Work of Art Pt2

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Five months down the track Del had managed to regain around sixty percent of her normal hand function. She still attended physiotherapy sessions twice a week and hoped that in time she might regain a bit more. She was able to write, but her scrawl resembled that of a child given the constant tremor in her hand. It had lessened over time, but still lingered. Her dream of ever being able to draw again was slipping through her now damaged fingers.

It had been a total of nine months since the accident and Del was still trying to piece her life back together. Due to the limited function in her hands her parents had insisted that she move back home for the foreseeable future so that they could support her with tasks she couldn't do on her own and aid her in her rehabilitation.

The day that Jeff had sent her the video message he had also begun following her on twitter. He commented on every tweet she put up about her recovery with words of encouragement and it gave her the strength to keep on pushing through.

Her twenty third birthday was coming up and her parents had suggested throwing a party but Del really didn't feel like it. Since the accident her spirit had been somewhat broken. During the time of her recovery she found out who her true friends were. The ones who messaged or called every week to see how she was doing. The ones who visited while she was in hospital. And then there were the ones who simply didn't seem to care. They never bothered to check on her. Never bothered to visit. Just pretended like the whole thing never happened. Needless to say her circle of friends had become a lot smaller since the accident. And if she was honest with herself she preferred it that way. She had come to realise that life was too short to waste time on people who aren't there for you when you need them.

So instead of a party her parents thought long and hard about what they could do that would really lift her spirits. That's when her best friend Mia suggested they get her a photo op with Jeffrey Dean Morgan at the upcoming Comic Con. It was the most perfect idea!

On the day of her birthday her parents surprised her with it, and the look on her face said it all. Mia captured the whole thing on camera and posted it on twitter, tagging both Del and JDM. Delphi was so happy she was in tears. The gift meant the absolute world to her. She was finally going to get the chance to meet her idol.

A couple of hours later when Del checked her twitter she saw that Jeff had commented on the video of her reaction to the gift. It read 'You are too fucking adorable Del! Can't wait to see you at Comic Con and give you the biggest hug. Much love. XoJD.'

The day of Comic Con had finally come and Del was so god damn nervous she felt like she was going to throw up. Mia went along with her and they waited in a long line for her turn to meet Jeff. She was a trembling mess. They were one of the last ones in the line so they had to wait a while but it would be totally worth it.

As the line slowly dwindled she got closer and closer to the front, and her nerves grew with each step. She was up next and on the verge of panicking. "How do I look?" She said as she turned to Mia.

"Fucking stunning girl!" She smiled as she tousled Del's dark blonde curls. "He's gonna adore the hell outta you, you damn cutie".

"Thanks Babe" Del smiled.

"Your turn. Go get em girl" Mia grinned excitedly.

Del smiled back at her before turning and nervously walking towards Jeff. As she approached him she managed to put a few words together. "Hi... I -I'm-" she began, only to be cut off by Jeff who had a gorgeous smile on his face.

"Del" he finished with a smile. "It's so good to finally meet you! Come here girl!" He said as he pulled her into a tight hug and she melted into his embrace. The smell of him filled her nostrils, musk, leather and cigarettes. A combination so uniquely him. "How are you doing Darlin?"

"I-I'm good.... nervous" she giggled.

"Aww don't be Sweetheart. You and I are friends. I've been following your recovery. Looks like your doing well?" He smiled warmly as he kept one arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah... it's a slow process. But I'm getting there. I really appreciate your support and kind words. It really helps me on those rough days".

"No problem. Anything I can do to help. What's your function like now?"

"About sixty five percent. I can write again, it's not very legible but it's slowly getting better. The tremor has lessened a little too" she said as she held out her shaking hands. "Although my nerves right now are probably making that worse" she blushed.

Jeffrey took her hands in his and inspected the scars that ran up the length of every single one of her fingers. "Wow... that looks like one hell of a surgery you had".

"It was pretty crazy" she agreed.

"They look like they are healing nicely though" he said as he ran his finger along the scars.

"They are looking a lot better than they did a couple months after the surgery that's for sure".

"I'm so glad that your recovery is coming along. And I hope it continues for you. You are so fucking strong Del, don't ever forget that. And even if these hands never draw again, you still have so much to offer this world" he smiled as he brought her hands up and planted a sweet kiss on each one making her blush like mad.

"Thank you" she grinned.

"You're very welcome. You ready to take that photo?"


"What pose do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Can I umm... Can I just get a hug please?" She replied shyly.

"Absolutely Darlin. Bring it in!" He smiled as he opened his arms to her. She wrapped her arms around his slender waist and he wrapped his around her, cradling her head with one hand against his chest as they both smiled at the camera.

"Thank you" Del smiled as she released him. "This has been the absolute best day of my whole fucking life" she smiled excitedly.

"My pleasure. Keep in touch okay Del. I wanna know how you're doing" he smiled.

"Of course. Thank you Jeff... for everything. It means a lot to me that you care".

"You're a beautiful person inside and out, always remember that. It was great to finally meet you. Take care of yourself Sweetheart" he smiled as he gave her one last hug and then placed a sweet kiss to her forehead. Del damn near melted into a puddle on the floor.

"See ya" She smiled, blowing him a quick kiss before making her way back over to Mia who grinned excitedly and pulled her into a hug.

"Best fucking day ever!" Del smiled.

"Hell yes!" Mia agreed.

I hope you all enjoyed part 2 of this story. It's been rolling around in my brain and I just had to get it out
Much love.

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