The Help - Negan

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Serenity had been working in the kitchen ever since she had arrived at the Sanctuary. She had been there a little over six months, and in the last month she had been tasked with taking Negan his meals.

She didn't mind the job itself, but what seemed to come along with it bothered her. Negan, he was an asshole but he was okay. He was never nasty to her, in fact if anything it was the opposite. He was flirtatious and suggestive. But that wasn't what she didn't like. What she hated was the way his so called wives treated her.

Every time she had to take him a meal she had to walk through the lounge room where they all hung out. And those women, well, they may have been pretty but their attitudes and their personalities were anything but. They were nothing but ugly on the inside.

As usual Serenity was taking Negan's dinner to his room as he had requested. She walked into the lounge room and all eyes were on her in an instant.

"Well if it isn’t the help" Sherry mocked, making the others laugh.

"How's the life of a slave?" Frankie added. When Serenity was about to open her mouth she cut her off. "Oh wait... we don't actually care" she laughed.

She wanted nothing more to put those bitches in their place, but she knew better than to start shit with them. Whether they deserved it or not, she would be the one to pay for it.

"What the hell kind of name is Serenity anyway?" Amber teased.

"I wouldn't expect any of you to know what it means. I doubt any of you have ever picked up a fucking book in your life" she finally bit back.

"Excuse me?" Sherry retorted.

"You heard me" Serenity ground out.

"Are you calling us dumb? Huh slave?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying" she countered standing her ground. "You skate by on your looks, but you have nothing else going for you".

"At least we aren't ugly gutter trash" Amber smirked.

"As if Negan would take so much as a second look at you cinderella" Sherry mocked.

"I'd rather be gutter trash with half a brain than a two bit skank who sells herself for safety" Serenity spat.

"Skank? Who the hell are you calling a skank?" Sherry growled as she slapped her hard across the face, her sharp nails scratching into her soft skin in the process. Serenity almost dropped the tray as she stumbled backwards. "Get back to your job... kitchen bitch" Sherry smirked.

Serenity glared at her, before she turned and wandered towards Negan's door and knocked softly but there was no reply. She began to get antsy, needing to get away from those bitches as soon as possible. She knocked again, a little harder this time.

"Come the fuck in!" Called Negan's deep voice. Opening the door she wandered in, Negan nowhere to be seen so she closed the door behind her and walked over to the sofas and placed the tray on the table between them.

"Evening Sweetheart" Negan spoke up from behind her and she spun around to see him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. His skin was slightly damp still, his dark hair slicked back with tiny droplets slowly making their way down his neck and through the dusting of black hair on his chest. She stood their stunned from the sight before her, unable to form any words. She quickly looked away, her eyes focussing on her shoes.

"It's okay Sweetheart... you can look at the goods. I don't mind" he grinned cockily as he wandered towards her. "What's on the menu tonight?"

"Um... venison and uh... fresh carrots, potatoes and peas. And a side plate of bread" she told him.

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