She asked as she stacked up some dirty cups.

"Pretty close actually. I worked as a lawyer for a number of years. Now I'm a private investigator".

"That sounds like a pretty exciting job" she smiled.

"It can be at times. When's your next break?"

"In about twenty minutes".

"Join me?"

"Um okay, sure" she smiled as she gathered up the pile of dirty dishes. "Be back soon".

Twenty minutes later Breanna returned to Jason's table, without her apron on this time. She took a seat opposite him with a glass of orange juice and a double chocolate chip muffin.

"You don't usually stick around this long" she observed.

"Well, originally I was here on a job. A jealous husband suspected his wife of cheating. He hired me to get him answers" Jason explained.

"Oh. And did you get the answers he was looking for?"

"Kind of" he chuckled.

"Only kind of?"

"Well she was cheating, it just wasn't with another man like he thought".

"Oh wow... what a twist" she giggled.

"I know right? Anyway, the job is done now so I'm not on any time restrictions" he smiled.

"I take it you like the coffee here then, since you decided to keep coming back".

"Yeah, the coffee is pretty good. But there was something else drawing me back" he grinned.

Breanna looked at him a little confused, not really sure what he meant since he never ordered any food. "What's that?"

"You" he said with a charming grin.

"Me?" She asked a little gobsmacked.

"You. You're cute, sweet and funny. What's not to like?".

"Thank you" she smiled bashfully.

"Just telling it how it is" he smiled. "I was actually hoping I could take you to dinner sometime?" He asked, making her choke a little on her orange juice.

"I'm sorry... I just wasn't expecting that" she laughed turning a light shade of pink.

"C'mon... I'm sure guys ask you out all the time".

"Well not all the time, but the ones that do are usually creepy weirdos, not smart, handsome men like you" she smiled.

"So... is that a yes?"

"Yes, it's a yes" Breanna grinned.

"Can I get your number?"

"Of course" she said as he handed her his phone. She typed her name and number into his contacts and handed it back to him.

"So Breanna, why do you work here? I know from our conversations that you're intelligent. Not that this is a bad job or anything but... you have so much potential".

"I actually go to night school. This just pays for college" she smiled.

"Smart girl. Getting through college debt free. What are you studying?"

"Don't laugh".

"I won't"

"Law. I want to be a lawyer".

"Well... what a coincidence" he grinned.

"Sure is" Breanna agreed.

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