Tell Me Your Secrets - Denny

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Jupiter Jackson had been one of Denny's nurses for a couple of years on and off during each of his stints at Seattle Grace Hospital. To say that her and Denny had developed a friendship would be an understatement. Their connection transcended everything. They understood one another like no one else ever had.

The two of them had the same dirty sense of humour, and their ability to make eachother laugh was something that really helped Denny through his time spent there. 'Joop' as he affectionately called her, often visited him even when she wasn't working, keeping his spirits up.

Denny had a knack for making dirty words in scrabble, and it always amazed her how often he came up with something that had a suggestive meaning. Often resulting in the two of them laughing hysterical, which wasn't always good for Denny's heart.

"'Jerk' Denny?? Really?" Joop laughed.

"What?" He asked acting all innocent, but his smirk said it all.

"You can't help but play dirty words can you".

"There's nothing dirty about it" he smiled. "It is by definition a sudden movement" he grinned.

"Yeah... this movement" Jupiter smiled as she made a wanking gesture with her hand and Denny let out a hearty chuckle.

"Hey, it was your dirty mind that took it there".

"Don't pretend like your head wasn't already in the gutter. You forget that I know you Denny" she quipped.

"Yeah you do" he grinned. "I feel like I should know more about you though" he said with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah? What do you wanna know?"

"Tell me your deepest, darkest secret" Denny grinned.

"Oh Denny... your poor heart couldn't handle that" Jupiter replied with a cheeky wink.

"Oh man. Now I gotta know! C'mon..."

"I will not be held responsible for making your heart stop".

"You're no fun" he pouted.

"Yeah, well I want you to walk out of here some day soon".

"Is that all you want Joop?" Denny grinned.

"You'd like to know wouldn't you".

"Of course"

"Tell you what... I'll make you a deal. You get better, get yourself a new heart and then we can revisit this conversation" Jupiter bargained.

"Alright deal" he smiled as he held out his cold hand and she shook it gently.

Two months later Denny had been given a new heart and discharged from hospital with a clean bill of health. The first thing he did when he got settled back in was ask Jupiter out on a date. Of course there was no way in hell she was ever going to say no. They took things slow at first, getting used to the new dynamic of Denny being healthy. There was always a lot of sexual tension between them, but neither of them wanted to risk taking things too far too quickly so soon after Denny's surgery.

They had been dating for three weeks when Jupiter invited him around for dinner, cooking him one of his favourite meals. As they sat in front of the fire enjoying the quiet music playing in the background a mischievous grin spread across Denny's face.

"I know that look" Jupiter said as she eyed him.

"I just remembered something".

"Yeah? What's that?"

"You and I had a deal... I get a new heart and you tell me your deepest, darkest secret" Denny grinned.

"Right... thought you forgot" she laughed.

"You hoped I did" he countered. "So C'mon, spill".

"You sure you're new heart can take this?"

"Well that depends. Just how bad is it?"

"I wouldn't say it's bad... you'd probably like it. A little too much actually" she giggled.

"Oh so its dirty? I should have known. You gotta tell me" he smiled as he perched his face on his hand and looked across at her.

"Okay so... in med school I had a fling with one of the doctors I was working with on my placement".

"Oh you naughty girl" he chuckled. "Was he married?"

"Well... this is where it gets interesting".

"Do tell" Denny grinned.

"She.... it was a she. And no she wasn't married"

"Wait what? But you're not-"

"Gay? Nope. No I'm not" Jupiter laughed.

"So your bi-sexual?"

"No... well yes I guess.... maybe?" She laughed.

"I'm so confused" Denny chuckled.

"Okay so I'm not attracted to women in general. But every now and then, there might be a woman that I just find myself oddly attracted to, and I think it's personality more than looks you know? And that's what happened with Melissa. I mean she was hot, but she just had this way about her that drew me in".

"So what exactly did happen with Melissa?"

"C'mon I'm not gonna go into detail. You'd enjoy that way too much".

"Okay okay... just tell me how it started?"

"Okay fine..." Jupiter laughed.


"You're like a kid in a damn candy store".

"I'm a guy, what can I say. So... spill. How did she turn you?"

"She didn't turn me" Jupiter countered.

"Okay then, how did she sway you?" Denny teased.

"So... like I said I just found myself strangely attracted to her. She had this great sense of humour. Kind of like you actually. And these big beautiful green eyes. Not to mention a very charming and cheeky dimpled smile. Again, not unlike you. She was probably kind of like a female Denny" Jupiter laughed.

"Anyway, she had this way about her, so confident and cheeky. She had spunk you know? It started off with just harmless flirtation. She was openly lesbian, and she made no secret about that fact that she was into me. Me, well obviously I'm into guys so I downplayed my feelings for her".

"So she made the first move then?" Denny asked.

"Yeah, kinda. One day she cornered me in the supply closet. We had this moment where we were just looking deep into each other's eyes. Mel reaches out and brushes the pad of her thumb across my upper lip. Slowly she traces it over my bottom lip, dragging it down ever so gently so that my mouth was slightly open. I don't know what came over me but I slipped my tongue out and softly touched her thumb. Next thing I know my lips and on hers and we are making out in the storage cupboard" Jupiter blushed.

"Well damn... that's hot" Denny chuckled. "If I knew that's what it took to get you to kiss me I would have tried that a long time ago".

"Even though we've kissed already... you still could".

"You want me to?"

"I want you to do all sorts of things Denny" she smiled cheekily.

"Damn you'll make my heart stop beating and it's brand new".

"We can't have that. I won't allow it. We have so many things we need to do".


"Yeah" Jupiter smiled.

"God you're so beautiful when you smile Joop" Denny grinned as he reached out and brushed her cheek with his now warm hand. Leaning in he pressed his lips against hers ever so softly. "I gotta know... who's the better kisser? Me or Mel?"

"You hands down" Jupiter grinned. "Now shut up and kiss me again".

"Yes Ma'am".

So this was something slightly different for me.
Hope you all enjoyed it.
Love me some Denny.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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